Introducing DXCounty at

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Introducing DXCounty at

Postby Imperial » Sun Apr 15, 07 10:22 pm

Introducing to you DXCounty, at forums and the website which is in working stages
The forums are kindly hosted by Trestkon and website by Roi from Fgs-

What orginally started off as the DXMN and a support forum for a gm server has now evolved into something bigger and better. Why give half the package when the full one is better

Now home to the DXMN, in the summer host to the ogi Gaming Experience server Support forums, as well as Reviewing the latest maps and mods, a singleplayer zone for sp fans, and hosting the DXAG mod( When I say host, I mean forum space where Ben will post the latest updates and news on dxag, as well as you being able to apply to become apart of the project, at the address

Also, Discussion on the most popular sp mods at the moment, unreleased and released( carone forum will soon be added) with a dedicated DXMP forum, for your earliest memories of dx, God knows we've got plenty of them, screenshot storage as well as hoping to boast a Demorec Archive, we have aimed the forum at all dx players, whether you be sp or mp, a mapper, coder, or just want the latest deus ex news, or status on dx mods all in one place

We also plan to interview various people in each deus ex Newsletter, the next release due this summer, a new feature, adding more things than before, to improve on our previous 2 issues

Also, will be launching the regular deus ex newsflash, which updates you as news happens

We also have a clan section, which lets you advertise your clan and talk about the latest clan wars etc. etc.

The DXAG section looks to be interesting as well.
I am also considering a German/ or french forum, dedicated to those speakers, so it will accomadate for more than just one language

Then, of course, we have the off topicness

I am a firm beleiver in having things all in one place, so instead of having things scattered around, and such, we have put them together.

So whether you want to know the latest on DXAG, get up to date on community news, whether its sp or mp, get informed on your favourite sp modifications and mp ones, see what the latest work mappers have to offer, watch good old fashioned demorecs, browse through new and old screenshots, or advertise your latest deus ex clan, DXCounty provides

We also hope to be getting a website, we have the neccesary tools, i jsut need somone who is good at making websites/ experience with Plesk, the website will cover guides( we are avoiding similarity in that area as much as possible, with the knowledge base) a deus ex timeline, latest clan wars and more, if you have any ideas, share them in the main centre.

We are looking for Moderators, someone who has experience in site creating, as well as those interested in things such as deus ex news

For now, the bigger positions to be covered however, is moderators, site creators and then freelancers/ those who do contribute, will be considered for a dxocunty staff position. This is not a clan
Hope you will drop by.. link is in topic name as well as on top of page
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good at making banners?

Postby Imperial » Sat Apr 28, 07 10:03 pm

lol firstly, thanks for stopping by!

I'm bumping this because I was wondering can anyone make a good banner?

We intend to replace the blue Aura banner with a dxcounty one, so I would appreciate it :)

Btw thanks Dae for that site, I love the skin :)
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