Kanye West versus Society

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Kanye West versus Society

Postby Siva » Thu Sep 13, 12 10:42 am

I've noticed that Kanye spends a lot of his time just speaking his mind as real as possible and then he has to spend just as much of his time apologizing for being real.

Why the fuck is this necessary? It actually makes me angry, this guy I've had to think about so damn much because he makes great music and seems to act like an asshole in public -- but I can see why he drinks now. It begins to come together once you understand all this guy has to do is use the word bitch on a track and then spend time on twitter apologising about what he just said.

THIS kind of thing is what drives my anger. Because I feel the same way every damn day. Obviously me and Kanye have different ways of dealing with it -- I prefer to just tell people to go fuck themselves, but he actually visibly still deals with his guilt.

I just wonder, does anyone else notice how western society wants to torture this man?
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Postby clyzm » Thu Sep 13, 12 6:15 pm

I hope you're kidding

Kanye is the biggest egomaniacal manchild I've ever seen in entertainment

Do I need to count how many comparisons he made of himself to Jesus in his songs
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Postby Siva » Mon Sep 17, 12 11:03 am

I think I know why he is that way, though.

I thought the same way as you did until recently. But I actually worry the guy is mentally incapacitated to the point where he is divorced from reality. And because his apologies remain unheard, he kind of just gets pushed deeper and deeper into his insanity, so he gets drunk and says even more dumb shit in public.

Or maybe I'm just defending him because he's a good producer, idk
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Postby Mastakilla » Mon Sep 17, 12 2:26 pm

He'd be better off not apologizing and trying to be everyones friend
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Postby Psychotic » Mon Sep 17, 12 6:15 pm

I have more respect for a man who stands up for his opinions - even if I don't agree with them - than a man who backs down and begs for acceptance whenever someone looks at him funny for what he just said.

It's alright if someone admits they're wrong once in a while but to say something then go back on that days later multiple times is completely pathetic.

West should either stand up for what he believes in and take pride in it, or learn to shut his mouth if he can't use it appropriately.
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Postby Siva » Tue Sep 18, 12 11:54 am

Magniir wrote:West should either stand up for what he believes in and take pride in it, or learn to shut his mouth if he can't use it appropriately.

Please, please get out of my head

Every time I witness your speech these days it really, really creeps me out how close you are to my own thoughts.

That said, what I raised this discussion for is to see if anyone else noticed how a society or even a civilization can keep one mans mental state in a proverbial limbo just by being indecisive about how they want to promote him. I.E on one hand he's out there promoted as one hell of a musician and on the other hand public opinion says this guy is basically a massive swearword
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Postby Mastakilla » Tue Sep 18, 12 12:12 pm

I think Justin Bieber has it worse when it comes to that?
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Postby Siva » Tue Sep 18, 12 1:28 pm

Mastakilla wrote:I think Justin Bieber has it worse when it comes to that?

Similar situation, yeah. But Justin has genuine talent and gets a by from the wise because he's young. No-one would truly stand up for a grown ass man and defend him because well, grown ass men should defend themselves. The question is really how, tbh
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Postby clyzm » Tue Sep 18, 12 6:13 pm

>genuine talent

I have to disagree, Beiber's only talent is his appeal to teenage girls

Kanye just has an ego problem and the best thing for him right now would be a collaboration with a way better producer (like Madlib) so he can learn that he's not the shit
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Postby Siva » Thu Sep 20, 12 11:00 am

clyzm wrote:I have to disagree, Beiber's only talent is his appeal to teenage girls

When I say genuine talent I mean he can play guitar better than me, because I am shit at guitar
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Postby Vexus » Fri Sep 21, 12 10:04 pm

Protocol wrote: But Justin has genuine talent

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