world depopulation needs to work faster more actions needed

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world depopulation needs to work faster more actions needed

Postby Tejas » Mon Sep 02, 13 11:48 pm

Full background checks, drug screening, evaluated by a psychiatrist and health doctor, after paying for all that add on a nice hearty fee, BEFORE you can procreate.
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Postby Psychotic » Tue Sep 03, 13 12:49 am

How exactly would you enforce all of that? Force an abortion if someone ended up pregnant? That alone could cause riots.
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Postby Tejas » Tue Sep 03, 13 1:40 am

We will have to step our game up get tougher then china, and we can handle riots, we have the Military and UN forces ready to move in when Civil war comes into play
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Postby Psychotic » Tue Sep 03, 13 2:23 am

So your idea on preventing over-population is to beat people into submission? Congratulations, you have just described terrorism.
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Re: world depopulation needs to work faster more actions needed

Postby Aidan » Tue Sep 03, 13 5:06 am

Tejas wrote:Full background checks, drug screening, evaluated by a psychiatrist and health doctor, after paying for all that add on a nice hearty fee, BEFORE you can procreate.

I can see what your getting at here man. I agree that population control would greatly benefit our planet, but at an extreme cost. It would be unimaginably expensive to do these procedures on every single American citizen (let alone the entire world).

I've had this conversation with someone before. Looking at the big picture of humanity and time...

State of Earth right now (random thoughts):

-There are numerous ways our planet, and species could meet a horrid fate within a minimum span of hundreds to thousands of years, either by opposing forces of space, OR by our own species.

-Humans have the intelligence to enhance their own intelligence, and expedite the evolutionary process.

-With that intelligence we can easily get off this planet, and locate another in due time (time is the key).

-Too many useless people on Earth. Humans still bent on destruction/greed. Countries with hidden agendas, and large military forces are poison to humanity BUT have the potential to wipe out those in the world who are holding humanity back.

-As long as we ignore the environment, and ecosystems; Wer set a course for environmental destruction.

-As long as the education system isn't altered, humans are not reaching (even near) their maximum potential.

-As long as humans are still brought up with violence and guns, intellect will be stunted.

-As long as conventional religion still exists, our progress is hauled big-time.

As an entire planet, humans need to ditch religion (at least ditch the negative qualities that stunt progression), we need a global currency, one giant global government system (in which every human citizen has the right to voice their opinion as long as it is valid). Each child needs to be brought up properly, and with educated parenting, an open mind, factual critical thinking. The future needs to be of intelligent peaceful people who strive to improve.

Imagine this: What if the global military budget was cut in half, to which the %50 budget went to scientific development.

I have some staunch views that are very brutal. I won't elaborate on those, but remember this:

There is no such thing as right or wrong. Life is objective, and most binary opinions are based solely on society. With this in mind, think of the best solution for man-kind's progression (anything goes in achieving this goal).

Magniir wrote:So your idea on preventing over-population is to beat people into submission? Congratulations, you have just described terrorism.

It isn't exactly beating others into submission though. It basically forces people to grow.

Any animal can procreate whenever it wants. It's a basic primal function that takes no effort to accomplish.

Earth is slowly falling apart, and the majority of our population are useless idiots because of prior point.

With decent health, good state of mind, intelligence, and money; One can prove themselves that they can support their child and raise them to be bright, and prosperous. If any parent wants a child of their own bad enough, they WILL be able to afford it.

Of course deciding HOW we would implement population control would be of great challenge; Just because it is a challenge, doesn't mean that Tejas shares a moot opinion, or is wrong in any way.

Look back at most historical events. In which way were any of them justifiable at the time? :lol:
Last edited by Aidan on Tue Sep 03, 13 5:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Psychotic » Tue Sep 03, 13 5:50 am

I do not feel that recreating the Caesar's Legion from Fallout: New Vegas would be the best idea. A meritocracy sounds all well and good but humans have this one thing that generally creates warfare: ambition. Ambition and pride.

Personally, if the entire world cut the military budget and refocused it towards scientific efforts I think the world would benefit more. If we also cut out the morality and ethical treatment used in the scientific we would learn even more.

The Nazi's might have been cruel but they taught us a lot due to their lack of ethics, but is it worth it? Because when you start questioning the value of ethics you have to ask yourself if you're willing to sacrifice not just the ignorant or the lazy but also yourself to the cause. Are you willing to do that?

In a meritocracy people must be willing to sacrifice not just themselves but other people. You must be prepared to pull the trigger on an innocent man because he is deemed "worthless" to society, and who gets to govern that? What makes you or I better than those people?

I, of course, agree that if the world were smarter we could avoid such dillemma's entirely, but whilst someone has something to gain from religion or politics in general, then I doubt the world is going to get smarter nearly as fast as it should. It certainly is getting smarter, just not at an appropriate pace.

There is also, of course, the concept that overpopulation is a myth, which I believe. Cities may be crowded but the world is not. Hardly. We don't even know the full extent of our own planet let alone the stars beyond, and people still think it's full.

[e] I'd like to apologise for my previous outburst, but I just feel incredibly strongly against the idea of even more militarial or governmental control. I strongly believe that the day the military walks out on the streets or we cannot leave our homes in fear, that's the day the terrorists have won. And the terrorists will not be Al Quaeda, it will be our own government.
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Postby Tejas » Tue Sep 03, 13 2:35 pm

They would have to pay for these procedures themselves nobody else should have to pay for you to procreate, other then that.

Everything Dr.Mordin said is spot on he sees my point of view clearly and yes cutting military budget and adding it to science endeavors would be beyond excellent.

Now i never said pull the trigger on anyone or anything violent its the ignorant that will become violent before we do.

Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

Japan is cleaning its streets silently as we speak in a dirty way :wink:
Last edited by Tejas on Tue Sep 03, 13 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Mastakilla » Tue Sep 03, 13 2:49 pm

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Postby Psychotic » Tue Sep 03, 13 10:49 pm

Tejas wrote:They would have to pay for these procedures themselves nobody else should have to pay for you to procreate, other then that.

In general, people who have children already do have to pay for themselves. I would not be averse to stronger welfare regulations for those with children, to make sure they're not trying to cheat the system merely by having a child.

Tejas wrote:Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

Whilst I do believe we waste a lot of resources that we could easily use (or someone else in a third-world country could) the fact of the matter is the world is not magically running out of space.

There are entire landscapes that are literally empty. Nobody uses them for even farmland, they just sit there and melt away. The concept that we're "running out of space" is honest-to-God bullshit.

Your city might be running out of space, but the country certainly isn't. Not even Japan is that small, they just like to build up and up and up until they've got nowhere else to go.
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Postby Poor » Wed Sep 04, 13 12:46 am

Tejas wrote:Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

We are moving towards genetically engineered crops to increase the food supply and reduce the landed needed. It's unfortunate that the general public doesn't understand how important the benefits of GM food are and is afraid of it.
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Postby Psychotic » Wed Sep 04, 13 1:46 am

Poor wrote:
Tejas wrote:Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

We are moving towards genetically engineered crops to increase the food supply and reduce the landed needed. It's unfortunate that the general public doesn't understand how important the benefits of GM food are and is afraid of it.

I quite like the concept of GM food. I think the media exaggerate the potential "risks" far too greatly, as they have done about a great many things over the years.

The only "problem" I have with GM food is: Is it really necessary? Are we truly running out of food or are we just not using the stuff we have efficiently?

I'm more inclined to believe the latter, frankly. At least from my own experiences, people seem to be incredibly wasteful, including myself.
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Postby clyzm » Wed Sep 04, 13 2:02 am

Poor wrote:
Tejas wrote:Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

We are moving towards genetically engineered crops to increase the food supply and reduce the landed needed. It's unfortunate that the general public doesn't understand how important the benefits of GM food are and is afraid of it.

GM technology is beneficial as fuck, but the corporations behind them like Monsanto are just pure evil
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Postby Psychotic » Wed Sep 04, 13 2:18 am

clyzm wrote:
Poor wrote:
Tejas wrote:Its not a myth we only have so much "room for growing crops" and that room is just about depleted and we are having to move to more extreme unsustainable measures of growing food for the useless eaters.

We are moving towards genetically engineered crops to increase the food supply and reduce the landed needed. It's unfortunate that the general public doesn't understand how important the benefits of GM food are and is afraid of it.

GM technology is beneficial as fuck, but the corporations behind them like Monsanto are just pure evil

That is the case with most things, unfortunately.

Trying to solve the problem of "evil corporations" begins with trying to change human nature, and in our thousands of years of existence nobody has ever succeeded in doing that.
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Postby Tejas » Wed Sep 04, 13 3:11 am

Yes GM foods are beyond excellent.

But imbeciles are banning them already world wide :(
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Postby synthetic » Wed Sep 04, 13 8:15 am

The more the merrier. Or, practically, larger numbers increase chances of survival and breakthrough.

All apparent issues are largely of political nature. Society is not governed and led the way it is best for itself, but in stead it is greatly influenced by loopholes and relative anarchy.

We all know the famous Churchill quote: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

We also know (or should know) that Anarchy is the most impossible form of population structuring system, antithesis of government, rivalled only by the Communist Utopia. Basically, it cannot exist longer than the Big Bang, and will swiftly led to some form of government, likely evolving or progressing through several forms of it.

Considering these two points, and the realism of today's tried and experienced geopolitical trends, I believe we effectively live under the governance of a form of practical anarchy, and this does not refer to our freedoms.
Crime and all forms of misbehaviour stem from poor parenting and background; paying attention to your offspring and the cell of society in your surroundings is part of that parenting, effectively covering the issues with psychopathic tendencies arising from proper background.
Integrity and quality of families is the first and most important stage of ensuring the quality of the society as a whole, but the equally poor state of further correctional or preventative systems (re-imprisonment rates, anyone?) pushes it further downhill.

Now, to comment on some specific statements here: the opening post discusses measures that do not prevent the issue but attempt to subdue it in inhumane ways, likelihood of riots was mentioned here, but such approach in general will lead to a disaster as long as human population is populated by, well, humans.

And, since the thread somehow moved on to GM products, Europe has strict regulations for GMOs and not just because people are afraid of them. With GMOs human plays god, and I'll leave it up to you to decide if it is a good idea to let a random human in China, India, or Texas play god in such a manner. The philosophy behind it is largely this: lets make quick money off this easy mass production and learn of their effects couple generations later. It wasn't long ago when cigarette smoking was considered healthy and beneficial. In theory it is beneficial, in practice you'll be eating shit regardless of whether you buy produced foods with or without gmos.
Last edited by synthetic on Wed Sep 04, 13 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Psychotic » Wed Sep 04, 13 11:21 am

That would be my biggest problem with the idea of playing God but I don't see it stopping anytime soon (though I do see it progressing). Nanotechnology and biochemistry in general all have similar risks when the tech is new and untested.

Whilst I think regulations are necessary (and believe that they also increase the creativity and success, not hinder it), if we're going to play God, we might as well get good at it.
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Postby synthetic » Wed Sep 04, 13 11:53 am

I am not exactly anti-technology either, otherwise we'd never get anywhere as human race, so I definitely agree with the view that if you want to do something, do it properly. Such breakthroughs and discoveries are currently far too much influenced by war-mongery and greed, and the latter is exactly why there is merit to some GMO related concerns. Plenty of parties are not in the least interested in "wasting time" on research into something that won't kill the consumers outright or within couple months, or in a way that drawing connections to the product is too easy for well-paid lawyers to handle. Such reckless behaviour is spreading havock across all fields we consider progress. They are now trying to clamp down on use of anti-biotics because we've learned that excessive use of this life-saving treatment has very counter-productive effects (superbugs). Breakthroughs in chemistry have led from what seemed to be a golden age for agriculture to poisoned soil, groundwater, and magic-immune-stoneskin-physical-resistant pests. Potato beetle for example is resistant to just about any poison used in US, some populations in other countries or regions that didn't receive such harsh treatment are still vulnerable to some insecticides. Nobel-prize winning DDT was best thing ever for 3 to 4 decades, until it wasn't.

We have better control over what we know and have ample experience with, but all GMOs represent a field of unknown that is bound to add lot of problems, even if it obviously will solve some problems down the road as well. Genetic Modification of organisms will move to human body sooner or later anyway, and then we have whole array of new ethical dilemmas, when today we speak of potatoes, corn, wheat, and boss-level bugs - but progress for the sake of greed is a flawled progress that will be improved over bodies, our bodies.
Last edited by synthetic on Wed Sep 04, 13 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Psychotic » Wed Sep 04, 13 12:18 pm

Antibiotic resistance never truly surprised me, honestly. It made complete sense when you factored in the fact that the things we are trying to fight - the viruses - are living organisms. They are not without even a basic level of intelligence, if only for survival and procreation, and as organisms they adapt and evolve, just as we did from microorganisms.

I certainly agree with you, though. One of the biggest problems I have with the world today is that those in the know, those with the power, wish to only secure it for themselves. They see no reason in securing a place for future generations when they, themselves, won't last long enough to benefit from it.

I find such beliefs to be short-sighted, myself. Perhaps if people spent less time trying to make as much money in their currently limited lifespans they might find a way to extend the life they so wish to keep.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Thu Sep 05, 13 5:59 am

Just the fact that somebody would sincerely think fascism would correct over population has the same arrogant, half formed thinking of the Nazi party.

Statistically, those who have the biggest families are frequently the least educated. Education and improving the fundamental level of knowledge is what would improve cultures. Not martial law.

Imo a huge human issue is unwitting substitution of purpose. This covers excess consumerism, drug addiction, fanaticism (not just religious), and wanton reproduction.
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Postby synthetic » Thu Sep 05, 13 12:31 pm

Education and knowledge - seems we hammer the same nail.

Meanwhile, many European countries struggle with negative growth.

I've tried very hard not to point it out, but the nazi mentality there makes complete sense if you check who posted the thread.

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Postby Siva » Thu Sep 05, 13 5:16 pm

humanity needs to have the world peace buff before it can even begin to research population control. nigga do u even civ
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Postby synthetic » Fri Sep 06, 13 5:34 am

Siva wrote:nigga do u even civ

awesome :lol:

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Postby clyzm » Fri Sep 06, 13 8:34 am

Siva wrote:humanity needs to have the world peace buff before it can even begin to research population control. nigga do u even civ

my dude has a point

y'all fascists or something with dis depopulation shit forreal
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Postby synthetic » Sat Sep 07, 13 5:22 am

Best way to depopulate our comfortable green ball is by sending portion of them to colonize other planets.

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Postby Aidan » Sat Sep 07, 13 5:35 am

clyzm wrote:
Siva wrote:humanity needs to have the world peace buff before it can even begin to research population control. nigga do u even civ

my dude has a point

y'all fascists or something with dis depopulation shit forreal

In our world'd given state for the past couple thousand years, the only way to achieve world peace is if either...

-We all die

-We all fuse with synthetics

-We control the reapers

:lol: but yeah, world peace is never happening so long as there are humans of lower intelligence, and aggressive humans.

Realistically, parts of Humanity need purged hxc.
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