Ever since I turned about 15 I've been on a mission to dramatically reduce my social circle. Today, I can count the amount of people I actually give a shit about without using all 10 of my fingers.
It's not that I'm an introvert or anti-social, I'm quite the opposite actually. I just have a profound distaste for most people, so I had to limit myself to dealing with the good and the bad of those I actually could call 'friend'.
I don't even keep that many acquaintances, offline or online, offline all they'll do is call you when they need something and online it's just to circlejerk. That said, I have no problem with people calling me when they need something, it's when they call and make fake conversation about bullshit that I dislike. And online? Most people online just piss me off, names automatically spring into my head who I can just think of as CUNT in every community I'm in (except this one, surprisingly.)
It's weird, for a while I thought I was the moron for disliking people so much, maybe I was the prick and that's why I limited my friend so much -- reflection rarely seen on the surface of the looking glass and all that. But nah, it's not even that. People are just really, really fake a lot of the time. A lot of people (family members included) that I have been somewhat close to have 'forgotten' when they owed me money, or even worse, outright lied to me to try and take my money.
I guess what I'm getting at here is, why do other people feel the need to have more and more friends? Why do people willingly subject themselves to the jealousy, the lies, the outward fraudulent nature of so many people? I really don't get it. I don't actively look for a reason to cut someone off, they more often than not show themselves not to be worth the title of 'friend'.
Sometimes even with this small circle I do have, I still get pissed off -- maybe that's why my lifelong dream is to go live in the mountains build a temple and hunt boar all day with a crossbow.