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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 10 9:37 pm
by ynnaD
Are you afraid of it?


My personal thought, not only am i scared of dying itself, the thought of death in general can actually keep me awake at nite if i think about it too much.

I get somedays where i believe there's no point worrying about something i can't control and just try to enjoy life and live it to the full, and then i have other days where the thought of dying and whats after death scares the complete living daylights outta me

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 10 11:29 pm
by Dae
I'm afraid of it, because I value my life and don't believe in afterlife.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 1:42 am
by Professor Layton
I always find these questions hard to answer with a simple yes or no. I mean, I don't wanna die or anything, but I'm not worrying about dying at all, definitely not to the point where it's keeping me from doing other things.

The only thing that I would be afraid of to some extend, would be the way I'd die, there must be loads of unpleasant ways to die, as opposed to the 'lucky' case where someone just goes to bed and doesn't wake up the next day. Yet again, it's not on my mind at all, other than the moments when these questions are asked (A lot of people seem to wander around with the 'afraid of death' question lately)

I really don't know if that means I'm scared of death or not though.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 2:19 am
by ynnaD
It's affecting me quite strangley tonite, used to be it never affected me, never thought about it at all, but today in particular, thinkin about it scares the complete shit outta me, don't wanna go to sleep tbh :(

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 9:29 am
by Tantalus
Am I afraid of the inevitable? No.

I used to get freaked out by the thought all the time, the classic "what will it be like after I die? What will it feel like, will it feel of anything?" questions.

Try to think of the peaceful aspect of a natural death, rather than the violent, scary side.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 9:48 am
by Alex
Dae wrote:I'm afraid of it, because I value my life and don't believe in afterlife.

I'm not afraid of death in particular, I'm afraid of losing the things in my life.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 9:51 am
by James
I only care about what others might think if I die. I'm not scared of death I'm scared of consequences on others.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 11:27 am
by Dex
I'm not scared of the 'process' of dying itself, no matter how or in which way I die. Similar to what Alex said, I'm 'scared' (if that would be the correct phrase) of losing everything that existed in my whole life - all the knowledge, possessions, everything. It's like all the things I've done go to waste. Also like James said, I'm a bit scared of how my death would affect others. Then again, after I die, none of this would bother me.

Death IS inevitable, but I'd say people are more concerned of what they've done with their life before dying than death itself.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 11:34 am
by James
Also like James said, I'm a bit scared of how my death would affect others. Then again, after I die, none of this would bother me.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 1:14 pm
by ~DJ~
i can simply say


it's fun to feel how and what happens when we die

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 2:53 pm
by James
~DJ~ wrote:i can simply say


it's fun to feel how and what happens when we die



PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 3:54 pm
by ~DJ~

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 8:33 pm
by ynnaD
Thinking about death completey ruined my attempt to sleep last nite, and i cant get it outta my head, the magnitude of it is starting to ruin my day to day life :(

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 8:43 pm
by Dex
ynnaD wrote:Thinking about death completey ruined my attempt to sleep last nite, and i cant get it outta my head, the magnitude of it is starting to ruin my day to day life :(

Looks like you've been infected by Dex.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 8:48 pm
by ynnaD
Not being over dramatic, being honest, spent all day today and yesterday nervous, stupid as it is/sounds, and i havn' heard or seen anything that even remotley helped yet! :(

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 8:58 pm
by ~DJ~
there's always some dickz here and there.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 10 9:00 pm
by James
"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on."

<center>- The late John F. Kennedy</center>

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 10 8:31 am
by Hanover Fist
I went through the exact shit Danny described. The thought of a nothingness after life is truly the ultimate terror to me. But no one really knows what happens after we die, and there's a reason for that.

I think religions, today, are nothing more than similar ideologies of spirituality that are illustrated differently in each culture. They say there is nothing to positively prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what happens after death, if there are ghosts, if your spirit lives on or if it never was. However, there is also nothing to prove it doesn't exist.

As stupid and hateful religions portray themselves today, they all share the original goal to say that there is some form of a God and that His presence can only best be imagined using metaphors and stories such as the Bible, Kuran, Shimbalah, etc.

The reason why death does not keep me awake at night like it used to is because now I choose to believe that there is a higher power and a spiritual presence in this world that we will never fully understand but are a part of nonetheless. I believe, like Hinduism, that we all make up a part of God and that the reason we cannot perceive Him as a singular entity is because He is too great, and is made up by every living and non living organism, cell, and atom in this universe.

When we die, that portion of God within us is released as the matter that made uyo our bodies is dispersed once again into the world. In that dispersion of our spirits , let's say, that portion of God is reunited with the greater whole that is the Earth, or space, or simply the smallest bits of matter that are so minuscule they can be argued to hardly exist at all.

Perhaps when those tinier than tiny bits of matter come together and have enough denisity to retain memory... then perhaps that is what a ghost is.

Don't know if that comforted you any... but that's what I choose to believe. I've seen some shit to that every religion is right, but inaccurate in its delivery of what the predecessors of that religion claim is the exact way it is. We just put names to it... Heaven and Hell and angels... reincarnation, purgatory whatever you want to call it. I know that the world we live in is a lot more mystical than people know.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 10 2:41 pm
by ~Blade~
AGENT_ORANGE is part of God. Damn.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 10 5:57 pm
by Tantalus
AGENT_ORANGE wrote:However, there is also nothing to prove it doesn't exist.

Two different plateaus, though.

EVERYTHING we've ever experienced = dubious, always going to be prone to error. And nothing will change that because we are limited to a perspective of a 'coloured' world.

Things we cannot experience = faith. Perhaps the only thing that can possibly be true without a doubt, but cannot be proven nor can it be disproven. Ergo, highly personal belief and all that jazz.

Whatever keeps you off the roof.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 10 5:30 am
by Aidan
We live in a multidimensional universe. Where you have already died in some point(s) in your life. Of course when you die, your brain stops functioning in which you begin to continue your life just before that "tragic event" happened in which your next dimensional brain does not remember any of this ever happening.

For all you know, you die every 10 seconds, and don't even realize it.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 10 8:57 am
by Tantalus
Aidan wrote:It is theorised that we live in a multidimensional universe.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 10 5:40 pm
by James
I made a great post yesterday for Reclaimer but now I'd have to add Aiden into it.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 10 2:17 pm
by Mastakilla
I'm not afraid of death itself. I believe you basically lose consciousness forever and it's not like you'll be bothered much by it haha. I'm a tad bit worried about dieing a painfull death though. And worried about all the people I leave behind who will miss the awesomeness of me presence.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 10 3:25 pm
by ~SaSQuAtCH~
I know that when I die I will want answers. Because I have a shitload of questions about life, the universe, our purpose and I want all of these answered before I'm done with what we call life today.

I don't want a painful death either and I also don't want to die before I achieved the goals of my life.
I don't want to die knowing that I didn't contribute anything to mankind my whole life. That would mean that my existance was useless and I'd hate the thought of that.

It's in our nature to reproduce and develop, I want to help this process before death because I believe that the fact that we have a mind and the ability to think proves that we humans are far more different/important/special than any other living creature we're aware of.

I think I've mentioned here the book I read before, it's called Death - The Great Mystery of Life by Herbie Brennan, it was a nice experience reading this one.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 10 4:30 pm
by ~DJ~
how u know wen ur dying its not painful


PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 10 4:34 pm
by James
how u know wen ur dying its not painful

Senses. There's a lot of methods where you'd feel absolutely nothing or the smallest peak of pain. Most of these are height and drug related.

This is no RPG into pentagon theory, you can't really mention anything like this.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 10 5:05 pm
by ~SaSQuAtCH~
Indeed, it's been told by several victims of terrible injuries that sometimes when they get their arms/legs chopped off or shot by a bullet that they wouldn't even feel anything, only moments after.

What I know can be painful are heartattacks, bleeding out, drowning, burning and so on but I believe dying of beheading or being shot in the head are not particularly painful because they happen too fast for your brain to realise what's happening to the body, which means you need to be concious to feel the pain of death.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 10 5:08 pm
by James
Bleeding out is said to be one of the most painful ways to be dying, as of course told by people dying or near death. Your body becomes so fucking numb.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 10 3:14 am
by ~DJ~
zomgz teh proz on da death

well i killed 3 people i feel sad about them now