Critical-Gaming Network - Richard Hakem Terrell

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Critical-Gaming Network - Richard Hakem Terrell

Postby James » Tue Mar 12, 13 10:53 am

Amazing website. Something that Psy would love.

Some indie developer with a huge grasp on game design.

Start here:

Great glossary on the words used often in game design:

This guy is pretty fucking cool.
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Postby James » Thu Apr 04, 13 8:03 pm

Finished reading most of it. Eh. He has quite an odd stance on stuff which is obviously biased in some areas (e.g. his definition of gameplay) but it's alright. Maybe saying it was great for what it looked at mere face value was too much praise.
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Postby Psychotic » Thu Apr 04, 13 9:33 pm

Will have to look later (goddamn web filters) but just the name alone interests me a little.

I'm quite critical of the gaming industry and so I think it'd be a nice idea to see peoples thoughts collected onto one website (not just one guy, like this - more than one person offers perspective). Though there's a fine line between critical and cynical.
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Postby KirbyKid » Fri May 10, 13 1:25 pm

James wrote:Finished reading most of it. Eh. He has quite an odd stance on stuff which is obviously biased in some areas (e.g. his definition of gameplay) but it's alright. Maybe saying it was great for what it looked at mere face value was too much praise.

Hey James.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my site. If you feel up to it, I'd like to have a chat about your impressions with my website. We can do it right here if you'd like.

I'm curious to know how you found it. I'd also like to know which article(s) you read.

What didn't you like about my definition of gameplay?

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Postby James » Fri May 10, 13 3:17 pm

Wow, I've got the feeling that I am going to get overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge or experience with game design. I didn't mean to insult you if it appears that way, this is very awkward for me. I just wrote this up in one draft and I don't know if it makes sense:

I really don't mean to sound rude but there's not much for me to say, your and my opinions on the subjects are subjective. Without going too much into it, I just feel some of your definitions limit what mechanics and concepts could be. But what you have done (and what I understand now) is that you've highlighted what is important for you and researched/wrote that there's other views or audiences which I am happy with. But there's always going to be differences with any other person as to what makes them tick when they play games other than a general consensus.

As for your website? It's good, the glossary is great and all posts you've offered/written really amazed me at a first glance. I just felt like the more I read on it, some things contradicted with what I personally felt was important to me and my experiences with games I love. Just for reference (tangent, but I feel intimidated and my JRPG avatar embarrasses me, I don't want to be stereotyped :() my favourite videogames are Super Metroid, Zelda 3, Deus Ex, Silent Hill 2 and Contra 3.

I found it through it through a friend circle Mumble server I frequently visit. I've read almost every article from 101, 202, 303, 505, 707 and 909. There's a lot I still need to read in my free time but my friends say 404 is very good so I want to continue with reading that.

Thank you for taking the time to visit here. It means a lot to me and hopefully to the admins that someone took their time to visit this little site.
Last edited by James on Fri May 10, 13 3:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby KirbyKid » Sat May 11, 13 1:31 am

James wrote:Wow, I've got the feeling that I am going to get overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge or experience with game design........
Thank you for taking the time to visit here. It means a lot to me and hopefully to the admins that someone took their time to visit this little site.

No, thank you for being so honest and clear with your response.

I'm not insulted at all. Just curious to know where you're coming from. I think it's very important to understand why and what turns people away from some of the work I do. I also want to say, don't feel intimidated by any perceived difference in experience.

I've often heard from people that they feel the definitions I use or really any definition limits what games CAN/COULD be. I've also heard that people feel like the language doesn't cover everything they like about their gaming experiences. Perhaps I need to make it more clear that clear/strict definitions are for helping us talk about games and think about games, but of course they don't affect what games are. The games come first and we just try to find ways to talk about them in specific ways. Also, there's no way to capture all the feelings and emotions and experiences of something in words. Words are just tools. Very important tools, but just tools of expression.

I'm sure we have our differences. But it kinda makes me sad not to understand our differences clearly. Like right now (I'm not blaming you at all here) I don't know much about your thoughts, views, or gaming perspectives. I'm sure I could learn more from a conversation or two, but even in that conversation, I wonder how clearly we can understand each other if the words aren't shared.

I'm going to work on being more clear and less intimidating. I'm not judging you in any way. If you feel comfortable to answer any more of my questions, I'd like to keep this dialog going a bit longer.

If not... peace & thanks.
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Postby Siva » Mon May 13, 13 2:54 pm

is kirbykid the guy who wrote this blog

can u explain ur opinions of objects 'feeling' themselves or something
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