Apple vs. Microsoft

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Apple vs. Microsoft

Postby clyzm » Wed Mar 04, 09 8:35 am

Recently, Bill Gates made it a rule in his household to not have any iPods or iPhones.

I respect Bill Gates for that, he cares about his business, and if the media catches wind of Bill Gates's family using Apple products, it will obviously have a detrimental effect on his reputation.

The article's not the reason I put this in the rant box. Check the comments section of that article, or any article related to technology over at Digg.

Littered with Apple enthusiasts. It pisses me off that they claim things like "half of everything Microsoft makes doesn't work" and insist that "Apple works and looks better," even when comparing the iPod to a Zune.

I've been using Windows for all my computer life. At work, I use Windows. I spent a shitton of money recently on my computer, which runs Windows XP. Not once has my Windows broken down, and when it has errors on startup, it's easily correctable.

Honestly, I don't know where or how the Apple followers got the image that everything Microsoft makes sucks, how, when people say "Windows", they think up an image of a Windows Vista taskbar malfunctioning every three seconds, running on "just an ugly box with a lot of wires" instead of the elegant iMac shape.

That's fine, honestly, if they're trendy and are obsessed with fashion, they can pay $2,000 for an iMac, but don't come up to me saying "yeah, i have an iMac, its better than ur computer lawl."

I also don't understand the iPhone. It's a simple touch screen phone with a lot of downloadable applications. Yet, when I see Apple vs. Microsoft arguments, they say they can't live without their iPhone and Windows Mobile or HTC has nothing on it. Can't live without your iPhone and iPod and iMac and iDishwasher and iRefrigerator and iPenis? Christ. Don't know about you guys, but I can manage fine without any sort of cellular phone or mp3 player, I have been "managing" for about 5 years.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Wed Mar 04, 09 9:12 am

Honestly, I give Windows shit cause it's funny and so over-used. A lot of it's true, most of it's not. Infact, at least I can fucking do shit on a Microsoft Operating System, I can't do shit all that I can on a Windows on a friggin Mac.

Gaming is limited, so I'm pretty fucked there, being a goddamn PC gamer. Honestly though, I do commend Apple on their products like the iPod and iPhone (both however are EXTREMELY overpriced and overrated, but they do what they're supposed to).

I prefer Microsoft over Apple but wouldn't mind an iPod myself. As for Gates banning iPods and iPhones and the like, he's being a fucking tight-ass. Screw his goddamn "pride", he's fucking RICH for crying out loud, we could only dream of having his wealth and he won't let his fucking family have one iPod?

Screw that, no matter how rich you are, you ain't gonna tell me what I can use and what I fucking can't. If he tried stopping me from using an iPod in his house I'd take his "Zune" and shove it where the sun don't shine.
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Postby clyzm » Wed Mar 04, 09 9:51 am

His kids must be pretty spoiled and rotten -- honestly, you have the richest father in the world, and you complain that he doesn't allow Apple products!
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Postby Dae » Wed Mar 04, 09 1:53 pm

Apple fanboys are really blind at times when they compare OSes, but there's a grain of truth in their words.

At many aspects iPhone is still a lot ahead compared to all "iPhone-killers" and HTC devices and as for me -- there's no alternative to it right now and I can tell you why if you want me to.

Apple Cinema Displays until a few years ago firmly held the leadership by color quality/price ratio on the market; Mac OS X and other things like Apple TV are also good in their own ways. And it's not because of excellent design or fashion, really.
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Postby Siva » Wed Mar 04, 09 2:29 pm

I'm not surprised

I wouldn't begin Ford and drive around in a Mitsubishi
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Wed Mar 04, 09 10:28 pm

I'm not saying I would. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't be using any Apple products either, but I wouldn't be banning my family from using them. That's just pathetic, they have the right to use whatever the hell they want.

In the end, it's his house, so he can ban them from using them. In his house. But he can't stop them from using them anywhere else, and it's absolutely pathetic that he would even try to.

It's people's so-called pride that leaves us with very little freedom and many dead people strewn around our countries.
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Postby Wasted » Wed Mar 04, 09 11:06 pm

If my dad owned Microsoft and he could get me anything I wanted, why the fuck would I need any Apple item?

It's a big-ish statement by him, but people are churning out bullshit about how its unfair to his kids or whatever, who gives a fuck, its really not a big deal.

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Postby Mr. Tastix » Wed Mar 04, 09 11:15 pm

And you wanting to heave concerns me why? Go heave then, I honestly don't want to know about it lol.

Riches doesn't make me happy. Yes, it is unfair on his kids. I'm just glad it's only about some Apple products and not a family where he forces his children to be Christians or think homosexuals are fucking spawns of Satan and they'll go to Hell if they become one.

I believe in the freedom to do what I want, when I want, buy what I want, and do with it what I want. Within law of course. He is not allowing this so if I was in their position I would not take it. So what if he's rich, so bloody what? I'm NOT rich and I'm probably more happy then he is.

Money does not mean happiness. Money can make things easier but money does not create happiness, greedy and power-hungry individuals perhaps but definitely not happiness. If a material possession gives you greater happiness then friends and family then that further proves my point that this world is fucking doomed.
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Postby Wasted » Wed Mar 04, 09 11:19 pm

"Yes, it is unfair on his kids"

No it isn't, thats the point

Money doesn't make them happy, but that's not the fucking argument, the fucking argument is that if they fucking have money who the fuck cares about a couple of fucking products for fucks sake when they can go out and fucking buy better fucking ones.

Nothing to do with your family, or your hair length, or your freedom, or your happiness, I genuinely don't care, put it in a part of a forum that I don't read, like 'What are you listening to'.

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Postby Tantalus » Wed Mar 04, 09 11:23 pm

You are more irrational that Psych!
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Thu Mar 05, 09 12:52 am

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:You are more irrational that Psych!

Yes, and I thought I was quite irrational. And stubborn. Extremely stubborn when it comes to my own opinions (this is both a good and bad thing).

How isn't it unfair to his family? It is because he's disallowing them to use something that the majority of people have the ability to use. Has your parents banned you from using an iPod? Mine haven't, and they never will (this is besides the fact that I don't live with them so they can't ban me from using it anyway).

He's banning the use of them from his house, so I suppose they could always buy it secretly and stash it somewhere. But THAT is beside the point, they SHOULD NOT have to.

Why should even one person be restricted by a man who thinks he has power because he is rich? It's exactly like governmental power, does no one realise we are the ones who give the rich power? Unless they unlawfully gained that money (like tax evasion, hacking/phishing, scamming or fraud, etc) then we game these entrepreneurs their wealth.

Lest we forget.
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Postby Tantalus » Thu Mar 05, 09 5:50 pm

Methinks you've delved too deep in to a very simple debate.
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Postby Siva » Thu Mar 05, 09 8:19 pm

Psychotic what the hell are you talking about

iPods =/= civil rights. It's a goddamn brand, if my mother banned me from wearing Nike trainers I'd go buy some motherfucking Adidas and shut up about it
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Thu Mar 05, 09 10:47 pm

Meh, it's just me. I'm not going to stand around and let someone tell me what I can do and what I can't do. Especially if it's not illegal for me to do it.
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Postby Wasted » Thu Mar 05, 09 10:58 pm







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Postby Tantalus » Thu Mar 05, 09 11:13 pm

I see now. Couldn't keep track of your various aliases.

Yeah Psych , stop trying to be a public rebellionist. This is for his kids. Bill Gates is not going to impose his will on you; seeing as he is not your father (or is he?).
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Postby Roven » Tue Mar 17, 09 12:01 am

I'm the kind of person that's satisfied listening to a CD Player from 1996 as long as it works, if I have a virus, I can still ride that computer until I get tired of pop-ups and format it.

His spoiled brats can deal with a Zune and a Bluetooth.

Honestly, I'm waiting for someone to post "but mac doesnt get viruses lol"
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Postby Allan » Tue Mar 17, 09 12:33 am

Well, if it keeps you happy...

'but Mac doesn't get viruses lol'

...Even though I know full well it's because no-one bothers to make Mac viruses because so few intarwebs users are on Macs, that it's not worth it. Or something.
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Postby Roven » Tue Mar 17, 09 12:51 am

I can't wait til' Linux tries to be cool.
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Postby Dae » Tue Mar 17, 09 12:27 pm

Allan wrote:so few intarwebs users are on Macs

10-12% are, that isn't a few

Allan wrote:no-one bothers to make

Mac doesn't catch viruses because it was initially designed with user division in mind — just like every Unix/Linux system. Thereby, the only virus I came across on Mac couldn't work without my account password, which I refused to provide, of course.

Computer security is actually a serious topic which shouldn't be a prerogative for geeks like me. I'm suprised that most of people consider viruses insignificant and happily co-exist with them on their computers.

In relation to the topic, I think that it is one of good reasons to consider changing the OS.
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Postby Batchy » Wed Mar 18, 09 8:20 am

I would like to see a Mac user beat me in a game of Counter-Strike. :lol:
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Wed Mar 18, 09 9:01 am

Why would you stay on a computer with viruses? I got botnetted once and fucking panicked like shit lol. I got a shitload of personal shit on my laptop, reformatted pretty much as soon as I got it.
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Postby Dae » Wed Mar 18, 09 9:39 am

Batchy wrote:I would like to see a Mac user beat me in a game of Counter-Strike.

What's the problem? Counter Strike runs fine on a Mac. :P
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Postby Batchy » Wed Mar 18, 09 9:57 am

Dae wrote:
Batchy wrote:I would like to see a Mac user beat me in a game of Counter-Strike.

What's the problem? Counter Strike runs fine on a Mac. :P

Well, You got me there!
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Postby Tonnochi » Thu Mar 19, 09 12:31 am

OS X is too "NO YOU CAN'T RUN THAT BUT GUESS WHAT YOU CAN DUAL BOOT" for me, I will never use it. I will also never buy an Xbox 360, because the chip error/sending it away seems near mandatory.
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Postby ~DJ~ » Thu Mar 19, 09 3:43 am

I love XP . XP for life.. Apple sucks.. (imo) cause ... ... i dont know!!

all cool games are coded at XP.. like DX,Thief,Thief 2,gold etc!!

Windows has better stuff... see Xbox there :o

I am not saying that Apple sucks and they dont have anything..

I am saying I don't live apple cause they insult MicroSoft.. :(

and all insult'ers goes down to zero :)
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Thu Mar 19, 09 4:56 am

I don't think the Mac or Apple suck, I just dislike the Mac and prefer XP for it's flexibility. I like the concept of iPods but they're far too overpriced for my liking, and incredibly overrated for it's price.
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Postby Tantalus » Thu Mar 19, 09 4:47 pm

I think that the Mac has stable, useable software but overprices EVERY product they make.

£50 for a 4GB Player, that's thievery in my books.
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Postby Mr. Tastix » Fri Mar 20, 09 1:04 am

Bah, wish we could pay that... we pay around twice that for the same thing, IF it's from Apple.
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Postby Alistair » Tue Apr 14, 09 5:05 pm

The guys at Apple are smart. They've jumped on the personal computer bandwagon and turned what was once a big calculator into a fashion accessory. Thumbs up to them from a business perspective. But personally I find their products toys rather than tools. If my Sony MP3 had legs it would be walking all over the iPod.

Microsoft on the other hand disappoint me, perhaps it's me being cynical or too perfectionist but when i pay £150 for a license I don't expect my program's not to respond. However they've really made the personal computer was it is today. Games, Multimedia and all the shit would be just coming on the scene now if Microsoft hadn't been there. Besides I'd much rather use MS Office than Lotus!

Overall the companies specialise in different things. You could lump them into electronics/computers but I think they are both targeting a different market (well microsoft doesn't need to with their market share hah). Apple aims their products at kids who feel a sense of security when they acquire material possessions [/cynical] whereas Microsoft are about creating a dominating operating system and office packages.
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