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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 11:42 am
by Siva
I want to see chococat in government.

Its not that easy to just "Fix things"

E.G - Wanting to take benefit away from chavs.

To do this -

Positives -) It'll get chavs off the bloody estate
-) They'll be being productive members of society
-) Crime rate may go down significantly because of positive values.

Negatives -) The chavs will have to be employed - thus the employers will have to deal with them.
-) Bloody activists. (If there isnt a group, there WILL be one)
-) Targeting the people who ARE fully able to work, and not generalising, which costs MONEY, and money does NOT magically appear out of no-where.
-) We have to borrow MORE money thus putting us in more debt.
-) More debt means less pension, higher council tax, etc etc.
-) Some Chavs might take to stealing as a "proffession"

As you can see, the positives don't outweigh the negatives, the reason you feel strongly on that topic is because it relates personally to you.

The government is a strong one, the only people who oppose it can't really see the problems with certain "solutions"

Do you honestly know how much the prime-minister has had to deal with?

-)Plane Highjackers who are ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE COUNTRY.
-)His own defective cabinet
-)Bad police morale
-)Trying to keep the media quiet so he can DEAL with the issues.
-)100's of activist groups who wont STFU, and go through the SYSTEM.
-)Black On Black Crime.
-)Racist Attacks.
-)Alternate energy power.


PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 11:48 am
by Snakey
After all that, you still fail to stop me hating the British government.

Blair has fucked us over, accept it.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 11:57 am
by Siva
Yes, I know that.

He's screwed us over trying to HELP everybody.

If I was in government, I'd concentrate on one thing at a time, He was just trying to make sure everyone was happy and whatever.

But in doing that - He fuq'd up.

E.G - He built a skate park because the local community said they we're bored and resorting to vandalisim, and he also built a play park for the under 5's.

He's trying. Dont be so inconciderate.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 12:05 pm
by Snakey
Yes yes, I'm sure a Skate Park is what Britain really needs. Of course, I should have thought of it sooner!

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 1:10 pm
by Chococat
Lol! Seriously though, I've noticed skate parks have made a bit of a difference, because the grungers hang out there (well in Matlock anyways.. in Preston they still just sit near Wilkos and abuse everyone), but skate parks don't stop chavs vandalising :(

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 1:26 pm
by Siva

But in our area they recently put up a graffiti wall, and opened up a youth club.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 1:58 pm
by Chococat
Ooo I love it when they let abandonded factories become graffitti buildings, its such a raw form of art. Sheffield has some cool graffitti art along the train-line.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 2:02 pm
by Spiderbot01
Theres a difference between cool graffiti like those huge mural things you get and gay little things you get on the sides of buses.

Way to get rid of chavs: Stone them. With stones.

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 2:03 pm
by Zantinzuken
Spiderbot01 wrote:Theres a difference between cool graffiti like those huge mural things you get and gay little things you get on the sides of buses.

Way to get rid of chavs: Stone them. With stones.

I'm glad you said stones, otherwise i wouldn't know what to do....

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 2:08 pm
by Spiderbot01
[V]Klépto wrote:
Spiderbot01 wrote:Theres a difference between cool graffiti like those huge mural things you get and gay little things you get on the sides of buses.

Way to get rid of chavs: Stone them. With stones.

I'm glad you said stones, otherwise i wouldn't know what to do....

lol. Its from the brick testement, it says 'And thou shalt stone them to death with stones' :S

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 2:45 pm
by Chococat
Spiderbot01 wrote:Way to get rid of chavs: Stone them. With stones.

Ahh yes, I was gonna stone them with pillows but stones are a much better idea! :D

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 3:51 pm
by Siva
Chococat wrote:Ooo I love it when they let abandonded factories become graffitti buildings, its such a raw form of art. Sheffield has some cool graffitti art along the train-line.

I don't know if thats sarcastic or promoting it lol.

Yeah, but classic graffiti is great.

But the chavs just do stupid gay white spray paint squiggles.


PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 3:58 pm
by Spiderbot01
Chococat wrote:
Spiderbot01 wrote:Way to get rid of chavs: Stone them. With stones.

Ahh yes, I was gonna stone them with pillows but stones are a much better idea! :D

Well, you might of liked chavs. How was I supposed to know?

PostPosted: Sun May 14, 06 5:44 pm
by Snakey
Chococat wrote:Lol! Seriously though, I've noticed skate parks have made a bit of a difference, because the grungers hang out there (well in Matlock anyways.. in Preston they still just sit near Wilkos and abuse everyone), but skate parks don't stop chavs vandalising :(

We have a single half pipe down here, a sucky little park thingy and a football court, and it's been vandalised to hell by Chavs. Even when it's mostly them that hang out there! Weirdos.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 06 6:37 pm
by Alistair
Because the commenting is the easiest thing when your not in charge. although how many babies did you burn today rambo?

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 06 8:23 pm
by C:Enter:£££
XII//:Prod1gy wrote:
Chococat wrote:Ooo I love it when they let abandonded factories become graffitti buildings, its such a raw form of art. Sheffield has some cool graffitti art along the train-line.

I don't know if thats sarcastic or promoting it lol.

Yeah, but classic graffiti is great.

But the chavs just do stupid gay white spray paint squiggles.


Give them some fucking crayons and a colouring book, attention seeking wankers.

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 06 9:30 pm
by Spiderbot01
[A]MoshMan wrote:
XII//:Prod1gy wrote:
Chococat wrote:Ooo I love it when they let abandonded factories become graffitti buildings, its such a raw form of art. Sheffield has some cool graffitti art along the train-line.

I don't know if thats sarcastic or promoting it lol.

Yeah, but classic graffiti is great.

But the chavs just do stupid gay white spray paint squiggles.


Give them some fucking crayons and a colouring book, attention seeking wankers.

*shakes your hand*

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 06 7:31 am
by Alistair
tory bliar,

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 06 5:06 pm
by nokio
Cool topic, very intresting! :) :)

PostPosted: Thu May 25, 06 5:57 pm
by C:Enter:£££
Sorry mum, I'm legal age of voting so how do you know I'm not going to vote them?

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 06 12:41 am
by Conceited
I get a cheap thrill out of hating governments.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 06 1:36 pm
by [FGS]ShadowRunner
It is easy to hate the western world's governments for three reasons.

1. Hypocracy (why are we still driving cars and smoking cigarettes)
2. Cynicism
3. Corruption

We attacked Iraq and never found Chemical Weps, the attack was authorised because USA pledged to stay out of Iran.
We shot a man on the London Underground, cos the Police THOUGHT he was a terrorist, we never found a wep.
We just shot a muslim in his own home, we never found the chemicals. Those police didnt shout "armed police" and then terrorized an entire street...of law abiding UK citizens, who happened not to be white...

I dont hate the Police, but if they continue to shoot people, while failing to identify themselves as Police and the world picture is the same, people acting out of suspicion, fear and aggression, without proper evidence, then world war 3 is very close and my loyalties will be split in two places.

If you have ever seen the banned-news footage of a 12 year old Iraqi girl with USA bullets re-arranging her head to look like an Octopus, then you will understand why her father is today, probably a "terrorist"... or the busload of Iraqis annihilated for trying to leave a battlefield, shot at point blank range, with their hands up, you will question who was to blame.

The person who gives the orders? Or the people stupid enough to carry them out with question...There is ZERO evidence of Iran wishing to build a nuke, they are simply coming to the same conclusion as the UK, that their economy needs nuke power for the future. After we have invaded, destabilized Iran and caused a new breed of Iranian terrorist, who's next? China.

It's just like DX, dont act without proper evidence, if your Government insists we must kill in the name of peace, demand the evidence first...Stay out of Iran and pull out of Iraq, give them a lot of money and apoligize to the dead parents and orphans and never kill on foreign soil again, UNLESS attacked first, the 9/11 was a Saudi operation, not an Iraqi operation. The US excuse was to make Iraq more stable. In the last 15 years, a million deaths or more and the country is WORSE off than under Saddam...and even MORE terrorists now exist...

for the USA to deny nuke power to Iran by killing them, will be terrorism themselves...just one more reason for Arabs to hate them even more, THEY will be the troublemakers, not Iran, since when did Iran ever invade or bomb another country? Sabre-rattling is not evidence of invasion...

60,000,000 Arabs dead in 50 years at the hands of US/NATO. Time to stop , say sorry and do as you would be done by... or STFU and face the cosnequences....And did any see then pic of the 8 year old palestinian boy hit by an Israeli missle in Gaza yesterday, wtf is that, Israel behaving like Nazi GermanyEDIT: and the UK in Boer war, turning the palestinians into an interned people and then killing them

Shadowrunner - Jew/Arab lover, African lover, Asian lover, US lover, ppl lover

EDIT: We hate our governments because we are children...and allow them to behave like parents, not leaders...we need to behave like a team.

Who thinks I should be admin on Stargate? I will rule like Solomon, you know it! Come on give me admin plz.... (37 years old and only 99%noob)
Tell him if you think I have common sense or now !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 06 4:28 pm
by AlexDenton
I wanna coup this country.

Whose in?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 06 4:28 pm
by Snakey
AlexDenton wrote:I wanna coup this country.

Whose in?

I'll provide the drinks.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 06 4:29 pm
by AlexDenton
Tea, please.