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Parents priorities, they're screwed up.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 7:33 am
by Allan
Okay, I'm 18. Allowed to make my own stupid decisions, etc.

So I gets my dad to buy me a bow-gun for £10 because I wanted to start a weapon collection, and he does. No ammo with it, I just wanted the gun. 2 days later, my mum threatens to ring the police unless I get rid of it. Yet, she allowed me to keep a 1970's Swiss Army Knife I found at my grandparents, despite the fact it was soaked in blood.

And I bet if she knew about the BB gun I have, she'd want that gone too. So, I ask... Why can't I keep weapons that can hurt (okay, kill w/ the bowgun, but I didn't intend to buy ammo.) people at long range, yet I'm allowed to keep a weapon that blatantly killed some one/thing at short range?!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 7:51 am
by Hanover Fist
Appearances. Guests can't see a knife, but a bowgun is harder to hide. That's the only reason I can fathom. Living with my parents I had no privacy, they insisted I had to keep even my own room the way they wanted it.

No fucking rights.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 8:18 am
by Mr. Tastix
I've never had that much of a problem. My mate has a small sword collection and airgun collection himself. I plan on buying a few decorative daggers, swords and staves myself at some point to mount on my bedroom wall.

But as I said I never had a problem, I think the above post makes sense. A knife IS much easier to conceal than a bow-gun. Besides, what's the restrictions on such weapons? Do you need a license to hold them (with or without ammo)? Because, if so, get one then laugh if she rings the cops and you produce the license.

She can, of course, still kick you out. But as said, I've never really had this problem. I left home when I was 15, before that I never thought of ever getting a weapon. Sure I had priority problems but what could I do? I was under 16, I couldn't move out as I had nowhere to go and because I'd rather have stayed.

End all: You really have no choice. It's her house, her rules. If you want pure freedom to do what you like get a job and try and rent out your own place, maybe with flatmates/friends, etc. Personally, I don't recommend it, the way the economy is at the moment but I don't know you or your countries financial situation so it's really easy to say "get a job, rent a flat". Not as easy in practice.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 8:40 am
by clyzm
never had that problem

but i hide my guns in the cellar

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 11:09 am
by Tantalus
Never had that problem

but I don't have any guns.....

*Pulls out a box of daisies*

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 12:37 pm
by SilentScope
You have been added.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 1:30 pm
by ~SaSQuAtCH~
Get a lightsaber, it looks like a toy!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 2:14 pm
by Siva
Buy ammo
Shoot mum with bowgun

Issue resolved

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 7:56 pm
by Allan
Psychotic wrote:It's her house, her rules.

I'd agree, but she doesn't live here. She's cleared off w/ some toss-pot, and I live with my dad in a rented flat. You wern't aware though, so I'll let it pass.

Though I do plan to get a licence for the MAC-11 BB gun, it's just that epic. :ey

Psy, part deux wrote:If you want pure freedom to do what you like get a job and try and rent out your own place, maybe with flatmates/friends, etc. Personally, I don't recommend it, the way the economy is at the moment but I don't know you or your countries financial situation so it's really easy to say "get a job, rent a flat". Not as easy in practice.

Ah, if only. Sounds like eutopia, but finding a job here at the minute is like finding a plastic needle in a haystack the size of Mt Fuji. Otherwise, I would've suggested it to my friends ages ago. I'm sure much epicness would ensue. =D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 8:45 pm
by Spiderbot01
portable mp3 player wrote:never had that problem

but i hide my guns in the cellar

Along with the children.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 09 10:37 pm
by clyzm
Spiderbot01 wrote:
portable mp3 player wrote:never had that problem

but i hide my guns in the cellar

Along with the children.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Basement elves*

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 12:30 am
by Siva
You say Potato

I say P-Pedo

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 12:57 am
by clyzm
Protocol wrote:You say Potato

I say P-Pedo

You say Pedo

I say Uh Oh

Looks Like Somebody

Alerted the 5-0

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 2:58 am
by Mr. Tastix
Psychotic wrote:It's her house, her rules.

I'd agree, but she doesn't live here. She's cleared off w/ some toss-pot, and I live with my dad in a rented flat. You wern't aware though, so I'll let it pass.[/quote]

What are the laws for weapons (such as swords and air-guns in particular, as I will just assume you would need a proper gun license to own a gun)? I'd just laugh if my mother told me she'd ring the cops on me for holding some sort of sword/air-gun in my own house.

Simply because:

1. There are very few laws on having things like swords and other similar weapons in your house. I don't know of many, except of course using them in a threatening manner.

2. Air-guns are permitted anywhere so long as you're not shooting people with them (read: without their permission, since their are of course, clubs who do just that). You only need a license if you're under 18 and want one.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 3:23 pm
by Snakey
FRO_BELOW wrote:Appearances. Guests can't see a knife, but a bowgun is harder to hide. That's the only reason I can fathom. Living with my parents I had no privacy, they insisted I had to keep even my own room the way they wanted it.

I hear that.

Though I do plan to get a licence for the MAC-11 BB gun

>BB gun


PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 7:05 pm
by Allan
It's for airsoft skirmishing, so I need one to buy ammo/gas that's any good.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 7:15 pm
by Hanover Fist
People still do that? I thought it was all about paintball and what'sits.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 7:39 pm
by Allan
It's-a getting rarer, but it's still around.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 09 11:01 pm
by Mr. Tastix
Personally, I'd prefer being shot with BB pellets than pellets filled with paint. Both are going to hurt if they come into contact with skin, but the latter is also extremely messy...

I know you can get paint pellets for BB guns, it's not something I'd recommend getting though. Because, if they break in the gun, the gun can potentially become fucked.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 09 12:22 am
by Hanover Fist
Airsoft was my favorite hobby back when there were a bunch of people to do it with. Now faggots around my town think Hookah lounges are cool and airsoft is gay.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 09 1:42 am
by Mastakilla
portable mp3 player wrote:never had that problem


i actually flipped at my mum cus i thought she threw a joint away weeks ago, i just found it back though so im happy

its a but dustyy..............

anywy crossbow is fucking expensive?! how much was it