Robert Sapolsky: Are Humans Just Another Primate?

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Robert Sapolsky: Are Humans Just Another Primate?

Postby James » Sun Jan 29, 12 9:01 am ... er_Primate

Dr. Robert Sapolsky is a professor of Biology and Neurology at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Museums of Kenya. Dr. Sapolsky is the author of several works of nonfiction, including A Primate's Memoir, The Trouble with Testosterone, Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers and Monkeyluv: And Other Essays on Our Lives as Animals.

An excerpt from the talk, on Dopamine:

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Postby James » Sat Apr 14, 12 9:16 am


I wonder if this certain talk holds any weight.
Last edited by James on Sat Apr 14, 12 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Psychotic » Sat Apr 14, 12 9:38 am

That video is heavily biased around the male population, as if there are literally no females who watch porn when we know that's not true in the very least.

It's an interesting talk but I also question if it holds any weight.

The issue I usually get caught up on with talks like this is: What defines an addiction? Chemical addictions are fairly easy to identify but behavioural additions not so much.

Do you have an issue with watching so much porn on a regular basis? Does it bleed into your everyday life in negative ways? Do you have a lower respect for the opposite sex because you look at porn?

These are questions that aren't going to be answered in discussions like his (because as much as people might like to try, they simply can't answer questions that are based differently for each person), but it's interesting none the less, as is the linked website:
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