2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

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2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

Postby Captain_Destro » Sun Oct 23, 11 6:10 pm

The 2027 Port for Deus Ex is completed.

Needed Mods-
Shifter/Deus Ex Enhanced.
New Vision

Optional but Prefered-
DX9/DX10 Renderer

Deus Ex Enhanced- http://www.moddb.com/mods/deus-ex-enhanced

-All enemies have 2027 weapons. Also maps have them laying around as well. [I left shifter exclusives though]
-I did put Sabot/Dragon ammo on the shotguns.
-I added a new ammo. 30.06 Sabot Slugs for the sniper rifle.
-The Desert Eagle can use the 10mm Explosive rounds. It's unique because no other weapons can. The DE is specially made for magnum rounds.
-Enemy AI and enemy timeout times have been increased.


-Rename your maps folder to Backup Maps or something.
-Just extract files into the Deus Ex Directory.

Everything should work fine at that point and enjoy.
Please PM me or post any problems/bugs.

I had permission from Ded and Clyzm. All models are creatins of respective authors.

Bug: Due to my play test info link portraits aren't showing up. I'm working on this. Im guess since I was working with new Vision on they didn't show up on my steam install. it was either missing the InfoPortrait.utx or just needed New Vision.

Last edited by Captain_Destro on Sun Oct 23, 11 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby James » Sun Oct 23, 11 8:04 pm

Thank you very much!, will you set up a MODDB site for this?
I am dead.
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Postby Captain_Destro » Sun Oct 23, 11 8:21 pm

James wrote:Thank you very much!, will you set up a MODDB site for this?

I'm not sure if I will since it's the 2027 teams work. I think even putting 2027 on Moddb caused some initial issues over the models. So I was hoping to keep it Deus Ex Community only. I'm not looking to take credit for this. All I did was tweak the maps, add some new ammo. And make a few guns use alternate ammo. The 2027 team can post it if they want. I also added some screenshots though.

Now be on the look out for my Modern Weapons mod. The AI will be about the same but I plan on adding some more NPCs to make things more difficult.
Last edited by Captain_Destro on Sun Oct 23, 11 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby clyzm » Mon Oct 24, 11 8:47 am

Nice mod! Which guns replace which? Sorry if this is already in the readme
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Postby Captain_Destro » Mon Oct 24, 11 2:10 pm

clyzm wrote:Nice mod! Which guns replace which? Sorry if this is already in the readme

Holy hell I forgot to include the read me X_X (Same text as the first post though)

I actually edited every npc just about manually. The only vanilla weapons in game are:

M16/M4 Usually replaces the AssaultGun For MJ12/Unatco. Mac10/AK47 usually replaces it for terrorists though on Liberty Island there are a few with these in addition to glocks. Thugs will usually carry M37's/Glocks/Crossbows. Chinese Military will be armed with AK-47's/Saigas(Also replaces assault shotguns). AWP replaces rifles obviously too.

MP5s replace the assault gun in some maps too. a few unatco/mj12/mib troops carry them.

Sight Radius/Enemy Time Out values have been raised. Difficulty is a bit increased but nothing crazy like hardcore mod.(Made it impossible to sneak around)

Flame Thrower
Plasma Gun
PS220(Shifter Randomly throws it on NPCs)
Melee Weapons.
Vanilla Rifle Shows up once I wasn't able to edit out convo items :/

I tried screwing around with a "Tnag replacer" but I couldn't get the coding to work. I'll throw the read me in later today.
Last edited by Captain_Destro on Mon Oct 24, 11 2:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Baconbits » Fri Dec 09, 11 3:17 am

Downloaded the required mods and HDTP. Took your files and pasted them into my deus ex directory and overwrote any conflicting files. Started my game and I got


I know its hard to read.. it says "Can't find class in file class Deusex.AmmoIOmmex ..."

I think it got cutoff. Any suggestions?
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Postby atrey65789 » Wed Feb 01, 12 2:40 am

Ill tell you what, lol that package for the guns is like a 200 mb file lol
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Postby Kalman11 » Wed Feb 01, 12 6:00 am

I think they aren't for MP, because it needs Shifter and New Vision too (as I know they aren't compatible with MP)
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Postby Tommy030 » Tue Apr 17, 12 11:37 pm

What is with the hardcore-mod? I'm asking especially with the view on that nice remote-lam and the non lethal but fast effective hide-a-gun weapon (which is both found in the hardcore mod / heijuka). Is it compatible with the mentioned "deus-ex-advanced"?
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Re: 2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

Postby Blade sword » Thu Aug 12, 21 7:02 pm

We can't download the mod anymore :(
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Re: 2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

Postby Blade sword » Tue Jun 04, 24 9:29 pm

Hello can someone reupload the mod please ?
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Re: 2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

Postby Captain_Destro » Wed Jun 05, 24 2:55 pm

I can upload a really rough beta, not really intended for an official release. I can't take any credit for models/textures. This is just my own personal playthrough mod. But some things will make it into the one I am releasing.

This no longer has the fucky AI that Modern Combat once had.

I believe I had a couple versions.

1)Weapon damage is much higher, bit more realistic. On higher difficulties one bullet to the head can kill you. Ammo is more plentiful.
2)Weapons are a lot closer to Vanilla, things can be bullet spongy depending on the caliber. Ammo is a bit scarce.like the vanilla game.
3)Vanilla-Ish Damage, New enemy types that function as a type of mid boss.

AirControl is boosted. What does this mean? It enhances movement quite a bit. This lets you do some Parkour-ish stuff. You can even "Trimp" off of a few ramps using the speed aug.

Dodging: Dodge incoming attacks by jumping sideways or backwards. Move in the desired direction and press [Crouch+JUMP] to execute.

Long JUMP: Moving Forward with the Speed Augmentation. Crouch JUMP to do a long vertical jump at the cost of jump height. *Useful for launching yourself silently at enemies with a melee weapon or Shotgun, or just traversing pits that have low ceilings.

Air Strafe: Used the mouse and strafe keys to slightly change direction midair. Speed Aug amplifies this. Useful for dropping down a ledge to the next floor or ledge below.

Goomba Stomp: Land on top of an enemies head for lethal damage. Useful as a combo attack with a melee weapon. Use the air Strafe to master this.

Mantle: Climb a ledge by holding space. (BUGGY AF due to biomod jank, but it's a bit better now)

Battering Ram: Combining the Speed Aug and Muscle Aug can send bigger objects sliding into enemies for a KO. (Running into a couch that an NPC is sitting on will basically cause them to collide. Does non lethal damage)

YEET: With the muscle Aug, nearly every throwable object becomes a non lethal projectile. Have Chair, will KO. TNT Crates now become throwable grenades.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/104qa0h ... p=drivesdk

I think this is version 2. This was for more of a personal play through. I no longer have the OG mod.

Performance was an issue, mainly with overhauled textures. Preaching fixed this, but menu load time wasn't the best. I recommend playing this without the overhaul texture mod. Can ignore the folder (System TNM)

I'm working on a new mod that uses more Vanilla Style weapons, but will focus more on game play.

Misc: I tried optimizing this Deus Ex.u for steam deck. Certain items are now easier to pickup. Think of it as a compromise between the PC and PS2 from radius on items. I'm still working on an aim assist for controller/steam deck support.
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Re: 2027 Weapons in Deus Ex

Postby Blade sword » Fri Jun 07, 24 11:56 am

Thank you for this.
That's nice to see the modding community is still active on this game
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