Self hating black people

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Self hating black people

Postby Siva » Fri Mar 30, 12 12:06 am

There's a few kinds, and I hate every single damn one of them.

There's the group who were born into a middle class family, and as a result assume this makes them better than black people who weren't, like they have something more intelligent to say because their fathers bank account is bigger. If you can't recognise these people yet, they're the kind of people who will refer to black people as though their class defines their existence. This is the true meaning of entitlement, fuck that ME3 shit

Then there's the rich ones who forget where they came from. Look at Snoop Dogg, he is an example of how to do it right. Grew up broke as shit, now spends his time building the community that raised him with his money. Yeah, he's sold out musically but as a person he's still a good guy. The people who I'm talking about who do it wrong are those who believe their wealth elevates them above that shit. Like they aren't tied to every single black person still out there in the struggle, trying to make a living for themselves without stealing it.

The last group are the ghetto wannabes. To clarify, not those who want to be like those who are in the ghetto, I mean the ghetto born black people who want to be like the previous two types. They want to eschew themselves from the rest of their race because they don't have the nuts to realise that every single ignorant nigger you see on the road or on TV is a reflection of someone you either know or are related to.

Until black people educate themselves and stop fucking running away from their problems, I'll still be displeased with the majority of them. Thank God the people I grew up around were real, none of this sellout mentality bullshit.

I'm black, born that way and darker than most blacks, and you better believe I am proud of and flaunt that shit. I'm not perfect, but I know for damn sure that hiding from the issues in my society and becoming a rich crackerblack won't make me perfect either.

Ahhh that feels good, I needed to get it out.
Last edited by Siva on Fri Mar 30, 12 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Mar 30, 12 6:53 am

Ur self hating racist.

But in seriousness I think a lott of alienation is present in the US mostly because of media. People trying to be politically correct cause much awkwardness when they should be past that shit Liberals make so much hype about little non issues that actual cause racial friction moreso than the issue they're bitching about.

I may write something more substantial and offensive later. This post is cell phone in the backseat of drunk driver guy. Brb maybe
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Postby Shinobi » Fri Mar 30, 12 1:33 pm

Hmm. If you weren't black yourself I'd shout "RACIST!".... but does being black yourself automatically remove any racist connotations? No, in my opinion. So, sorry mate, but your post is racist. The fact that it is to people of your own heritage/skin colour/whatever doesn't really make a blind bit of difference (IMHO).

Making ANY issue of race (be it positive or negative) is still making an issue of it, and subsequently fuels racist debate/discussion. I think that making a point of a black person/black people doing or thinking in any way different to a white person/white people is, in itself, racist. Racism to me is differentiating between black/white, not necessarily viewing black/white people in a negative way or being degrading to them, just differentiating. Obviously one's fucking brown the other's fucking pink but aside from that...

I understand this isn't a viewpoint widely shared or understood, and I may well be way off the mark, but it's my personal view, and I have my personal ideas how to stamp out racism.

ANYWAY... with regards to class/status and "wannabes"... I get it. But I think it truly is something inherent in all walks of life... black, white, asian, hispanic, rich, poor... there will always be those who want to do better, those who have done better and no longer care about the "little people" and those who try to assume a higher station than they deserve (perhaps deserve is a little harsh but...) and those who just fuck everybody else over for personal gain.

I fear this next sentence is racist but I'm afraid I cannot think of an alternative way to say it, so in advance, I intend no offence... but... Do you (specifically aimed at Protocol) think that black people MAKE it a black issue? My ONE gripe with a very small percentage of black people is this simple fact: these issues are not black issues. Or at least they don't NEED to be. Stop making them black issues, they are present in all cultures as far as I believe.

So... black, white, pink with yellow spots on... the problems are the same. Not to say that black people and members of minorities (gay/lesbian/transgender/ethnic communities) don't suffer plenty of fucking retarded abuse, though. One thing the white majority tend not to.

Last edited by Shinobi on Fri Mar 30, 12 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Siva » Fri Mar 30, 12 7:02 pm

Shinobi wrote:Making ANY issue of race (be it positive or negative) is still making an issue of it, and subsequently fuels racist debate/discussion. I think that making a point of a black person/black people doing or thinking in any way different to a white person/white people is, in itself, racist. Racism to me is differentiating between black/white, not necessarily viewing black/white people in a negative way or being degrading to them, just differentiating. Obviously one's fucking brown the other's fucking pink but aside from that...

So I'm racist because I raised an issue I have that has to do with my own race, which could potentially spawn a racist discussion? What the fuck was I supposed to do, talk about all self hating people, as if I know what self-hating asians say or do?

I don't talk about things I don't know about. If someone came on this forum and started shouting about problems other races have I would call them an idiot for talking about shit they don't even know about. Don't tell me that having friends of other races means you understand shit either, I've got dumb amounts of friends from all races. A year ago I hung out with predominantly asian people 4 days out of the week. Does that mean I understand what asian people go through? No, so I'm not going to talk about it.

There's nothing racist about my post. I said I dislike certain people from my own colour and that makes me a racist because I referred to them using terms that describe what they are, BLACK.

I don't even think you know what racist means. Racism is when you believe that one race is superior to another, and I don't believe that in the slightest. The irony is that self-hating black people are actually racist.

Of course it's a black issue, because the people involved are black. Yeah, I'm all for multiculturalism but if there are issues going on within a certain culture then those issues should be talked about by people of that culture.

I get a headache every damn time people start crying racist because they don't understand what's going on but they heard a colour being shouted so they just call it racism.
Last edited by Siva on Fri Mar 30, 12 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shinobi » Fri Mar 30, 12 7:19 pm

Gonna do something I don't often.... I'm sorry, dude. I was looking at that from TOTALLY the wrong angle.

I still do firmly believe that people (from all cultures/races) tend to make things "their issue". But like ya said, you're sticking to what (or rather whom) you know most about, so fair enough for that.

Again, sorry dude. I got it wrong.
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Postby Siva » Fri Mar 30, 12 8:49 pm

Shinobi wrote:Gonna do something I don't often.... I'm sorry, dude. I was looking at that from TOTALLY the wrong angle.

I still do firmly believe that people (from all cultures/races) tend to make things "their issue". But like ya said, you're sticking to what (or rather whom) you know most about, so fair enough for that.

Again, sorry dude. I got it wrong.

I'm glad we cleared that up babe. ♥
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