My memories of Deus Ex (novel)

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My memories of Deus Ex (novel)

Postby docholiday » Fri Oct 21, 05 10:03 am

Reading this forum got me thinking about old times. I saw a couple threads with people talking about their DX memories, here is my contribution, minus all the shite that happened in my personal life during that time. Feel free to fill in the gaps, or correct any mistakes I have made. Please do not remind me how much of an asshole I was at times, I am well aware of it.

Somewhere around March of 2001, I was browsing random websites on my spankin new DSL connection. I happened to come across information regarding a patch for Deus Ex which allowed multiplayer. I had already been playing Quake 3 a bit online, and thouroughly enjoyed it. I decided to give Deus Ex a shot. I think I spent a good 10 minutes looking at the "name" box, trying to come up with a good online handle. No, I was never guilty of "player". Don't ask me how, or why, but I chose cd_spacemonkey (cd being my first and middle initials, and spacemonkey for reasons unknown). I'm not sure which server I joined, as I recall it was an area51 only server. I immediately picked up a sniper rifle and proceeded to camp the shadowed area next to the hanger. I thought I had the perfect setup, then suddenly I was dead. The assailent was nowhere to be found. My screen was moving around and I could hear sounds, but I saw nothing. I had never bothered to use the cloak aug in DXSP, it had completely escaped my mind.

I remember seeing people with crazy letters around their names, I had not yet been hipped to the clan thing. It didn't take me long to figure out that most people with clan tags were pretty good, and the guys with [DEA] on their name were to be avoided at all costs. [Y] (god damn that plasma rifle), [CYD], [GDX], and a few others were active at the time. Apoc was the first DEA I saw. He was absolutely amazing. I'd see him kill one person after the next with ease. Eventually I started to see others, I think I caught a glimpse of BigCountry and Drama a time or two, both of them were equally amazing as far as I was concerned. I drew the conclusion from seeing these three play that all of DEA must have a similar style; the three of them were so different than anybody else at the time, but all so similar to eachother. Of course I later realized that Drama was a vision knifer, not a cloaker.

Eventually I started associating with a regular crowd in game. I think the first person to remember me when I joined was Rocketman. After that was probably 2Jiggy4u. Jiggy was always quite a bit better than me, but I think Rocketman was about the same level. I joined a game one day and he was sporting a tag, [DMI]. There were a couple others on the server, a was a little jealous. I played with them for a while, and eventually Hitman (not the Aussie) asked if I would like to join the clan. I knew they were a new bunch, but I did not realize until later that they had just been formed that day. Through email conversation with Hitman I learned of the roster he had managed to accumulate in one day: ADOYS, out4blood, Virtualbullzae, SilentSniper, CrimsonDragon, Merlin, Duke, Rocketman. I knew who Rocketman was, but who the hell were these other guys? DMI was to be a democratic clan. There was no leader, and there were no ranks, no seniority. Virtualbullzae was working on a website for the clan, and SilentSniper was hosting a server. I volunteered to help on the website, since I was a *cough* expert (hindsight: total noob). I decided to drop the spacemonkey name, and go with Monoxide, I had a smoking habit at the time so it seemed fitting. The first time I hopped into a server as Monoxide[DMI], I saw Jiggy sporting some [EIS] tag. I told him who I was, and he started laying it into me asking why I joined them, I could join EIS. While giving it some thought, some of my new teammates started joining the server. It quickly turned into an unofficial DMI vs EIS friendly battle. Seems like we were about equal. Afterwards I talked to Jiggy on MSN, and he admitted that DMI was better than his initial thoughts.

We spent a lot of time in our own private server. For the most part we would cruise around big maps and just chat in game. Out of everybody in the clan I think I talked to Duke and Merlin the most. They lived close to me so we always joked about getting together (Duke and Merlin were/are close friends IRL). I started playing with the shotgun and sniper rifle only. One day Duke challenged me to a 1v1. I could not kill the bastard. He later told me it was because he was using augs, and proceeded to tell me what all of them did. I started using Speed, and Ballistic Protection. Duke, Merlin and I all seemed to be at the same skill level. ADOYS and Hitman were on the east coast, we never seemed to be online at the same time. None of the others ever played on public servers. I thought for sure we were the best in the clan, until the first time I actually had to play against ADOYS. You could unload 5 ammo crates into that dude and he would not die. Over time, other people started to think we were pretty good.

Arouned August 2001 I was taking a trip to Monterey to see a friend who was doing work out there. My course took me right by Duke's house, so him, Merlin and I decided to meet up. It was no doubt...awkward. Both of them were entirely different than I had imagined, I'm sure they can say the same about me. This meeting brought the three of us pretty close together. It was almost like a clan within the clan.

We managed to create a pretty heated rivalry with EIS. Come to find out most of them hated everybody in DMI except for me. Jiggy continued attempting to convince me I needed to join them. We tried to setup a real clan match with EIS, the turnout on both sides was utterly dissapointing. So much that I won't go into the results of the 3v3 and eventually 2v2 that ensued. It was pretty much even as I recall.

A young kid going by DreamStation desperately wanted into DMI. His clan had just broken up, for the life of me I can't remember their name or tag. They were around during Yakuza and CYD times. A big controversy (what? drama in DX? no!!) errupted when some unkown person was seen running around PDX with a plasma rifle that shot at insane speeds. I didn't believe it until I saw it. DreamStation was talking to me on MSN one day telling me how easy it was for anybody to cheat in DX. He took me and a few DMIs to a private server and showed us the shottime command. He eventually confessed that it was him with the Plasma rifle, and that a lot of people knew about the command. Word got out that it was him, people were not happy. He became an outcast of DX.

I guess I always had a hardon for DEA. I spent a lot of time on their minimalistic website, wondering if I'd ever be good enough to join them. If you ask me, I will still say Apoc was hands down the best player ever in DX. Even considering others in over the course of time, Messiah was really good, Merlin definitely became one of the best, and he would probably contend that VainGlory was always the best, but nobody ever dominated the game the way Apoc did when there were so many other good players around. Maybe I'm blinded though, ADOYS seemed to be able to get the upper hand on him. Vain apparently always did too, so much that Slicer tried to run him out of the game. I envied Apoc's style so much I decided to try to adopt it. I started playing as a cloaking speed tank. My skill level seemed to jump through the roof over night.

One random night at 1AM or so I played against a fellow by the name of ClarkGriswald. There were maybe one or two other noobs on the server, it was pretty much just him and I 1v1. We encountered each other a few more times over the next few days, and seemed to dominate the servers at that time of night. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off every time I saw his name, thinking of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Eventually I started talking to him on AIM. I thought he was a new player, turns out he had been around as long as I had. He had a different handle for all of his playing styles, and I knew every single one of them, thinking they were all great individual players. The one I had seen him use the most in the past was c()()per. The one others know is TonyMontana. I suggested that he join DMI, in fact I pestered him about it for a few days. He said he was holding out for word from BC on whether or not they would let him into DEA. I guess ol Joe took too long getting back to him, and he decided to join us, which he later took hell for because Joe came to him saying he was fit for DEA. For whatever reason he decided to stick with us, for the remainder of our time as a clan. With ClarkGriswald on the roster, we were no doubt one of the best clans of the time. Through him I was able to start talking to people in DEA. I managed to somewhat befriend BC and slicer.

My most memorable series of battles in DX came around this time. PDX was the server, Towers was the map. There were DEA, EIS, DMI, and a few freelancers. The general fight seemed to be outside on the ground. I managed to encounter Apoc in the office of the cental building. Words cannot explain the battles we had. It was a mental battle more than anything, both of us cloked with full augs, trying to use sounds and objects in the room to trick each other into uncloaking and firing a HE shell or tossing a lam in some direction, and then occasionally we would both go all out 1v1, only to cloak again and heal up. Eventually he killed me. I got a few quick kills and rushed back in there ASAP, sure enough, he was waiting. We did this at least five times. I don't know if I managed to kill him once. I asked him about it nearly a year later, he remembered it as well as I did.

DMI had gotten too good to be true apparently. I guess ADOYS mopped the floor with slicer one too many times. Slicer went on a crusade telling everybody we cheated. I exchanged several emails with him. He made it seem like he believed what I was saying, and dropped the accusations, so I thought. Some guy by the name of recils (w31|2d h4x0|2 letters) approached hitman wanting to join DMI. Nobody had ever heard of him, he said he was old school, we were all far too trusting, and apparently flat out retarded for not noticing his name. We tried him out, he was really good. So we decided to let him in. The joke was on us, it was slicer. All he wanted to do was take a gander through our private forum. He found no dirt, and played the whole thing off to the community as acceptable. Most people seemed to side with him, saying we were far too good, and that we came up too quick as a clan. This, in essence, killed DMI. One by one our members wanted nothing to do with DX.

All of us wanted to stick together as a group, so we took a stab at Tribes 2. That, is a whole story of its own, which I will not go into. After several months of playing Tribes, Merlin talked me into playing a game of DX. It didn't take me long to get hooked again. I was still pretty upset about the DMI thing, I felt I would be part of the clan forever. Merlin wanted to start a new clan. I hesitantly agreed with him, and decided to play as SecondHandSmoke for whatever reason. Jadesfire (who I tried, unsuccessfully, to court into joining DMI on more than one occasion) said she wanted to be a part of it, thus, Reactors was born. Jade and Merlin got into it on MSN, I think she quit the clan in a matter of hours. Merlin was on a heavy recruiting spree, I didn't know any of the people he was letting in. I don't know if I stayed with the clan more than a day or not, but eventually I decied to go solo again. Merlin built up the roster, and then he left the clan as well. So if you hadn't heard the story of how [R] became a bastardized clan, there you go.

I stayed solo for a while. TM was MIA attending to personal stuff, he eventually returned to DX and hinted to me again that he may be joining DEA. I asked him to put a word in for me, thinking there was no way in hell it would happen. Merlin approached me on MSN wanting to start up another clan. He already had a list of people wanting to be a part of it, and asked if I was interested. I told him I didn't want to be part of any clan except DMI, and wished him luck with it. I honestly thought Immortals would go the same way Reactors went. Some time later, TM told me he got into DEA. It wasn't very long until I got an email from Joe asking me to join as well. I was in disbelief, as was everybody else the first time I joined a server with the new tag. Merlin was PISSED.

The active DEA roster was BigCountry, ApocolypseNOW, TonyMontana, Monoxide, with slicer playing maybe once a week. TM and I carried over a friendship from DMI. TM, BC and Apoc all shared the same stomping grounds in Jersey. We were a tight group. PDX had been gone for some time, and DX was in desperate need of a quality server. BC had big plans to deliver, and the man came through. He spent a lot of money out of his pocket for a server, simply for the sake of keeping DX alive. I don't think anybody outside the clan ever realized how much money he spent, judging by their ungreatfullness and constant bickering about the way he chose to let us admin it, nobody cared. The server sparked new life in the game, and many old school people returned. Suddenly our active roster was huge. Paradigmic, Andrew, and Blamer all came around out of nowhere. Everybody in DEA knew Strider. I tried to convince him to join DMI a while back, but he wasn't willing to give up his GDX tag. I think it was still him and one other member. Eventually he was the only remaining member. It didn't take much of a vote to get him into the clan. Our roster was solid. In conversations to this day, we all tend to agree that this was the peak, or perhaps the beginning of the tallest plateau of DEA.

The demands of school caught up with Blamer, Para, and Drew. After a few months, we found ourselves in need of another active member. It just so happened that EIS was on the fritz, and most of their members had called it quits. We scooped up Melkor and PM instanly. Our roster remained as strong with them on board. Somewhere in this timeframe, either before or after Melk and PM were brought in, we had a friendly match with DK. The first map of the match was CMD, I was so nervous. I started out 0-10, thanks to [DK]IlluminedOne with her knives and 275 ping from New Zealand. At one point slicer asked on the voice server if I wanted him to replace me. Embarrassed, I said I would correct my ratio, which I managed to pull off. The match ended with DEA on top of the scoreboard, but as I said, it was a friendly match. IlluminedOne and I became quite good friends after that. We went on to play against TCN, which was to be a friendly match as well. Things did not stay that way however. They wanted a rematch on a European server. Something that we were not adverse to, but had no immediate plans to setup. Our main focus at the time was getting ready for Immortals.

Slicer decided to bring in his long time friend [[face]]. To make a long story short, some problems developed between him and a few members, and he quit the clan. As far as I'm concerned, this is where things started going downhill.

I was getting pretty into web development at the time, and slicer made it known that he wanted to freshen up the DEA site, which was hosted on a gamespy server. With his approval, I started working on a hybrid html/flash site for the clan. He decided he liked the look of the HTML layout, and that a flash site was not suitable for dialup users. We agreed that two separate sites should be made. He would do an HTML site, and I would continue with the flash work. According to slicer, the site had to be a community based website in order for gamespy to host it, so we really couldn't make it a clan website. This presented a problem, as I was about halfway finished with the clan site. So....I put up the money to host a site and forums. I hate to say anything bad about Slicer (even though he broke up my old clan, etc, etc) but I always got the impression that he didn't approve of me hosting the website. He did not want to move all of the content over to my server, instead he wanted to link to the forums and to my version of the website. This was only the beginning of my frustrations.

Mouse had the same fixation with DEA as I, except he was more vocal about it. TM and Apoc decided to bring him into the clan without much of a vote. This pissed Joe off. He had nothing against Mouse, he was simply and understandably upset that nobody consulted with him. This is something else a lot of people never realized: Joe was DEA. Slicer may have founded the clan, but BigCountry was our leader. From the time I first started playing the game, to right before DMI split, slicer was pretty much inactive. From that point, he only played until a few months after TM and I joined. Everybody inside the clan knew that Joe called the shots, and without Joe, there was no DEA.

Eventually things calmed down, and Mouse was welcomed with open arms. The rodent brought a lot of drama to the clan. He got into quite a bit of trouble, refusing to back down from personal battles at the request of the clan. Slicer was becoming swamped with school as well, and over time became less involved with the game, yet he was still insistent on running the clan. TM and I DID NOT like this.

The match against [I] took forever to setup. We recruited Trauma shortly before the match. He had been in every clan in DX, including Immortals. Before the match we got together on the voice server and discussed our plan of attack. Trauma prepared a prayer for us. I've never been much of a religious person, but I went along with it. The prayer ended with him asking for God's help as we declared jihad against [I]. Everybody appreciated that. I've heard from a bunch of people that we would have lost the match without him. He had the highest score on our team for Silo, but we won that map even without him. The match opened with me killing Merlin, RatBastard, and Duke in the HE room. I think this was the peak of my skills in DX. We won silo hands down, and went on to Area51. We always believed that A51 was our second strongest map (second to silo), yet we always did poorly on it in matches. Halfway through the map, the server came under a DoS attack, and the match was unplayable. The way the map ended, [I] was above us on the scoreboard no doubt. Things ended on Cathedral, this is where the controversy is. The score (Mouse has screenshots to prove it) was DEA > 100, with Immortals in the 20s. They contend that the match was over after the DoS attack, and they weren't taking it serious. There was a lot of bickering the whole time on that map, but the fact remains, we were playing while bickering. I don't know what to make of it, and frankly don't care. What really matters is that after the match, comments were made from both sides about how well Trauma played. Nobody had seen him perform like that. Merlin was convinced he was shottiming, and apoc made a comment on voice that he suspected something. Nobody realized Trauma was on there listening at the time. He left the clan. Merlin continued to say he thought something was suspicious, yet he didn't hesitate to welcome the kid back into [I] after he left us.

Time went by, and Mouse got himself into trouble. He exploited a flaw in some other clans forum and got himself admin access. It didn't take long for word to spread. Slicer didn't hesitate to kick him out of DEA. I find it ironic, after what Slicer did to DMI. Nobody was happy with Mouse, but a few of us were especially unhappy with Slicer for stepping in. At the time he had been virtually unheard from, and now suddenly he is booting members. To top it off, Slicer had mentioned that perhaps it was time to shut DEA down, because he didn't have time to run it. That sent TM and I through the roof. Joe had been running the clan by himself without Slicer for a long time, and what Joe couldn't do, we were handling ourselves. Looking back now, I think calling it quits then and there would have been the best thing for DEA. Not because I agreed with Slicer at the time, but because of everything that transpired over the following months, which could not have been predicted. TM called Slicer out in public over the whole issue, and I followed suit. The way we did it was fucked, I will admit. We insisted that Slicer hang up his hat, and so he did. PM was pissed over what we did with Slicer, him and TM got into it. He later quit the clan and went under the radar for a while.

Merlin messaged me randomly one day in his usual fashion, stating that RatBastard was throwing a beach party in LA, and we were invited. As it turns out, CannonFodder was going to be in LA that weekend for a wedding. I set sail for Merlin's house late on a Friday. We left San Jose at 3:30AM and got into LA around 8:00AM. That was a long day. A good number of DX people showed up at the party. Myself, Merlin, Rat, CannonFodder, AtomicPunk, and Rooster. I wish I still had the photos. I had a blast, but everything was sooooooooo LA. If you've been there you know what I'm talking about. I hate it.

Despite the ongoing feud between TCN and DEA, Riddler, KingLouie, TM and I managed to become friends. The two of them parted ways with TCN for reasons I cannot remember. TM and I lobbied to get them into DEA without any opposition. Having them two southerners on board was a major breath of fresh air for the clan.

Little by little, I lost interest in DX. I flat out stopped playing eventually, and stuck to managing the forums. I wanted to remain part of DEA, and wanted to contribute, so I decided to revamp the flash website project that I had never completed. I opted to start from scrach, and made the site that everybody remembers. I really had nothing to do with the game from then on.

With the exception of a couple people (Druid, Duffman, Arthur) I disagree with everybody who was brought into DEA after I stopped playing. I don't have a personal grudge with any of them, but I don't feel they were suited for the clan. A few of them dragged the DEA name through the mud, and went against everything the clan stood for. It kills me to see threads with people accusing us of cheating. Nobody in the clan was ever into that. System got his hands on that aimbot long after the clan was dead, pisses me off that he used our tag while he was doing it.

I have heard various rumors from several people over the years about bringing DEA back. I heard somebody was impersonating me and recruiting people as well. I found it flattering that somebody actually remembered me after so long, but overall I was not impressed. Let me just say this to any talk of bringing DEA back: no. There is only one person that would have the right to do so, his name is Joe.

Mouse convinced me to give RTCW a try. I found out that several of my old DMI buddies were playing it, so we clanned up and began to play competitively. We were total noobs. We started out playing OGL and STA, noob leagues for those who aren't familiar. Hitman dissapeared off the face of the earth and left me with the task of running the clan. We played season 1 of TWL and did alright. After that clan broke up, I hopped around to a couple different teams with Mouse. None of them lasted very long. Somehow I managed to land myself a spot in Vengeance, a top Cal-O team. We made it through one season of CAL and TWL, and got knocked out in the first round of playoffs. The team broke up after that, and I was solo yet again. From there Mouse got me onto a team with some really good players, right before he stopped playing the game. I knew the team was good, but didn't realize how good. That team went on to win CAL-I the following season, after which I stopped playing RTCW. A few months later System from DEA convinced me to give ET a shot. He had gotten on a top CAL-I team. I wound up hosting a server for them, and eventually playing for them. That didn't last long.

Somewhere in there Merlin had a party at his house. Hito flew up and I drove in after a night class. I proceeded to drink everybody under the table. The next day we drove into San Francisco. About one mile into the drive I was wishing I had cut back on the drinking a bit. Merlin's driving wasn't helping. I hurled out his passenger window; it was a moment to be remembered.

In January of 04 TM took a trip from New Jersey to visit me. We spent several days in San Francisco raising hell ang banging hookers. Good times were had.

In august of 04 I took two weeks off work. The first week I flew to Chicago to hang out with SilentSniper. From there it was off to New York/New Jersey to visit TM for the following week. Luck would have it, that the man himself was able to put some free time aside while I was on the east coast. We met up with BC in Brooklyn for pizza and ice cream.

DX has been the source of some close friendships for me. TM and SilentSniper are two of my closest friends. I honestly hate using video game nicknames, I think it's the gayest thing ever. I insist on being on a first name basis with my friends. I am in regular contact with the following people still:

Leon (the other hitman)

Occasionally Melkor comes around, same with Druid
Last edited by docholiday on Fri Oct 21, 05 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby docholiday » Fri Oct 21, 05 10:03 am

Word filters are the gayest thing ever. Words are just strings of letters, left to interpretation. Substituted words carry the same meaning, and put the same thoughts into peoples heads. Actions speak louder than words. Booo cencorship ;)
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Postby Alistair » Fri Oct 21, 05 10:04 am

Its a good experiance while it lasts isn't it. Its all a big new world at first. I wont say anymore.. Even looking back at Moops Maps Archive gives memorys.. Getting my first mods and trying them with fellow clan mates but then never to be seen again in the next month :cry:
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Postby docholiday » Fri Oct 21, 05 10:36 am

Ahh I left out two very important pieces of information. Shortly after BC got the DEA server up, he joined using an alias and did something to piss me off. I logged in and gave him the boot. He was more than a little upset when he reconnected.

I don't know how I could have forgotton to mention this. I'm willing to bet that TM holds the record to this day for the number of times anybody has banned themself from a server. I believe he checks in at 3.
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Postby Bob » Fri Oct 21, 05 1:23 pm

docholiday wrote:Word filters are the gayest thing ever. Words are just strings of letters, left to interpretation. Substituted words carry the same meaning, and put the same thoughts into peoples heads. Actions speak louder than words. Booo cencorship ;)


A thourough history of DMI and DEA. Good stuff.
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Postby James » Fri Oct 21, 05 1:27 pm

docholiday wrote:Word filters are the gayest thing ever. Words are just strings of letters, left to interpretation. Substituted words carry the same meaning, and put the same thoughts into peoples heads. Actions speak louder than words. Booo cencorship ;)

But, this system has COOKIES!
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Postby docholiday » Fri Oct 21, 05 6:45 pm

monkee wrote:WTF is kale? messiah? dbl? amigo? Christ! Oh well, I guess you werent paying attention beyond your own clanmates.

I never had problems with any of them. Problems as in drama, and problems as in killing them. I base my opinions off of who dominated me on a regular basis, as this is my story. I know how long you played the game, I'm sorry your clan did not get a mention in my post, but quite frankly, triad wasn't a "big deal" until after I stopped playing. None of those guys were considered "good" until long after my time.

I see nothing has changed with you guys, I'll leave you to your self-important world of being the best.
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Postby TonyMontanaDEA » Fri Oct 21, 05 6:55 pm

I'm not reading all that.
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Postby James » Sun Oct 23, 05 10:45 am

After the cooling down period, I decided to unlock the topic and put the childish ramblings here:
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Postby Alistair » Sun Oct 23, 05 3:40 pm

let the guys talk. free speech for all
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Postby James » Sun Oct 23, 05 3:41 pm

kEy^[A] wrote:let the guys talk. free speech for all

Not in here.
I'd rather them take it somewhere else, like MSN.
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Postby Alistair » Sun Oct 23, 05 3:49 pm

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Postby Dae » Sun Oct 23, 05 4:03 pm

Uh got a couple of spare minutes, and I managed to read that. Nice story! Actually DEA was like a mystery for me when it existed. And to say truth I really believed some of you got bots.
And i'm quite envious to you that you could get together with the game friends in real life :)
Oh and yeah
1. how did you play clanwars before MTL came out?
2. why Gamespy has gone?
3. did you buy VB for DEA?
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Postby docholiday » Sun Oct 23, 05 9:42 pm

~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:1. how did you play clanwars before MTL came out?
2. why Gamespy has gone?
3. did you buy VB for DEA?

1. The same way we did after MTL. I guess we only played against "reputable" clans. There were always cheating accusations flying around but nowhere near what it became later on in the game. Matches were few and far between. In DMI we only attempted to do it once with EIS, the whole thing fell apart. While I was active in DEA we only did three. Slightly different than having two or more league matches a week, with scrimmages every night in rtcw =/

2. No idea

3. VB as in.....visual basic?
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Postby TonyMontanaDEA » Sun Oct 23, 05 10:28 pm

I can tell you without a question, that anyone caught cheating in DEA would have been banned for life on the spot.
To this day, even tho I am friends with him, I hate that system used a bot and our name tag. He was no longer in DEA at the time, nor was DEA still an active clan, but I still banned him from the server everytime he came on. Again, I like him and speak with him daily, but what he did made him unworthy of having ever worn the DEA tag. Id anull him ever being in the clan if I could. The only punishment I can think of for him at this point is to point out that he was never asked to be in DEA by any of the elders. He was invited by Druid who was a new memer at the time and one day he appeared with the tag and in the private forums. I am quite certain that had a vote been made that included the elders, he would not have made it in. On the flipside however I was guilty of the same with Apoc in inviting Mouse in without approval, but we did so becasue Apoc thought Mouse would kill himself in real life if we didnt let him in. He was certainly skilled but a menacing clan killer.
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Postby Trailmix » Mon Oct 24, 05 1:12 am

docholiday wrote:3. VB as in.....visual basic?

I think he means VBulletin.
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Postby docholiday » Mon Oct 24, 05 2:10 am

Ahhh, no I did not.
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Postby System » Mon Oct 24, 05 4:56 am

The infamous aimbot story is kind of funny.

This bot only turned up long after Deus Ex was long dead. It was originally FunBot written for Unreal Tournament. I'm pretty sure it was Weirdoo from [W] who ported it. I got it from him one night on MSN when I explained I could get him the source code for MTL as his bot only worked with an unpatched server.

So for those of you who remember Brina and Ivier from forums... I had thier MSN contact information and they had the source code for MTL. And that is officitally how FunBot was ported to DXMP. The bot was terrible and had almost no prediction. Sure I was labled as a cheater but I didn't really care as I exposed a bot to the public and forced community to patch it with MiniMTL. The really sad part to this whole situation is that all the old Unreal Tournament hacks worked in Deus as it used the same engine. Not to mention that the game was bugged from it very inception.

Cabinet Bug
Biobot Bug
spawning items
allaugs bug
infinate lams, emp, gas

As for Mr. Montana's post... I can appreciate the bond that a clan brings. I certainly was not in the clan because I liked any of the older players. You could consider me the first of the 2nd Gernation of DEA and the one who created the 2nd half of its existance.

Druid who at the time I talked with nightly asked me to join because at that time I raged. His concearn was that all the old DEA's stopped playing. Basically it was Druid and Melkor and a bunch of retired from the game noobs. So I joined and helped recruit players that weren't so tired. We went undefeated and the rest is boring history.
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Postby TonyMontanaDEA » Mon Oct 24, 05 6:38 am

I did not question your skill( even with your 1-19 showing against Triads ).
It is only in retrospect that I question your gaming ethics.
I hate cheaters and as you know to the point that I consider you all cheaters in rtcw and et for not playing with default settings.

To add to Craig's story, when he and I joined my goal was to re-awaken the sleeping giant that was DEA. They had all been gone for awhile and I joined with the wildest dreams of somehow making them all come back. With Craig aboard adding a 2nd active member, my dreams came true. Before I knew it I was playing along side the legends of the game, and we added Melkor. I was a tanker at the time and with the exception of Blamer, tanking wasnt the DEA MO. I wanted to play the over the top game that they had mastered. I immediately changed my power recirc to speed and began playing the speed game. Man was it a hard transition. I was easily the worst player in the clan at the time. But the style I would eventualy master, the speed tanker with vision, would live on to this day as the favorite of many of the post-DEA era's top players. Anyway, for a few months DEA was in full swing again. This should have been the last stand. The clan soon stopped playing again and it was I that begged for new recruits as I was in my prime and wanted to the DEA name to shine. I was granted limted recruiting rights and brought Druid aboard who was the person to originally get me int Deus Ex SP as I was dating his sister at the time. No one else was worthy at the time but atleast we had 6-8 active members for matches and that was good enough. We lost a couple more and thats when Druid brought a long a few more players. I think Druid should have been the last DEA and the clan should have ceased then. It was a hard thing to do tho as we had the best server and the best players, just not enough of them. Anyway thats that for now. Ill end it with this. i say this as I thought it before I was in DEA, anyone who thinks the greatest players to ever play the game were not Slicer, Apoc and BC started playing long after the game went downhill. Greatness is relative. It is quite possible that me or joe schmoe or anyone ended up being better if you could hold some weird time traveling showdown, but the relative greateness, how they mastered the game at the time they did regardless of the skill level, is unmatched. Whn messiah begged me on aim to watch him play and testify that he was not a cheater on a forum, which I did becasue i Had seen nothing special about him, Apoc had already been great, retired, been great again and retired. TCN was the last stand with the DEA greats and [3] had not even formed yet. I assure you there was no comparison and that you never saw the greatness. No none of you were there at the beggnining. No one knew a monkey or a magic man before [3] formed, by then the game had lived out its prime. You came into a world of no aug servers, and yes htere were some great players in this time such as Kale and Arthur and Hitokiri. By the legacy of the greatest game ever was already dead. Youll never have seen what 10 packed servers was like, nor what DEA greatness, which i was not a part of at the time, was like either.
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Postby [T]fRoSt » Mon Oct 24, 05 3:45 pm

a very good read.. the memories... =)

[BH]Beast > All


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Postby Trailmix » Mon Oct 24, 05 4:03 pm

docholiday wrote:Ahhh, no I did not.

Let me rephrase that.

I think Daedalus means VBulletin. Can you buy Visual Basic? :P
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Postby AlexDenton » Mon Oct 24, 05 5:22 pm

[T]fRoSt wrote:a very good read.. the memories... =)

[BH]Beast > All



That. Is. A. Good. Score.
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Postby Amme » Mon Oct 24, 05 10:06 pm

Looks like n00b bashing to me.
Mess with the best, Die like the rest.
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Postby Conceited » Tue Oct 25, 05 1:17 am

wanna try and match that, hotshot? :P
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Postby System » Wed Oct 26, 05 12:30 pm

79-0 on silo....

To bad the screenshots have long since been formated.

Kill scores on smuggler are NOT impressive.

Deus Ex is:


TonyMontanaDEA wrote:I did not question your skill( even with your 1-19 showing against Triads ).
It is only in retrospect that I question your gaming ethics.
I hate cheaters and as you know to the point that I consider you all cheaters in rtcw and et for not playing with default settings.

I definately sucked at the end =D.

I was teamkilled by Melkor and Duffman 7 times in that round. And I suicide LAW'ed 3 times trying to break kale's streak. Nice score IMO.

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Postby Alistair » Wed Oct 26, 05 5:42 pm

Hold up, is this the DCSB fag or the [DEA] dude?
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Postby Dae » Wed Oct 26, 05 6:04 pm

System[DEA] != System[DCSB]
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Postby AlexDenton » Wed Oct 26, 05 7:47 pm

DCSB System is cool. He is just too (scientifically) smart for peoples' liking. Unintentionally makes people feel inferior.
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Postby clyzm » Wed Oct 26, 05 9:20 pm

Deus Ex has nothing to do with seriousness; it's all about fun, whether it's a clanwar or a trial.
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Postby James » Wed Oct 26, 05 9:23 pm

AlexDenton wrote:DCSB System is cool. He is just too (scientifically) smart for peoples' liking. Unintentionally makes people feel inferior.

Dayum no gooder smart peopals, dis heres MAAAAH fourem.
I am dead.
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