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Status update wid life nd shit

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 10 11:33 am
by Siva
Left college. Shit was so weak. Ended up going there only to socialise. Started a different course that last 5 months to gather a quick NVQ and Advanced Apprenticeship. Perhaps start a different college in September.

New group of friends. Introduced me to crow, fine shit that is right there. I could go for some right now.

Got a blackberry. Why did I do that? This thing is a piece of shit. Shit apps. Shit keyboard. Shit messengers. Shit quality. Shit UI.

Relaxed a little in general. Life was getting me uptight. Still getting hassled on a regular basis by police but whateva.

Thats all.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 10 11:42 am
by MainMan
u bad

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 10 4:19 pm
by {HK}
Yea I left college too.

Are you in the US? College is a business now, mostly full of turds and crappy teachers. If you have the drive and will power, you won't need a college degree. Plus everyone has one now and its completely devalued like our money.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 10 5:39 pm
by MainMan
college is something different here in the uk, it's not the same as in the us

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 10 7:48 am
by Mr. Tastix
Same applies for NZ.

I mean sure, every single damn tuition has it's stupid people (and people who enjoy burning couches then fucking off back to their own damn towns whilst we clean up their fucking mess -- I refer to these people as "cunts") but here in NZ it's almost necessary to get a decent job.

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 10 7:31 am
by Leenuks
Hey Protocol. Sorry for going off topic for this thread.

I found this site and remember
reading your many encounters with police in your area.

I know this is USA website about USA rights but those rights were based on
British Laws and may be some ammunition on how to handle what I see as
harassment toward you by so called police.

Hope you have some fun with this info. Goes for anyone else as well.

EDIT: found this too.