The font is "Denton" TT font, by Foxhound, who made the PEPS model also.
It's a fairly accurate fan copy of the DX3 font. It's free to use. Attached.
Amazing, I'm going to test it now...
EDIT: ok it's 6 am so I might have done something wrong but...
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: CRDMBugFix1b6.CRDM
Log: Spawning: TDM_ModelMutator_2.TDM_ModelMutate_2
Log: Loading: Package TDM_ModelMutator_2
Warning: Failed to load 'Class TDM_ModelMutator_2.TDM_ModelMutate_2': Failed to find object 'Class TDM_ModelMutator_2.TDM_ModelMutate_2'
Warning: Failed to find object 'Class TDM_ModelMutator_2.TDM_ModelMutate_2'
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Failed to find object 'Class TDM_ModelMutator_2.TDM_ModelMutate_2'
Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: UObject::SafeLoadError
Critical: UObject::StaticLoadClass
Critical: ULevel::Listen
Critical: Listen
Critical: UGameEngine::LoadMap
Critical: LoadURL
Critical: UGameEngine::Browse
Critical: UGameEngine::Init
Critical: XGameEngineExt::Init
Critical: DDeusExGameEngine::Init
Critical: InitEngine
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 08/06/11 05:52:08
re-upload of my downloaded V2 didnt work. Ill put server on V1 atm.
Should be conscious by mid-day. This is totally awesome though, the speed at which this got done and I think the thug thing looks pretty cool on server, gives the game a more cyberpunk feel I think than the usual Action Man v C3PO.
EDIT: Removed V2 and added V1, but server didnt show again, so must have made a typo in the ini somewhere perhaps...