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I need more ideas...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 04 7:37 pm
by Dae
I need more ideas for Funline maps... i really lost all of them. I don't want to finish maps i planned for some time because i lost interest in it's creating. Maybe, soon, i'll finish it.
And now i need more ideas.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 04 12:33 am
by Aussiefella
da, i am same, i have map thats been in my creation process for sometime, now i have talked about it to much and im bored with it!

ok ideas:

A. Maybe something like a big football oval with grandstands and food stalls, people can climb up those big lights that shine down?

B. lol, im out of ideas to, and your not having my real idea because im using it weeeee! :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 04 1:42 pm
by ~D[A]rren~
couldn't you create like a town/city centre with lots of shops and people walking around, and if you really got that far you could maybe walk into the shop where an alpha member would have the code for the counter door and a person could buy stuff etc. (this would take a long time though wouldn't it?)
I also like your idea aussie as well.


PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 04 9:26 pm
by Kaiser
maybe you could make a map with two bases one for nsf and one for unatco with boxes or curved walls that you can take cover from outside the bases.and each base with some secret places where good weapons could be. and you could have a few vantage points for each base.and make the music good like dance mix or nyc citystreets2. you could have a couple of autoturrets for each base too and then maybe a ladder going to the roof of the base where you could snipe from.... hope you like my idea i will try and think of lots more for IALPHAI

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 04 7:11 am
by Aussiefella
JC!!! shut up, that was my idea that i didnt want to say to anyone so they couldnt steal it!!! now everyone will know!! :'(

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 04 4:58 pm
by ~D[A]rren~
what idea, the one i came up with about the town?


PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 04 7:15 am
by Aussiefella
YES FOR FUCKS SAKE!, i had great plans for that map! so dont say anything more!