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Swine flu....

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 10:28 am
by Tantalus
The media have found a new piece of meat to feast on whilst the financial crisis is completely forgotten about and pawed to one side.

And those government figures! "30,000 dead during the epidemic". Just like AIDS was 35,000 and bird flu was God knows how many.

Somehow BBC (particularly) doesn't seem to take Mexico's medical facilities when they said "3 dead" not even a week ago. If one does not have access to medical facilities standard to MEDC's then of course one is at risk! Oh, forgot the baby too in the USA. (To sound slightly malevonent for a second) Not a creature that if exposed to a few sneezes can be administered to A&E.

In their quest to remain impartial they totally shun the value of the figures they are projecting to the public.

Now, I am not a medical doctor in anyway but I thought the virus itself was simply influenza type A. The only percentage at risk are the elderly or the medically vulnerable (as with every bloody flu!).

Flu kills. New strain or not.

Thoughts and feelings?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 10:31 am
by James
They're taking it far too seriously. How many children die in Africa a day?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 10:43 am
by Tantalus
Absolutely. And they die a FAR more gruesome death than anything we can imagine here.

Where is the line in which we decide they are beyond help?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 11:13 am
by Dae
In the beginning of XX century there was Spanish flu which took away approximately 50 mln lives. Even though since then the medicine has leaped forward, new viruses still remain a serious threat.

Sorry for my cynicism, but the deaths of children in Africa are banal. They die from lack of food, fresh water, war and so on, and this happens because the governments, led by local kings with a brain of a monkey, can't be arsed to do anything about that. It's all pretty clear and obvious, there's not much to highlight here. It's indeed very sad, but it's basically their own business, and humanitarian aids are the maximum what civilized countries can do for them. We've gotta concentrate on making progress.

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 12:26 pm
by Tantalus
Yes, but that would only apply to unknown viruses we have yet been in contact with. Whereas, as I said before, this is simply a mutation of influenza A and already we know how to treat infections and have enough to vaccinate half of the British population (not sure about other nations).

So describing it as the new plague (as some tabloids have already labelled it) is just ludicrous.

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 1:07 pm
by Mr. Tastix
On-topic: I think this whole Swine Flu bullshit has been blown far too out of proportion for my liking. Does the media find joy in making people panic over their exaggerated crap? Do they? Because if they do it needs to fucking stop.

Off-topic: As for the whole Afria ordeal, we can't help that. We can help the people there but only to a certain extent. Their governments should be helping them and they're not, so we can either stand here and do nothing or go there and help (bet you the governments wouldn't like that though).

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 2:48 pm
by Tantalus
Yes, we're not debating that. It was used as a simple comparison.

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 6:12 pm
by clyzm
Swine flu is a joke and is nothing more than media fear propaganda.

humanitarian aids are the maximum what civilized countries can do for them

Not even that. You know what happens to the majority of food and money we send those starving kids that we see on TV? Stolen and taken by warlords or militia.

Which is why I'm a firm believer in not donating money to them. If we want to reshape Africa, we need to do it Jackal-from-Far-Cry-2-style.

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 6:52 pm
by Tantalus
Or get Leonardo DiCaprio to do a crap South African accent.

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 09 9:16 pm
by Aidan
People need to better their immune systems..

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 3:23 am
by Mr. Tastix
cataclyzm wrote:Which is why I'm a firm believer in not donating money to them. If we want to reshape Africa, we need to do it Jackal-from-Far-Cry-2-style.

I agree, I don't trust those bastard donation groups, fucking bullshit artists. I'd prefer to go out and make the shit myself and see where the hell my moneys going.

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 4:02 am
by Aidan
Nuke 'em all.

This would end...

-Majority of aids
-Majority of Diseases

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 4:08 am
by Mr. Tastix
Achéro wrote:Nuke 'em all.

This would end...

-Majority of aids
-Majority of Diseases

Genocide sounds good theory and horribly flawed in practice.

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 4:25 am
by Aidan
Flawed you say? :P

We have nukes

...They have sticks.

And decent weapons..

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 10:45 am
by Dex
dont nuke bosnia pls

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 12:54 pm
by Professor Layton
we nuke herzegovina den

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 1:21 pm
by Dex
Clix wrote:we nuke herzegovina den

ok dats gd :)

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 09 5:50 pm
by Aidan
By nuke, I meant pancake party.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 9:41 pm
by clyzm
So ridiculous at work today.

"Hey Jess you look kinda sick today. Sore throat?"
"No man, I think I have swine flu."
*20 minutes later*


PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 10:06 pm
by Tantalus
I know what you mean...

This histeria is worse than bird flu.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 10:19 pm
by Snakey
~Psychotic~ wrote:
Achéro wrote:Nuke 'em all.

This would end...

-Majority of aids
-Majority of Diseases

Genocide sounds good theory and horribly flawed in practice.

How the hell does Genocide sound good in theory?

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 10:44 pm
by Baleout
Snakey wrote:
~Psychotic~ wrote:
Achéro wrote:Nuke 'em all.

This would end...

-Majority of aids
-Majority of Diseases

Genocide sounds good theory and horribly flawed in practice.

How the hell does Genocide sound good in theory?

And how the hell is it flawed in practice?

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 11:16 pm
by Siva
I think he was drawing from the time he said something about solving all of the worlds problems by killing everybody

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 11:21 pm
by Allan
Baleout wrote:
Snakey wrote:
~Psychotic~ wrote:
Achéro wrote:Nuke 'em all.

This would end...

-Majority of aids
-Majority of Diseases

Genocide sounds good theory and horribly flawed in practice.

How the hell does Genocide sound good in theory?

And how the hell is it flawed in practice?

And why the hell is Snakey's avatar the Sinistar?

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 11:29 pm
by clyzm
Makes me feel like RUNNING, preferably like a COWARD.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 11:34 pm
by Snakey
Why, I sure do HUNGER for some snacks.

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 09 11:36 pm
by clyzm
Care to introduce yourself, sir ?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 09 12:22 am
by Snakey
Certainly, I AM SINISTAR

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 09 12:56 am
by Mr. Tastix
Protocol wrote:I think he was drawing from the time he said something about solving all of the worlds problems by killing everybody

Yes, I was.

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:This histeria is worse than bird flu.

I was just saying that to someone and then read your post. Therefore I agree whole-heartedly.

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 09 1:10 am
by Mastakilla
A few people have died from it and there's a warning that it can spread all over the world. That means we can all get sick. I don't think it has been said that everyone is gonna die, at least not on the telly here. So there's not much histeria because it actually CAN spread all over. Instead of ranting about swine flu let's rant about them dirty Mexicans!