Your Deus Ex story

Discussion about the original game by Ion Storm. Also known as Deus Ex: The Conspiracy.

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How you played in DX at first time?

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Your Deus Ex story

Postby Zonder » Tue Dec 02, 03 8:36 am

In this topic I want hear your's DX storys - when and how you first play into DX.
I think this will be very interesting :P
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Let's GO! Zonder's Deus Ex story

Postby Zonder » Tue Dec 02, 03 8:37 am

When I first start Deus Ex(It was not on my home computer - In those time I hadn't my own comp!) I begun play in only Training. When I finished it my friend(this comp was him's) was some amazing - he can't finished training.
After 5-7 month (Tada!) I buy comp(My own comp :D ). It was the best thing what I can imagine. Hovewer I get many games(I mean CDs) among them was Deus Ex. When I installed them, I was very long time listening and seeing those incredible abstraction metal thing's(I mean DX Symbol). I start Training(Because it cool, it take your what DX is meant and what DX represent) then I start SP. I played and played :twisted:
It was wonderful!!! I read item's description, I ran under shadows, I spoke with peoples, I saw thats beautiful locations... I think all peoples here understand me 8) because :!: DX unite us :!:
But when I went through first mission(I came into UNATCO HQ) I saved and exit(I played in DX something about 5 hours). After that when I start it in next time this was one bug: mouse cursor was pulling and it's can't be playable :evil:
Because I have many else games I didn't play in DX. After I accidentally uninstall DX(This was big mistake)...

After else 5-7 months I came to my friend and got DX CD again. And at this moment was started THE GOLDEN AGE OF MY DEUS EX...
I played... this was summer(vacations... hmmmmmm). I finished it after I month... I played on realistic(It not so hard like it may be listened). I was killing all who was red(This wasn't blood shooter like :twisted: , I'm only want collect all items), I collect all items, I was opened (What I can opened) all hiden locations. I spoke with all whom can sad...

About weapons[yeah! thats all cool weapon! All models are cool! :twisted: ]: I loved GEP gun quickly(What a great model!), but I never used him for killing peoples; I used shock, minibow, baton, in some case - assault riffle. For crates - I had nanosword(when I get them).

And last what I want say: NO CHEATS! With them you can't be a real DX player... Cheats killing you...
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Postby BrennyBoy » Tue Dec 02, 03 7:47 pm

It was hilerious the first time I played DX. In the first level I didnt realise that the unatco headquaters was on our side. I though it was just another part of the NFS base. So I went and killed by sniping all the Unatco guards at the base!
I then compleated tyhe mission. However when I was told to go back to the base I was greeteed by my borther. However as I had shot the guards instead of greeting me he just shot me dead!!!!!
It took me a good week before I tried it again coz that really pissed me off as it had taken over an hour to compleate the mission and I would have to do it all over again!
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Postby C:Enter:£££ » Sat Dec 13, 03 9:33 pm

The first time i played it was on the ps2. and when i got home i shoved it in and i played it, and played it and played it. i thought the near enough free will thing was well good, the option to choose what u say. and ne way, i still played it 3months down the line(completing it with all 3 different endings, without cheating) and then i got rid of my ps2 and just totally forgot about this game. then one day i walked into game and it was there for a fiver!! i grabbed it straight away, bought it and took it home and installed it. i played it for ages non-stop in single player. i was going around searching everything because it is sooooo much different from the ps2 version(which is crap compared) and then i saw the multiplayer option, only going on it about 2weeks after buying it, because i didnt know it was online. and i was like WHOA! the ps2 had no multiplayer and i always thought it should have had it in.

DX is better than HalfLife :twisted:
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Postby Shogun » Sat Dec 13, 03 10:04 pm

.I have got that far but the first thing I did was get out the GEP and try and kill 1)The robot that walks around at the start
2)My brother
The first one went well but I found out the second invincible :oops: . I think just because hes a main character and important to the storyline it doesn't give him the right not to die like the rest of us.
When I later realised there was more to the game than this I started off using sniping, but not the kind that involves using a sniper rifle... I used a pistol. To do this I had to use all the accuracy upgrades I got on it and add a laser sight for headshots every time. This strategy worked until the enemies got now you can see why I'm not that far in the game as the pistol is not good against robots n' stuff :oops: .
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Postby Zonder » Sun Dec 14, 03 9:09 am

|ALPHA|MoshMan666 wrote:because it is sooooo much different from the ps2 version(which is crap compared)

Whoa! I think PS2 version much better :) :!:

DX is better than HalfLife :twisted:

There is no question: DX hadn't opponents :D

|ALPHA|Shogun wrote:I started off using sniping, but not the kind that involves using a sniper rifle... I used a pistol. To do this I had to use all the accuracy upgrades I got on it and add a laser sight for headshots every time.

I do the same :D but I used stealthpistol(Two headshots)

This strategy worked until the enemies got the pistol is not good against robots n' stuff

GEPGUN Forever! :twisted:
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Postby Dae » Sun Dec 14, 03 9:12 am

DX is better than HalfLife

Maybe he means HL2 and DX2. Comparing DX1 and HL1 is pointless - DX is much better, by graphics, story, engine, music and etc. But i haven't played HL2 and tryed to play DX2.
DX2 suck :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Zonder » Sun Dec 14, 03 7:24 pm

I don't play in HL2 too. But I know that this is only shooter. It's boring for me: just shooter.
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Postby ¤[A]Raiden¤ » Sat Dec 20, 03 6:14 pm

Half life 2 is suppose to be really good
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Postby Dae » Sat Dec 20, 03 9:57 pm

We don't like shooters.
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Postby Splitter » Sat Dec 27, 03 8:47 pm

Well said...stealth is the only way to do it (unless you need to release some stress, then GEPs away...)
First time I played DX, it was a case of being scared at every point. I'd never played a game like it before so even the dogs were scary.
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Postby Gustertote » Mon Dec 29, 03 1:33 pm

My tactic is simple, destroy all enemies and bots, no matter if there is shadow or tall boxes to hide in, no matter if i hav to jump off high place to get them, just land on their head and shoot downwards (ive only dun this twice and its so cool!) And fighting the men in black, once in MJ12 facility, and was running away, guns ablazing and the almarm sounded. At first i ran, but only encountered more guards. Then i entered the nanotech labs, and SET THE GREASELS ON THEM!!! BUt then the greasels only came after to me, the i run into M.I.B and i was like sheeeeettt!!! so now ive got like 2 bots, gresels, shit loads of MJ12's and 7 M.I.B's! So i was like, im TAKIN no more shit! And i baracaded my self in the Nano tech lab, and set few lams and gazes on the door. And waited....WAVE AFTER WAVE, all of my explosives run out and im like, DURURURURUURURURURU with my assult shotgun....then i stop, and the smoke M.I.B remains...AND ITS SIMONS!!! I WAS LIKE, SIMONS ISNT IN MJ12!! BUT HE WAS STANDING THERE CLEAR AS DAY!! he stood motionless, and then came with his plasma rifle. I WAS LIKE DURUURURURURURU WITH my assult shotgun, then rifle. Then they both ran out, and i started using my sniper rifle, and all it took was one more shot guided by the spirits of all things good unto his head. I knew i had ruined the whole games progression but i continued with the game and completed it!!

At this point i thought, im bored, so i asked the brother of my freind if he had found any other cool games. He sed a game called runescape, and DXMP. I was lik WUT? but it wil be only us two, so that wont be good, and he was like, no, we can play MP on sumone elses server. So i went home and went on DX and saw multiplayer at bottom. and waited....then all the servers came up and i was like, wow! i didnt see this b4! So i played with my freinds brother for a while, then more peeps came on. One inclueding the name no one will ever forget...CREAMY. The name didnt mean anything to me then, but then he played....DURURURUURURURURUUR everyone dies.... we all spawn...DURUURURURUR we all die, UH?! WONT HE DIE. Then it was i who ended his streak with my old jump on head trick. i came smashing down and sniped him through his skull!! the i played for long time on my 28k, then got bored coz of how laggy ot was. Then i got Broadband. and then asked to join alpha, then i sat down one day and look through the alpha forums and saw deus ex general, and write this message.

So in answer to the poll, im an all out fighter, but i no like using augs or geps, plasmas are fun tho, but i dont usualy use them....
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Postby Chococat » Mon Dec 29, 03 3:39 pm

Umm.. I've only ever played SP once (and that was the other day coz Jim and I made a deal) so I started over a year ago by basically getting thrashed online trying to figure out what did what.. :oops:
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Postby Labtec » Fri Jan 16, 04 7:32 pm

Sniper man, Sniper!

And I've played 'Low-Tech' a few times. (Mini crossbow, Pistole)
Labtec <3's DXMP!
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Postby Jeoh » Thu Jan 22, 04 8:30 pm

First time...
Used all out combat, when I got the GEP gun, I was like Dude!Awesome!, and I lived happily everafter shooting everyone that had red and white.
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Postby Aussiefella » Fri Jan 23, 04 2:38 am

my first time playing DX was actually the demo, i didnt know what the fuck i was doing (mostly laughing at the name) naturally the first thing i tried to do was kill Paul and the bot similar to what Shogun tried to do :lol: i then went aroung collecting stuff from bodies and eventuallr realised that the cigareetes DO kill you :lol:

after a few weeks of finishing SP i tried playing MP, i didnt know what the fuck i was doing, it brought up this strange thing saying it was downloading a map......took to long so i cancelled it :D
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Postby Gustertote » Sun Jan 25, 04 8:42 pm

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Postby Chococat » Sun Jan 25, 04 11:53 pm

|ALPHA|AussieFella wrote:i then went aroung collecting stuff from bodies and eventuallr realised that the cigareetes DO kill you :lol:

Noooooo you press tab and throw them at people!! 8) 8) 8)
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Postby Shogun » Mon Jan 26, 04 9:48 pm

No you get super stength and throw crates at them! (does it knock 'em out on DX? It does on DX2)
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Postby Chococat » Mon Jan 26, 04 9:55 pm

I don't have DX2.. I dunno if I will get it lol

I have so many unfinished games from Christmas! I got too many so I never get the chance to finish them all.. :(

Anyone else played Beyond Good and Evil? I'm in the Slaughter House at the mo (not very far I know but I've been playin Jak 2, Soul Calibur 2 and countless others)!
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Postby Aussiefella » Tue Jan 27, 04 5:24 am

my DX2 wont run :'( :cry:
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Postby Zonder » Tue Jan 27, 04 1:55 pm

Does this problem's name MX???
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Postby Aussiefella » Wed Jan 28, 04 9:29 am

im sorry Zonder, i didnt quite catch that......
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Postby Zonder » Sat Feb 07, 04 7:59 am

To run DXIW you must have nVidia card (like GeForce 3, 4, FX - But not from MX series!!!) or Ati (9000 or better, if I properly know).
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Postby Jeoh » Sat Feb 07, 04 10:03 am

Thee shalt have thy pixel shading 1.1, or thee shan't play DXIW.
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Postby Zonder » Sat Feb 14, 04 8:25 pm

|ALPHA|GeneralJoey wrote:Thee shalt have thy pixel shading 1.1, or thee shan't play DXIW.

And MX cards have not pixel shading lol.
But there is alternative way using emulator(like 3D Analyzer) - just card must be not enough good :)
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Postby Aussiefella » Mon Feb 23, 04 9:26 am

one of these days my time will come to leave DX and everything i have ever known on computers and the internet, then and only then i will write a biography on my whold DX life and publish it onh a site for the benefit of anyone who wants to read it.
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Postby Dae » Mon Feb 23, 04 10:16 am

Yeah, same, im preparing my homepage where i'll post my biography in cyber-life, DX info and web-design info (it will be released in May-June, like to count results what did i do).
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Postby Aussiefella » Mon Feb 23, 04 10:32 am

are you intending on leaving?
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Postby Chococat » Mon Feb 23, 04 11:55 pm

I'm leaving.... not yet though.. but in Sept I am.. :(

But don't worry I'll write letters :D and send e-mails when I can :D

I'd love to write a biography when I'm old and bored and have nothing to do! I don't plan on having kids so I need something to keep the memories existing for a little while longer.. :wink:
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