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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:08 am
by ynnaD

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:25 am
by Aidan


PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:26 am
by clyzm
Call of Evil: Modern Resident 6

Sums it up. What a shame, Capcom, you killed off one of your best horror series by turning it into mindless action third person shooters. Call me nostalgic but I still think the old fixed-camera Resident Evils were the best, and genuinely the scariest.

In RE1 I found it terrifying searching corridor to corridor for a couple handgun bullets, in RE2 I would breathe triumphantly as I completed puzzles only to shit bricks three minutes later at Birkin's additional form. In Outbreak, even, I loved the atmosphere and the scarcity of ammo on Very Hard difficulty where I would fight off zombies and dogs with brooms and sticks.

Now it's less about surviving and more about blowing shit up. I used to say, in all honesty, the zombies from Resident Evil were the scariest compared to any other series, just because of their slow walk and that distinct slushsing sound they make inspires lots of dread and suspense. Now I simply laugh and compare them to Black Ops zombies, completely pussified and adapted by the mall geek culture. A zombie isn't as scary as a notion when you have sporadic automatic rifles, plentiful ammo and nigh-infinite health, I guess.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:28 am
by ynnaD
Looks like their gonna try and have Leon with the old style, and Chris with the new style.

I say old style, yet they still have to throw in mindless action, it's a shame, after a few watches i'm kinda dissapointed.

Still gonna buy it tho :oops:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:40 am
by Tantalus
I'm sorry, but wasn't Resident Evil as a franchise based on atmosphere?


PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:40 am
by James
>Zombie President Graham
>Not las plagas hosts
>also las plagas
>oh god how many virus' are there

all my money

I'm sorry, but wasn't Resident Evil as a franchise based on atmosphere?

no lol

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:59 am
by Aidan

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 12:27 pm
by James
I want to elaborate on atmosphere not being a main part but rather a product of the early mechanics. RE 1, 2 and 3 are also quite different to eachother and introduce a lot of new gameplay in each installment, rare from Capcom titles which are known to be full of rehashes. They just wanted to make good games involving monsters and puzzles.

RE2 is my favourite game and was always meant to be an action game (the director of RE2 {the greatest director of videogames of all time, in my opinion who also worked on RE1 with Mikami and a certain early version of RE4} does not like horror games), it was the Aliens to Alien.

RE was great for atmosphere because of the fixed camera, lack of ammo, bad controls and general helplessness if you're not careful. I agree with Derek that the newer games are diluted BUT HOT DAMN THAT IS A LOT OF ZOMBIES ON SCREEN IN THE TRAILER and Leon didn't seem to use massive guns, so, fingers crossed that his story in the game isn't a cakewalk dude! Personally I'm over RE4 being a departure to the series' older 'traditional' gameplay but Operation: Raccoon City seems to be the only installment without tank controls. Hopefully RE6 learns a lesson, and keeps it challenging and scary.

Also bets on the identity of the 3rd character please:
Alex Wesker
HUNK/Mr. Death
New character from a new installment (Revelations/O:RC) coming out this year
Some lame character created out of nowhere as a plot device and will be hamfisted into the backstory of RE games before RE6

oh god look at my writing style it is everywhere can you tell im biased and excited

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 1:07 pm
by ynnaD
If the President's in it you could say Ashley is a high possibility to be in it too.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 1:15 pm
by James
mfw they deconfirmed ashley = cheryl :(:(:(:(:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 4:47 pm
by Aidan



I'm staying neutral on this one until I play it men. Who knows, could be the best Resi game you'll ever play in your life.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 4:53 pm
by James
Aidan wrote:WHO.



I'm staying neutral on this one until I play it men. Who knows, could be the best Resi game you'll ever play in your life.

sherry lmfao

sorry wrong girl with problems. cheryl = girl with mental problems and the incarnation of a demon and sherry = daddy's totallynotsperm parasite remains infecting her blood

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 6:55 pm
by UT
I don't like new Resident Evil TPS shit. Hope this one will be a bit better...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 7:40 pm
by James

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 12 11:57 pm
by ynnaD
rip original gaming

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 12 9:19 am
by James
Holy shit I just realised Hunningham is in the trailer.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 12 12:24 pm
by ynnaD
Seen a rumor online , can't link cos at work, but rumor is potential 6 player online co-op sessions.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 12 1:07 pm
by James
The blonde woman with the unidentified valuable blood male is confirmed to be Sherry Birkin, by the way.
May I remind you that she is still infected with the

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 12 5:40 pm
by ynnaD
Boss fight potentially?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 12 6:18 am
by Aidan
Yeah, but it's not going to matter when you have MACHINE GUNZ WITH 900 AMMOOOOOOOOOO

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 12 10:56 am
by ynnaD
fuck dat mate we'll just punch em to death

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 12:11 am
by ynnaD
Leon - Part 1


Leon - Part 2






PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 2:49 am
by Aidan
WOW. This seriously looks amazing.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 6:57 am
by James
Absolutley boring.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 7:07 am
by Siva

as long as I can rice my weapons up to ridiculous standards I will buy it

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 7:19 am
by James
You're better off buying Vanquish if you want that and the b-movie quality awfulness of a Resident Evil.

I extremely doubt there's going to be a current console-centric third person shooter or shooter in general that will reach the quality and refinement of Vanquish. I mean honestly, why would you want to play OnrailShootinggallery Evil 6 when there's much better videogames that are already out?, for a new lesser experience?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 9:40 am
by ynnaD
I can't help but feel dissapointed after watching all of those trailers

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 10:44 am
by Allan
Watched first Leon trailer, was all "Hm, this might be good after all."
Watched second Leon trailer: All hope was lost.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 12 10:46 am
by James
Capcom: How to alienate fans and overwork your star employees into leaving the company.