Big ass clan list

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Big ass clan list

Postby Alistair » Sun Jul 13, 08 5:59 am

[A] Alpha Daedalus [x] [x] Both
[A] | [!A!] Assassins DeViL [x] [o] [x] Auged 2001 | (02) | (06)
[A] Alliance Daedalus, Trance [x] [x] Both 2004
[AAGP] All About Great Peoples [_] [x] Both late 2005 - early 06
[ABC] ABC Warriors [_] [x]
[AdHd] Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Algernon [x] [_] 02/01 2001 -
[AE] Apexenvisioned [x] [x]
[AG] Ancient Gods Anubis
[AI] Artificial Intelligence GrayFox [_] 2000-2001
[AK] Augmented Killers DestroyerZero [x] [x] Auged
[AK-47] AK-47 [x]
[AOD] Angels of Death {a} 2002
[AOD] Mastakilla 0a
[AoDX] Anarchy Of Deus Ex
[AoG] Angels of God DevilsNight [x] [x]
[APC] A Perfect Circle TicTacToad [x] mid / late 2001
[AT] Arctic Thunder [x]
[AU] Assassins Unlimited Yossarian, N8dunn [x] Dec. 27 - 2001
[A!B] Attitude Brothaz Monkee Auged Aug 05 -
[A²] Animated Assassins Weirdette, Predator [X] [_] Auged 2002 (1 week)
[A7X] Avenged Sevenfold Theo22 [x] [x] 0a 2004
[B] Beginning To Your End [_] 2003
[BA] Brutal Assassins [x] [x]
[BDP] - 4/16/03
[BE] Black Eagles
[BH] Black Hand deusex [x] 2001
[BH] Bounty Hunters
[BIA] Brothers in Arms Papparoach, Controlled [x] [x] 0a Late 2005
[BK] BlitzKrieg DrDeath [x] {a} [x] 25 March '01 -
[BORO] Team Boro
[BTJ] Born To Jump Kryss [x] [x] [o] 2001-2004
[b2s] Born To Survive Terminator_Dan [_] [x] 0a Early 2006
[C] Crazy 88 (Makaveli), Dio [x] [o] [x] 0a 2005
[C] NoOne 2003
[C] Carnage DropDead, Nash, mrBlack [x] 2004 summer
[C] Chevignon semisonic {_} 2004 summer
[C22] Catch 22 HotData, UnderTaker420 {a} Feb 2001 - 28 july
[C4] C4 Luger 2004/2005
[C/A] Covert Assassins DownBringer 2003
[Ca] Chained Alliance XenomorphSlay [x] 0a 2004
[CAP] Graveman ? 0a aug 04
[C&B] Cock & Balls Sly? 2005
[cdp] Chicken Dancing Psycho The4thDenton {a} 2001
[CG] Common Ground Dillinger, Da_Term [x] {a} {a} [x] {a} Auged 2001 -
[CW] Celtic Warriors [x] [x]
[CYD] Consider Yourself Dead Verbluten [x] [x] Auged 00 01 ?
[D] Diablos SnaKe [x] [x] May 17, 2003 -
[Đ] Divine {_} [x] Auged September 24, 2002 - '03
[DA] Dark Assassins DarkShadow [x] summer 2002
[DA] Dark Aussies DarkAussie [x]
[DB] Deus Brawlers Esnight [x] [x] 0a 2004
[DC] Dead Cell co-lead: HiGhVeLoCiTy [x]
[DCSB] Dead Cows Strike Back (Blade, RogueJedi) Mole [x] [o] [x] [o] Both 2001 - summer 05
[DD] D-Devils Klaasvaak [x] [x] 2003 - 2004
[DEA] Deus Ex Assassins Slicer, Boaz [x] {a} [x] Auged 2001
[DeFc] Auged old..
[DEH] Deus Ex Hitmen Cypher 2003
[DEM] Deus Ex Militia 2002
[DES] Deus Elite Squad DeusX [x] [x] Auged March 2001
[DES] Dessension Ellimination Salvation Predator [x] {a} Auged
[DEV] Deus Ex Viscera Eagle, Dark0hmN [x] {a} [x] 04/06/01 -
[DF] Dark Force BobodaKnifa [x] [x] 0a - 2005
[DG] Da Gangstas TheCobra [x] [x] ~Jul 25th, 2003
[DH] Dark Hunters Smookie, Nitrous0xide [x] 0a Feb - Apr 2005
[DK] Dread Knights UndyingProphesy, cannonfodder [x]{a} [x]
[DL] Dark Legacy Informant [x] [x] 2003
[DMI] Dead Man Incorporated no leader {a} {a} Auged 2002
[DnA] Devils 'n' Angels Devilsnight [x] [x]
[DOA] Divine Order of Assassins [x] 2002
[DOGZ] Dogz Emo [x] 0a march - apr 2005
[DOSW] Death On Swift Wings Xucier [x] [x]
[DPK] WeeBooMasters ? 2001
[DS] Divine Souls [x] [x] Auged
[DTD] Alrightythen
[DU] Dynasty Unlimited [x] Summer 2001
[DUI] Deusing Under The Influence Assrocket Auged 2001
[DXA] Deus Ex Alliance Eagle {a} [x] 2003
[DXC] [x]

[DXCBP] [x]
[DXIN] Deus Ex International xnt700 [x] [x] Auged 2001 - 2002
[DXM] Deus Ex Mafia SnakePlissken [x] [x] 0a sept '04 - mid '05
[DXM] Deus Ex Masters Killa, NSF [x] 2001
[DXR] Deus Ex Revolution TheCobra [x] [x] 0a
[DXS] Deus Ex Snipers Estep16 [x] 2001
[DWK] Dream World Kings
[D12] Deadly Dozen SilentScope [x] Auged 06-04-'03
[EE] Evils Enemy bobmonkhouse, blade [x] [x] 0a Dec '05
[EIS] Elite Infantry Squadron 2Jiggy4U, Melkor, Monk [_] Auged 2001
[EK] Expert Killerz Blaze
[EL] Elites and Legends ZigZag, BigDawg [x] [x] {a} Auged 01-01-'03 - '03;'06
[eN] Enigma Splitter {a} [x] Both nov '04
[EoD] Engineers of Death GreatDane [x] [x] 0a
[EVO] Evolution Clan Viper [x] [x] aug 13 '02 -
[eX] eX NoControl [x] {a} Auged 2002 - '03
[E3] Echelon 3 | Eternal 3 PlayerOne, Mikwae [x] [x] Both 2005
[F] Force Trollied, Papparoach [x] [x] 0a apr 10 - 23 2005
[FA] Fallen Angels djpyro [x] [x]
[FBF] 917 {a} [x] 2001
[FC] Full Clip Trollied [_] [x]
[FGS] Fucking German Servers IchoTolot, RoiDanton [x] [x] 0a/MOD/A
[FMG] Friends, Maturity, Gaming BMW-M3 [_] [x] 0a late 05 -
[FTA] From The Ashes GambitX [x] 0a may - june 2004
[FUEL] Fuel [x]
[G] Guardians Smookie, Nitrous0xide 0a IIq 2005
[G] Geppers Krump Auged April 2003
[GATO] Global Anti-Terrorist Organisation TheKing [x] [x]
[GDF] Global Defensive Force [x] 2001
[GDotS] German Defender of the Sniper Johnny [x] [x] 2001
[GDX] Generation DX D.J.Dawg, Ikkletom [x] {a} 2001
GHOST The Claymore Nation [x]
[GODZ] Godz NoChance, Railgun [x] [x] [x] 0a
[GS] Ghost Snipers Chaos [x] [o] [x] 0a 3 years - spring '05
[GSM] Grandpa's Secret Mission 2003 summer
[GURU] GURU [x] 0a winter 2005
[H] Hellraisers HellRaiser [x] [x] 2002...2003?
[HG] Haters Galore [x]
[HK] Hunter Killers HunterKiller [x] [x][x] Both
[HS] Hyper Snipers MagusC June 2004 (1week)
[HYDRO] Hydro Carnage?
[I] Immortal Merlin [x] [x] [x] Auged
[IMPAC] [x]
[iOi] Institution of Insanity SoulSnatcher [x] [x][x] Auged 2003
[IO] Illuminated Ones JCDenton [x] [x] 0a June 2004
[JTB] Just The Basics Swisscheese [x] 0a '02/'03
[Kingz] Kingz MastaKilla [_] 2001-2002
[KISS] Kiss Damage, HotData, Dr.Spanky, Jojo {a} 2001
(killers) Killers Sniper [x] [x] 2004
[KCW] Klop [x] [x] 2005
[KS] Kiddie Snatchers KingHerrod [x] 2001
[Li] Lithium Gambit, Storm [x] [x] 0a June 19 '04 -
[Lz] Lordz BobodaKnifa [x]
[M] Ministry Of Mayhem Bob, AlexDenton [x] 0a
[MAC] Masters and Commanders TrigrHappy [x] [x][x] Auged
[MDX] Mac Deus Ex {a} {a}
[mG] Master Fulg [x] [x] Late 2002
[MI] Mercenaries Incorporated Roland, TheSheriff [x] 2001
[MJ12] Majestic 12 [x] [x] Mid 2003
[MJX] Majestic mumbojumbo [x] 2001
[MK] Mushroom Kings MarioNuke March '02 - Aug '04
[MoH] Men of Honour JCMental [x] [x] 0a '04 ending - Feb '05
[MTX] Matrix Oracle [x] [o] 0a 25/05/03 -
(mud) 0a
[MYTH] Myth Reptili@n 0a IIIq 2004 (2 weeks)
[N] Nostalgia Calabria [x] [x] 0a June 2005 -
[N/A] Not Applicable Compudoc, DerianX, Alex [x] [x] Auged - 4/2/03
[NaNo] Nano Battleangel 0a 2005
[Naked] Naked Auged
[NB] Auged 2001
[NEM] Nemesis GreatDane, rand12om [x] [x] Both Jan '05 - March '06
[NI..RE] Nightmare Kaiser Auged '02-'03 (few weeks)
[nMe] Enemy TheInformant [x]
[n00b] Noob AceWiggles, Jfk [x] 2006
[NOK] No One Knows Canadian [x] 2001
[nR] Night Raiderz Spetsnaz {a}
[NSF] Never Stop Fragging GEIST001 [x] [x] 2001
[NSF] Ninja [x] [x] Late 2002 - 2003
[NSF] Invisible Online? Dark [x] [x] 2001-2002
[NS] Natural Selection PsychoPath [x] [x] [x] 2004 (few weeks)
[OS] Old School
[OAK] Order of Apocalyptic Knights ShadowMasterTheOne, Batto {a} 2002
[P] Phoenix Dillinger [x] Auged
[P] Prophecy TheCobra, Chaos [x] [x] 0a 2005 (month)
[PN] 2003
[PNK] Pink Pinkie [x] [x] MOD Feb 2004 -
(ph...m) Phantom Piss [x] Autumn 2002 -
[PRO] Professional
[R] Reactor Ancestor,StormBringer, Merc, ICE {a} {a} Auged July 1st 2001 - (2002)
[REM] REMapping Lucid_X MAP
[Rebels] Rebels TheDestroyer [x]
[RF] Revolution Forces Terminator_dan, Rob [x] [x] 0a 21 Dec - Jan 2005
[RF] Rebel Forces TheOneManGang, KillaCrowe69 [x] [x] 2001
[RoTm] Rise of The Machines [_] [x] 0a Early 2006 (week)
[RTK] Recruited To Kill Mastakilla, Papparoach 0a
[ROO] Roo [_] {x} 0a Early 2005
[RUA] Robbery Under Arms BlakSykic [_] [_] 2001
[R2R] Ready To Rumble AMADEUS, ToySoldier, Morpheus {a} {a} 2002 - '03
[$] Deus Ex Specters DarkDragon [_] [x] 0a 2005 (1 weeker)
[S] Stalkers Hydra [x] [x] {a} Auged 2001 - 2002
[SAS] Special Air Service Shadow [x]
[SH] Silent Hunters GhostDawg [x] 2001
[Shen] Shel al Calhar [x] [x] 0a late 2005/2006
[SMD] 2001
[SL] Surfin Ladies [x]
[SLO] Slovenians DejaVu [x] [x]
[SNA] [x] Auged 2002
[SOD] Soldiers of Death Nobody, JellyMan (2 weeker)
[SoF] Soldiers of Fortune Commando [x] 0a Autumn 2005
[SoL] Soldiers of Liberty UnknownToxin [x] 2002-2003
[SS] [x]
.SV Saintly Villains [x]
[S2] Stalkers 2 2001
[S2D] Search to Destroy Aussiefella, Nightmare [x]
[T] Transcend AlCapone, Soul, WeEiRdOo {a} [x] Auged 2002 - 2003 ('05)
[TC] Toxic Creations [x] 0a Autumn 2005 -
[TCA] Auged
[TCF] Training Clan Facility TheCobra [x] [x] 0a
[TCN] The Claymore Nation JohnnyBravo [x] Auged
[tCO] Bubbles?
[TDA] The Directive [x] [x] Auged
[TDG] [x] [x] Auged 00... 02?
[TDH] The Devils Hitmen Nukem
[TDT] The Dragons Tooth Nash, mrBlack [x] 0a (few weeker)
[TEC] The European Coalition BelsePunk {a} {a} Early 2004
[TGU] The Great Union Batto, ShadowMasterTheOne? [x] [x] - 6/21/03
[TMF] The Mortal Fist DoctorWho {a} [x]
[TN] Thug Nation TicTacToad, Cheeze, Dameon [x] [x] Auged '00 -'01 ('01-'02)
[TNC] The Nameless Clan [x]
[TNT] Maximus 1999
[T•R] The Revolution TheCobra [x] July -Sept 2003
[TRM] The Rifle Masters
[TS] Twisted Souls Storm [x] April 26th '04 -
[TSD] The Silent Destroyers BioPulse [x] [x] Auged
[TSS] The Sleep Stalkers Terminator_Dan [x] [x][x] 0a Aug '04 - Oct '04
[TSW] The Shadow Walkers Laura [x] {a} Late 2002
[TT] The Terminators Trollied [x] [x] 0a
[TU] The Underground InTraining 2001..2002?
[TZ] Terminaterz Dos, 99'krizalid [x]
[V] Vengeance AlexDenton [x] [x] [o] 0a december 2004
[VET] Deus Ex Veterans [x]
[vL] Valhalla June 2003
[UL] Unlimited Limit Grathius [x] 2003..2004
[U] Uprising NoControl [x] [x] Auged 2002
{U} Utopia Quadalus 0a summer 2005
[UE] Unreal Entities DevilsNight [x] [x]
[UG] United Gangstas NoControl [x] [x] Auged
[UK] United Killers [x] Auged 2001
[Ux2] Ultimate Unity Will [x] Auged
[W] Weird Warriors weeirdoo, Weirdette [x] [x] Auged '01..'02 - 2003
[Warriors] Warriors
[WC] Walton Collective HelioWalton 2001 - 2005
[WDW] Auged 2003
[Y] Yakuza Akira [x] {a} Auged 2001
[X] GoodSpeed? [x]
[XTC] Extacy [o] [x] 0a Early 2006
[XxX] [_] [_] 2001...2002
[Z] Z AdultSwim [x] [o] IIIq 2005
[ZW] WhiteChocolate ??
[+] DarkSide MarioNuke [x] [x] 0a 2005
[Ø] The Void Moop [x] [x]
[15] Fists Schism, Labtech [x]
[2G] Together [x]
[3] Triad Messiah, Diabolica [x] {a} [x] Auged Nov 2001
Das Mantissyndikat Sardaukar {a} Auged 2001

ooh thats a bad boy!
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Sun Jul 13, 08 7:26 am

Does this include dead, active and inactive clans?
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Postby UT » Sun Jul 13, 08 8:35 am

Nice copy and past.

PS : [AG] Ancient Gods Anubis > all 8)
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Postby ~DJ~ » Sun Jul 13, 08 10:22 am

Doesnt even contain DX-ST or new clans :P
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Postby rob » Sun Jul 13, 08 11:13 am

N was made by me and calabria ;)
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Postby MrBlackDX » Sun Jul 13, 08 12:30 pm

It doesn't have the best clan eva!

Sonic Da Hedgehog Clan!
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Postby Alistair » Sun Jul 13, 08 1:23 pm

Im suprised it has Chained Alliance xD

We should make a clan called [MR] ;D
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Postby ~SaSQuAtCH~ » Sun Jul 13, 08 2:03 pm

Nor [ARM] rofl
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Postby synthetic » Sun Jul 13, 08 4:53 pm

This clan list was made by me, and discontinued in 2006, so it does not list any new clans. Original table is made in html. Also, it is quite incomplete.

It was based on a several times shorter list given to me by a DK member, to which I added several new fields. I think I counted over 200 clans in my list once.

Several Alpha members considerably contributed to this as well, as did other known members of the community, back then.
Last edited by synthetic on Sun Jul 13, 08 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Alistair » Sun Jul 13, 08 6:40 pm

Oh I got it from a polish deus ex website. :]
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Postby Survive. » Sun Jul 13, 08 9:48 pm

[TD] is the old version of RF
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Postby ~Hy[ß]rid~ » Thu Jul 17, 08 6:47 am

Snap dude, that brought back alot of pre-2003 memories.

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Postby Survive. » Thu Jul 17, 08 11:06 am

Lol ye :p

Man how different we where then :o
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Postby Ian » Thu Jul 17, 08 8:07 pm

where is [XPS] and [NK]?
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Postby Alistair » Thu Jul 17, 08 9:38 pm

You weren't good enough or failed to get recognition? :]
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Postby synthetic » Fri Jul 18, 08 12:37 pm

Both NK and XPS are new clans.

rand12om wrote:This clan list was *snip* discontinued in 2006, so it does not list any new clans.

There used to be a thread for this project on these forums as well, I think. If you want to you can just add the clans you want to add here with the information that fits the chart, and eventually I may get to updating it.

If someone wants to host the original html page then I can send it to him.

I will not go through the sites I may or may not know of and include the updates they have made, unless the details are presented to me.
Last edited by synthetic on Fri Jul 18, 08 12:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Postby Kiki » Fri Jul 18, 08 9:02 pm

Please add [D] :P Deus Ex Deliro (Delirium Clan). - (Polish Clan) 2008 :D
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Postby Batchy » Fri Jul 18, 08 9:44 pm

[4] etc.
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
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Postby James » Fri Jul 18, 08 10:08 pm

I am dead.
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Postby Survive. » Fri Jul 18, 08 10:48 pm

rand12om wrote:Both NK and XPS are new clans.

rand12om wrote:This clan list was *snip* discontinued in 2006, so it does not list any new clans.

There used to be a thread for this project on these forums as well, I think. If you want to you can just add the clans you want to add here with the information that fits the chart, and eventually I may get to updating it.

If someone wants to host the original html page then I can send it to him.

I will not go through the sites I may or may not know of and include the updates they have made, unless the details are presented to me.

Can I pl0x?
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Postby Aidan » Sun Jul 20, 08 8:12 pm

When was it created, because )P( has been around about 6 years now.. Although quiet for now, we still exist :wink:
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Postby synthetic » Mon Jul 21, 08 11:44 am

Multiclanning beginner-clans were never added because I didnt consider them real clans. And to be honest I dont really remember EVER playing )P( except perhaps sometime in 2006 for few months.. and I was active as hell. What other clans did you play with back in 2002? Id be interested to know.

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Postby Bezza » Fri Jul 25, 08 9:30 am


You're all forgetting the most awesome clan ever created. :tut:
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Postby ynnaD » Fri Jul 25, 08 2:56 pm

~þsÿçhø~ wrote:My laptops screen is broke, how can i fix it?

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Postby Tejas » Sun Jun 10, 12 1:09 am

[OUTLAW] is missing from that list. A clan Big Dawg ran before EL way back in the day probley around 2000
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Postby Tejas » Sun Jun 10, 12 1:18 am

D12 - [OUTLAW] - UE - *****[EL]*****
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Postby synthetic » Mon Aug 06, 12 5:50 am

Tejas wrote:[OUTLAW] is missing from that list. A clan Big Dawg ran before EL way back in the day probley around 2000

I find it odd because I was well aware of the outlawz clan; it is possible the list copied here is from an older version.

It doesn't really matter as I no longer have the original files for the clan list project. Just a bit surprised myself that it isn't there.

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Postby Marder » Mon Aug 06, 12 10:34 pm

don't forget [FAGS].
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Postby [FGS]Fear » Thu Aug 16, 12 5:08 pm

[RTK] or [R2K] - Ready to kill - didn't know that tag was pirated actually, clan made by KillingMachine, who also made XPS if im right
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Postby or 1=1 » Thu Aug 16, 12 10:47 pm

Yes using the nickname [XPS]Sheek
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