Mass Effect 3

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Postby James » Fri Apr 06, 12 9:03 pm

lol no they're just altering it to give it closure.
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Postby James » Sat Apr 07, 12 12:44 am


If you thought Mass Effect 3 couldn't get any worse.
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Postby Psychotic » Sat Apr 07, 12 5:18 am

BioWare: Epic trollz.
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Postby Aidan » Sat Apr 07, 12 7:24 am

Dear God.....

-Osama didn't blow it up after all.....
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Postby Psychotic » Sat Apr 07, 12 7:47 am

Looked up that topic in the image and frankly, everybody posting how much they dislike this is over-dramatizing the situation. I find it a double standard, to be honest.

Here's the topic if anyone else wants to take a gander: ... 997-1.html

The reason I believe it to be a double standard is because it's likely that even half of these people will play other games based heavily off real wars such as World War I and II or the war in Iraq.

Games that emulate warlike scenarios have been made for a long time and many depict strikingly similar scenarios to ones that actually happened in real-life, yet BioWare doing taking inspiration from 9/11 is bad?

I'm not too concerned about much of BioWare's "stolen ideas", to be quite honest. The only one that really bothered me was the planet thing in the end cutscene (with the old guy and the kid). Everything else? Yeah, so what? Don't people realise that nothing is original anymore and some pieces of art and design are "stolen" directly from other sources? It's a culmination of others ideas that make an original, since there really is very few original ideas left.
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Postby Tantalus » Sat Apr 07, 12 11:28 am

Even if it is a legitimate banner for the game, IT'S A PIECE OF BROKEN STRUCTURE!

Yes, there are clearly similarities, but ultimately that's what buildings look like when they've been destroyed...

A+ research mark for Bioware, lol.
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Postby Psychotic » Sun Jul 01, 12 5:02 am

So... how about them extended endings, eh?
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Postby James » Sun Jul 01, 12 6:09 am

In all honesty?, I prefered the original endings. They're still all the same, but longer. The vagueness of the messages of the choices were better.

Also, the new refusal ending is fucking hilariously bad.
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Postby Psychotic » Sun Jul 01, 12 6:48 am

My opinion on the Extended Cut - which I keep repeating - is pretty simple:

Explaining a shit ending doesn't stop the ending from being shit.
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Postby James » Sun Jul 01, 12 6:59 am

10/10 post, entirely correct.
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Postby ynnaD » Sun Sep 16, 12 4:26 pm

I just finished ME3 , i chose the Synthesis ending for myself,

At first i thought it was satisfactory but not spectacular as i could have predicted that [spoiler]Shep was going to die[/spoiler]

Extended Cut DLC = Shit slideshow that didn't explain anything someone with a degree of common sense would have known themselves

The more i think about it, the sadder i feel, this could have been handled so much better, the ending comes down to RED, BLUE OR GREEN, compare it to the way ME2 could have ended, so many variables, and then looking at ME3's ending, dissapointing.

Game itself was good.
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Postby clyzm » Thu Jan 24, 13 8:09 pm

This game is actually pretty good despite what everyone on /v/ said about it I think BioWare perfected the combat in this one (still clunky sometimes and the AI has no idea what 'rally to my position' means, but great nonetheless)

Story is pretty cool and I played as Paragon Femshep for the first time ever in a ME game and I treated it as pretty much canon (despite playing as renegade maleshep in ME1 and ME2)

Paragon Femshep is a sweetheart :smt060 I hooked my nigga Kaidan up

What is the point of the James Vega character other than being a tank/Atlas fodder

Liara turned from a wimpy scientist into a straight badass

Tali is annoying, clingy and space-gypsy-status as always

Garrus is still an OG heartbreaker/life taker

EDI is useless I miss Legion for my tech guy

Javik I thought was going to be completely useless in combat but once you pair him with that prothean beam rifle and max out Slam and Darkness Channel or w/e dude is unstoppable realtalk

I was playing as an Infiltrator like a G lol all i need is that one turian sniper rifle and the basic pistol and I could take down anything homie lol got that invisibility felt like Crysis or some shit

I tried keeping a straight face during the whole thing lol I don't normally play as female characters in RPGs because I am prejudiced and chauvinistic tbh

There were a lot of moments in the game inspired by DX1, or at least i thought so. Especially this one part where Shep and the crew are heading towards the elevator and a squad of Cerberus troops are on it, very reminiscent of that one part in Area 51 with the MIBs on the elevator and I half expected illusive man to go "I'm sending up the man who killed ur parents shepard"

Endings are ehh but BioWare i think knew that they couldn't end this storyline perfectly, still wish they would have put more effort into what the choices actually mean though

All the DLC are cool I like Leviathan the best it reminds me of that movie Abyss

This whole post is slowpoke.jpg but, yknow, I don't play games that often

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Postby James » Thu Jan 24, 13 10:18 pm

A lot of people enjoyed Mass Effect 3 as a whole but people got sick of the laziness which was evident and had the right to complain about the ending soiling their hours spent throughout the 3 games.

clyzm wrote:Story is pretty cool and I played as Paragon Femshep for the first time ever in a ME game and I treated it as pretty much canon (despite playing as renegade maleshep in ME1 and ME2)

Once you go Femshep you never go back, her voice actor makes her a fan favourite.
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Postby Psychotic » Fri Jan 25, 13 1:04 am

James wrote:A lot of people enjoyed Mass Effect 3 as a whole but people got sick of the laziness which was evident and had the right to complain about the ending soiling their hours spent throughout the 3 games.

No they don't, you self-entitled twat. /sarcasm
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Postby ynnaD » Fri Jan 25, 13 3:29 pm

It can be summed up quite simply, the gameplay itself was fantastic, the ending was not
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Postby James » Fri Jan 25, 13 3:43 pm

Fantastic is an overstatement, there seems to be an extreme fallacy within its development when the MP is better than the long running SP series. One of the things that annoys me about ME3 is that it only threw in interesting encounters once or twice.
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Postby Psychotic » Tue Jan 29, 13 9:39 pm

I still think the gameplay itself was fine and had some improvements over the second game. The game failed, as most can agree, primarily in it's deliverance - or lack thereof - of the series ending and, even then, it wasn't so much the ending itself as it was how it came about.

I had no problem with the concept of Shepherd sacrificing him/herself, nor did I take issue with the possibility of more deaths (of any race) before the war ended. The general premise of the three endings wasn't problematic to me, it was how they were delivered, alongside the general motives of the Reapers.
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Postby Aidan » Sat Aug 10, 13 3:18 am

So I'm not going to read anything above because I've recently got into Mass Effect, and have just finished the first game.

I'm on the second now, and (like always) I'm playing on the toughest difficulty > Paragon > Soldier Sheppard (keeping it classic).

I'm loving the series so far, but am worried for the end of three. I've heard mixed reviews, but thank god I can't remember the content.
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Postby synthetic » Sat Aug 10, 13 5:21 am

If you play them one after another then all of the games should offer fairly decent experience. I don't think the endings of the third are that much of a scare - I myself paid no attention to it and don't really remember it. The games themselves are fun.

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Postby Psychotic » Sat Aug 10, 13 8:48 am

Mass Effect 3 is a great game and, up until that last 20 minutes, the story is alright. BioWare shines primarily in character interaction and dialogue, at least from my experience. Characters like Garrus are the shining paragons of the series.

Just don't expect answers or an epic ending. You don't get it.
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Postby Aidan » Sun Aug 11, 13 2:40 am

Alright. Well thanks for the info gentlemen. I've beaten the second main mission on ME2 but (speaking of Garrus) I want to reunite my team before I progress.

[spoiler]Thanks for rebuilding me Cerberus, but just because you rebuilt me, doesn't mean you own me.[/spoiler]
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Postby synthetic » Sun Aug 11, 13 2:11 pm

Hahah, the game does provide you with opportunities to give the man the finger. X-Files CSM copypasta tho, but very enjoyable.

When it comes to critique, they didn't push the series far enough to be considered revolutionary by any means - there is something lacking in every release - but its damn fun series in any case and I for one eagerly await the fourth game. In all likelihood it'll be better than 3rd, as they are trying to rebuild from the terrible feedback they've received regarding recent releases.

For some reason the scene from ME2 has been flashing before my eyes recently; the planet where the atmosphere was bit of a mess, the light and setting in general was really pretty.

Meh, you're making me want to reinstall ME1. I don't necessarily look forward to meticulously criss-crossing planets again with my mako, though :lol: Have to have *every* *single* resource, because its very important. :lol:
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Postby Aidan » Tue Aug 13, 13 5:33 pm

I fucking love those missions where there are conditions on a planet you must be aware of. Like when fighting Geth on that planet where the sun is extremely hot and eats at your shield.

That shit is scientifically badass in my eyes. Synthetics can withstand the 1000 degree sun where Humans cant, and have to work it into combat strategy.

Also cool knowing that there are planets like that out there.

Maybe I just love the series a lot because I'm a space nerd haha.

r12m wrote:Have to have *every* *single* resource, because its very important. :lol:

Oh man I'm so anal about this.

I went and did almost everything on every planet in ME1, and I'm farming the shit out of other planets in ME2. (Half a mill in all elements, whereas element zero is quarter mill. I KNOW HOW TO MINE FUCK YEAH)
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Postby synthetic » Tue Aug 13, 13 6:58 pm

Yeah that geth planet was the one that comes back to me every now and then. Something about it was really beautiful, not to mention hot.

Wish the geth were bit better scripted though. Or a lot better. Oh well.

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Postby Psychotic » Tue Aug 13, 13 9:12 pm

CandyMan wrote:
r12m wrote:Have to have *every* *single* resource, because its very important. :lol:

Oh man I'm so anal about this.

You won't like Mass Effect 3, then.

The gathering element in ME2 at least has a purpose (upgrades) but in Mass Effect 3 they "remove" the gathering grind for a different kind. It's the same bloody thing you're just not scanning entire star systems whilst trying to avoid being attacked (which makes it even worse, if you ask me).

And for what? War resources, which supposedly alter the ending of the game.
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Postby clyzm » Tue Aug 13, 13 9:29 pm

Man that geth planet shit was tight

But the best part about mass effect 2 was that big ass sniper rifle

Straight cappin domes from 250 m away

Mass Effect 3 it made a return in the form of DLC of course :roll:
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Postby synthetic » Wed Aug 14, 13 5:33 am

I just approached ME3 the same way I did with Max Payne 2 time ago, playing it as an expansion of sorts or a story continuation, instead of a full title. I'd go as far as saying that the design of the areas in ME3 was possibly better than in ME2 as a whole.
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Postby Aidan » Wed Aug 21, 13 12:06 am

(These are for all ME games) Max Paragon story because the renegade storyline is so fucked up / Everyone who can live in paragon storyline lives / Insanity Mode / Vanilla Soldier Shep / 7000+ Military Strength

OKAY GUYS SO I DID IT. Now can someone please tell me when I stop feeling like shit? Hopefully in the next few days... Those endings were brutal, and soooo many plot-holes. Definitely downloading the "Citadel" DLC to get it off my mind. I also just watched the extended endings which are a lot better than the original. I like the Synthesis ending, although truth be told I still want Disney ending where Shep is alive.

I don't understand HOW they could fuck that up as much as they did (at least we can hope they'll learn after this lesson). I'm more or less concerned that staff didn't step in and say something. It's either Bioware being lazy hipsters, or EA choking deadlines of the studio. The BEST thing Bioware should have done, is re-release the game and re-do the ENTIRE last mission, taking the original games off the market, leaving headroom to expand in the Mass Effect World, and create new games.

Disregarding the end, the entire series was phenomenal (but not game changing in any way), and I hope Bioware really does find a way to utilize the fantastic world they built. They basically pulled a George Lucas, and weaved mad character development all the way through. I was so attached to most of the characters, which is mostly the reason why I feel like shit ESPECIALLY GARRUS, I FUCKING LOVE GARRUS HES MY BEST FRIEND. Garrus, Wrex, Joker, Mordin, Tali, Liara(my blue wife)- fuck it all of them are awesome, and Thane in the hospital with his son snuck tears on me yo. If bioware wants to create another alien world and start a new project, then I probably wouldn't be able to play it. It just wouldn't feel the same.

As for environments, Every Asari world is badass. Music? GETH MUSIC NEED I SAY MORE (seriously, whenever hearing that shit at the start of a mission, I knew it was gonna be a fun 30 mins)
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Postby Psychotic » Wed Aug 21, 13 1:01 am

Now you understand why the BioWare I grew up with is dead to me.
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Postby Aidan » Wed Aug 21, 13 2:57 am

Magniir wrote:Now you understand why the BioWare I grew up with is dead to me.

Yeah, and the random DLC pisses me off, because it feels like there were things I could have prevented in-game; being held at the mercy of $10 for a perfect mission solution. You want a Prothean? GIVE US MONEY.

Beyond annoying. EA is comparative to Cerberus. They offer you the world, then fuck you over afterward. I can't rest knowing that EA had some part in this bullshit.

To add, I was up till 7am yesterday trying to beat ME3, then went to work for 9 tired as fuck, and depressed. Fuck you Bioware, albeit I knew the ending was going to be shit and didn't sleep anyway.

If I were to actually choose, synthesis would be the best option no doubt.

Magniir wrote:According to the wiki, Joker apparently has near a zettabyte of "explicit images".

That's a billion terrabytes. What the hell would you do with all that? Or, more likely, how high quality would any images and videos be in that time era?

Also, Couldn't help but notice this. In my max paragon playthrough, EDI actually tells you this, and utilizes Joker's Porn to overload enemy security servers. I laughed.

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