Conspiracies, Paranoia, or just Boredom?

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Conspiracies, Paranoia, or just Boredom?

Postby synthetic » Wed Aug 28, 13 9:25 pm

User StormcloudsAreGathering uploaded a video. User ADGUKNEWS uploaded a video.
News, storm clouds and inside jobs.

I don't know about you guys, but when I see a name StormcloudsAreGathering or 1TheRevolutionIsNow etc, I seriously feel like vomiting. I don't even have to see what exactly they have uploaded to feel that way.

I don't think this is curiosity or a quest for knowledge - sickness of the mind would be a more appropriate diagnosis for what drives such individuals.

Racism is far easier to understand than the extensive research that the conspiracy theorists conduct - obviously interpreting anything exactly the way they prefer and discard unsuitable information. Racism is driven by a very basic, primitive caution or fullblown fear for significantly differing individuals.
It is entirely different matter why some canadian may concern himself with the origin of the Pyramids to a point of hysteria - or why a random estonian may find it very important in his everyday life to meticulously track judeo-christian agenda on the global front. If Iran does something odd, its the jews behind it, with islam being a sprout anyway, if the US is the aggressor - directed by the jews. Don't trust anyone, anything, but you sure as hell have to tell others - the others that you probably can't trust anyway - that you shouldn't trust anyone. What ever happened to quietly putting your hands together or pointing your ass towards the sky, in the solitude of your home or local cult center?

But, it seems to be a bit too common. If family members start telling you about illuminati, if fellow dxmp players tell you of biotoxins in toothpaste, if your girlfriend attributes human personality to some non-physical construct someplace somewhere, you kinda start thinking that something went wrong somewhere.

What is true, what is false, but more importantly: how much should we care? The way I see it, we should concern ourselves predominantly with the effect and grasp we have over our immediate surroundings. If everybody everywhere did that, world would be a much cleaner place; interpret it anyway you prefer.

Knowledge and wisdom allow us to caution ourselves when the mind feels inclined to give in to the impossibilities. We all know of optical illusions. They are very effective, aren't they? I bet there is someone out there that believes these very illusions represent some kind of gateway to parallel universe or even consciousness. What if the optical illusion was in fact a message to you, from someone important? What if the impossibly awesome thing you witness in that optical illusion in fact makes you someone important, because others disregard it as a prank?
I guess that about sums up why some people find it important to revel in such impossibilities, dreams. They crave for attention. And then there are those that are simply sick. And then.. there must be a few that are just bored.

I don't think there is a big difference between believing in god, fucking your mother, and searching for the all-seeing eye on the canned food lab els. Or looking for tomorrow's drama in today's stars.
First of all, a person should have some level of self-control, and I am talking about something very natural here: think of fucking your mother - you'll feel repulsed. That is the way I feel about believing in god. I can see how that can be done, but its just repulsive. Or about demands of releasing the hidden alien corpses.
Biotoxins in toothpaste? Probably. Jews behind it? I don't think so.

Self control. Now, curiosity and tendency of getting spooked are also part of our nature, and being intelligent creatures we tend to search for answers. Intelligence also teaches us pragmatic solutions and allows us to learn from mistakes. With this I refer to the importance of education, knowledge, wisdom. We pass on the experience of our past mistakes to our offspring, we force them to take classes, and in the end they will be learning through their own, personal mistakes.
Knowledge allows person to acknowledge the impossibility of something that seams feasible to the mind. This is no fake nonsense - if you see an impossibly tilted tower (chinese optical illusion that puzzled scientists recently) your education *and* experience tells you this is impossible. Now, you can start coming up with theories that attempt to make it possible, but in the end if you travel to that very tower you see it stands perfectly straight..
Curiosity is a great thing that allows us to learn, but sometimes, somehow, we tend to come up with stupid conclusions.

If we are bored, we feel the time slowly progress without us having much to use it for. In the end there awaits death, and that we fear. So I guess some people just make their lives more exciting by filling their grey days with astrological nonsense and-or safeguarding their post-mortem real estate.
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Postby Aidan » Wed Aug 28, 13 9:52 pm

too long; didn't read

Working on Physics atm, but I'll check this out later. Looks interesting man.
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Postby clyzm » Thu Aug 29, 13 12:16 am

It's narcissism man

It boosts their ego to be "in the know" about things, that's why they upload like 2104 videos about how jay z made a slight hand gesture in his latest music video and its somehow connected to the illuminati and shit
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Postby Psychotic » Thu Aug 29, 13 1:05 am

I've actually already talked about my feelings on such conspiracies on this forum before, so rather than go into huge detail I'll just redirect you to that topic.

To recap: A colleague of mine in my design course last year was an avid "believer" of such conspiracy theories. So much so that he became very much disliked by most of the class simply because he would not shut up about it. Many times these people are either narcisstic, as Derek stated, or it's because they are afraid.

The idea that the world is chaotic or as simple as it could actually be is scary to these people. They have a hole in their mind where they fail to understand certain things and so they use conspiracies to fill that gap.

Magniir wrote:To conclude: I find the whole discussion like religious debates. Fun to talk about but absolutely meaningless in the end. This is a rant because I know that no matter how strong your argument against their claims are, they'll never back down. Neither will you. Both teams are fighting a losing battle, so why not just spend your energy on more productive ventures? Like the damn projects you're supposed to be researching in class!
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Postby Aidan » Thu Aug 29, 13 2:34 am

Magniir wrote:The idea that the world is chaotic or as simple as it could actually be is scary to these people. They have a hole in their mind where they fail to understand certain things and so they use conspiracies to fill that gap.

Bang on.

It's like arguing Greek Mythology and Science. You can create a god for every given situation, along with a backstory. Albeit there is no accuracy or proper evidence, BUT it is easy to understand.

Science has much accuracy and proper evidence. However, many people will not be able to comprehend it, thus they fall back on a fictional character (Greek Myths).


Politics are already dirty pool. Half the time in politics, many greasy scandals, fraudulent claims, and incriminating "evidence" are tossed about; It isn't really hard for someone to deem a governing body to be 'un-fair' with or without the approval of others.

What really matters is the proportion someone takes it to.

We know politics are never 100% fair. What we DO know is that they aren't out to fuck absolutely everyone over, and create their own totalitarian society. We know this because we can comprehend how politics, and other governing bodies generally operate.

THEY ('conspirators') can NOT comprehend how politics generally work, thus they create their own falsities to fill in the blanks (e.g. greek mythology) as they are not willing to learn, and do not comprehend the science.
Last edited by Aidan on Thu Aug 29, 13 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Psychotic » Thu Aug 29, 13 4:28 am

My argument is pretty simple: If the governments are as powerful as the conspirators think and do want world control, why haven't they achieved it yet? We could argue they want to be subtle and discreet like in Deus Ex but I'm not convinced the world is under someones "control" because some of the activities just don't point to such a conclusion.

Other than this, my primary argument is, as I said in the linked article: So let's say it's true, what will you do? Fight them? Fight a group of people you claim are so powerful that they would, realistically, have no problem simply offing you, a mere nobody?

Even if they exist it's a lose-lose situation unless half the world decides to agree. They don't, and given the way that conspirators try to market themselves (aka: as asinine lunatics) the world is likely never going to take them seriously.
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Postby Aidan » Thu Aug 29, 13 4:49 am

If someone can offer legitimate evidence, then I have reason to believe.

All of these conspirators do not have any sort of proper evidence. No evidence, no substance.
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Postby synthetic » Thu Aug 29, 13 5:37 am

I argued on HK forums while ago about conspiracies from a bit different angle and with a mutual friend.

There I stated - using various clubs, british uni societies, hobby groups as leverage - that it is completely normal for humans to not only establish more or less secret societies, but to also have the need to extend their influence and direct control beyond what is in the actual interest of all involved parties.

On one hand we have people, narcissistic and stupid, that believe a conspiracy to be involved in anything of impact and relevance,

on the other hand we have an urge to create our very own, awesome societies; with some of us taking it as far as they can - presumably, again, to satisfy narcissistic needs.

Common sense tells (and history shows) that whatever secret societies exist don't really concern the random individual enough to care.

It is relieving to see some reasonable replies here. Almost enough to bring back bit of faith in humanity.
Didn't spot anything that I wouldn't agree with. The take on politics and corruption is an interesting aspect to analyze as an influence over the populace. I might reply properly to that thought later.
Last edited by synthetic on Thu Aug 29, 13 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Aidan » Thu Aug 29, 13 6:13 am

synthetic wrote:Didn't spot anything that I wouldn't agree with.

Why not?
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Postby Psychotic » Thu Aug 29, 13 8:53 am

synthetic wrote:I argued on HK forums while ago about conspiracies from a bit different angle and with a mutual friend.

There I stated - using various clubs, british uni societies, hobby groups as leverage - that it is completely normal for humans to not only establish more or less secret societies, but to also have the need to extend their influence and direct control beyond what is in the actual interest of all involved parties.

On one hand we have people, narcissistic and stupid, that believe a conspiracy to be involved in anything of impact and relevance,

on the other hand we have an urge to create our very own, awesome societies; with some of us taking it as far as they can - presumably, again, to satisfy narcissistic needs.

Common sense tells (and history shows) that whatever secret societies exist don't really concern the random individual enough to care.

It is relieving to see some reasonable replies here. Almost enough to bring back bit of faith in humanity.
Didn't spot anything that I wouldn't agree with. The take on politics and corruption is an interesting aspect to analyze as an influence over the populace. I might reply properly to that thought later.

This is pretty much why I believe the entire world is narcisstic, egotistic and obsessed with vanity, despite people saying they're not.

Because of this I don't care that I am all three (well, not that I really cared beforehand, either).
Last edited by Psychotic on Thu Aug 29, 13 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby synthetic » Mon Sep 02, 13 7:49 am

In a nutshell, doesn't it all boil down to education, or knowledge in general?

Personally, I find it more interesting to observe intelligent behaviour under restricted or primitive conditions - ie an elephant using a chair to reach for an apple - and attempt to make the connection between the inherited intellect and the choices an individual may make, such as when discussing the likelihood of governing bodies being predominantly occupied with anti-you agenda.

If we know science, politics, human nature itself to some extent or other, wouldn't it be far less common to promote *or* fall for such nonsense?
History has shown that some of the most devote spokesmen or "public figures" have ulterior motives, or understand well that what they preach is rubbish - there'll always be scammers, manipulators.

On the other hand, I am ranting about it while we live in a world where by 2012 estimates around 88.5% of human population pays some homage to the man (pl, or misc deities) on the cloud, or identifies themselves with the cult of fairy-tales.

I think that until those numbers do not start dropping significantly, there will always be more room for aliens, boogie men, old men running the world, and secret services bombing their own national symbols.
My religion teacher was a devote christian with a degree in philosophy and biology, and his general wisdom certainly reflected the scope of his awareness of the makings of the world, but I think such devotion to complex design of nothingness punctures the underlying fabric of rationality in any religious individual.
To bridge the topics, Illuminati, general Judeo-Christian conspiracy, aliens: they appear to often represent such a deeply rooted "faith" that it feels wrong not to classify it as some form of religious behaviour; or, given they tend to be well organized, call their faith a religion itself. As is the case with aliens, there are enough of those that do not interpret the perceived actions of extraterrestrial visitors as entirely malicious, when in comparison there likely are not too many individuals that associate anything remarkably positive about the keyword Illuminati. Ironically, I can most definitely view the original, actual Illuminati as a positive organization with a befitting name.
Last edited by synthetic on Mon Sep 02, 13 9:07 am, edited 12 times in total.

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Postby Hanover Fist » Thu Sep 05, 13 6:18 am

Part of human enlightenment, and part of the original purpose of the Illuminati, was to direct minds to the hypocrisy and deception and illegitimacy of the religious monarch entwined with government, society and aristocracy.

Though this still persists, and probably will always, it is ironic that the Illuminati is now thought to be the deceptive religious monarch ruling the world, when the Bavarians were among those that cautioned and enlightened their members of it.

In this sense, an illuminatist would be any conspiracist with an inkling of truth and the flimsiness of history. In which case one only realizes that there are overlapping agendas and treachorous alliances, and in the end, the only real enemy is obvliviousness and the only ally is vigilance.
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