A 'Stay with UNATCO' mod.

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A 'Stay with UNATCO' mod.

Postby Jeoh » Sat Feb 21, 04 5:24 pm

How about this mod...


When Jock flies you to New York to see Paul you have 2 options. You can go to the NSF HQ and see the documents on UNATCO and then either A) send the signal or B) don't send signal and go back to the 'Ton.

If you didn't send the signal, you go back to the 'Ton and you talk with him like you would if you didn't send the signal in the normal game (yes there is dialogue if you don't send the signal). Once you and Paul say "I'm sorry it had to come to this." you get a message from Jock saying that UNATCO troops are here to get Paul. Here you can either warn Paul of the attack and get him to go with Jock, or have him surrender.

If he surrenders, you arrive back at UNATCO. When you go talk to Manderley, he informs you of Paul's capture and Jock's dissapearance. All of a sudden the lights go black for a moment. Manderley orders you to go investigate and interogate your brother, knowing Paul would tell JC more than another UNATCO person. You learn of the MJ12 facility and gain clearance to go there from Manderley. On your way, Jacobson contacts you saying there was a breach in security and somethings happening in the MJ12 facility. When you arrive at the cell block, you find a dead MJ12 trooper and Paul gone. Manderley then contacts you saying that Paul escaped and you need to return at once. While you are traveling to Manderley's office, Paul contacts you saying that he wishes you would talk to him more about going against UNATCO. He tells you he is travelling to Hong Kong and wants you to meet him there. You inform Manderley, and he sets you off to the MJ12 facility in Hong Kong with a new pilot.

If you let Paul escape from the 'Ton, you would arrive back at UNATCO HQ. Manderley gets pissed off at you for letting him escape. He tells you that your next assignment is to track down your brother. He sends you back to the 'Ton to investigate your brothers apartment for clues to his whereabouts. When you log onto Pauls computer in his secret room, you learn about Tracer Tong. Manderley then contacts you saying he's flying you off to find your brother in Hong Kong.

Now, no matter what happened at the 'Ton, you arrive at the MJ12 facility in HK. You travel down to Wan Chai and immediatly Alex contacts you. "When your brother was sent to HK, he was put into contact with Maggie Chow. We need you to contact her. You can find her at the Tonochi road apartment buildings.

You travel to Chow's residence and consult her there. Maggie informs you of the two Triads and how she needs you to gain their trust so that you can assassinate Tracer Tong. She leads you into her secret facility and gives you the Dragon Tooth. She tells you to present this to Gordon Quick at the Luminous path base and tell him that you investigated Maggie Chows residence and that you found the Dragon's Tooth. He questions who you work for, but when you tell him of your brother, he gladly accepts you. You are allowed to go in now.

You are now given the choice to cross over to the resistance and carry on as normal by consulting Tracer Tong and allowing him to live. If you kill him, Alex informs you that the Luminous path knows and that you need to fight your way out. After you leave, your next objective is to assassinate Max Chen so MJ12 has full control over HK.

You arrive at the Lucky Money, but you find that they know who you are and that your there to kill Chen. After breaking through Chen's defences and killing him, Chow contacts you telling you that your brother broke into the VersaLife building. You are given the code to the VersaLife elevator and a visitors pass to the labs.

When you arrive in the labs, you are contacted by Chow to go down to the Level 2 labs, because they suspect that Paul is going after the UC. Chow tells you that she is going there now and will meet up with you there. When you go down to the UC, you catch a glimpse of Paul and Chow talking. Then Paul and Chow fight, with Paul winning. He then programs the UC to self-destruct. Alex contacts you to get out of there ASAP before the building is destroyed. He tells you that Manderley is sending you back to UNATCO HQ in New York. When you arrive back at the MJ12 facility above Wan Chai, the UNATCO pilot is waiting for you to fly back to New York.

You arrive back at UNATCO, and its in a mess. When you go to Maderley's office, Janice tells you that he is in a meeting with Simons. You can listen in and hear about how Paul destroyed the UC and how they need a new one, but at least MJ12 has taken over HK. You are then told by Janice that Manderley will be in there for some time and that he told her to tell you to go to Carter and Reyes to get prepared. At the armory, you talk to Carter to gain some weaponry. He gives you a GEP gun (if you already have one, he gives you four rockets) and a few LAMs because your gonna need some heavy firepower. When you talk to Jaime, he gives you the Regeneration/Energy Sheild aug (the one that you get when you sneak out of the MJ12 station in the normal game) and if you look in the storage closet, an aug upgrade is on a medical cart (the one he gives you if you tell him to find Tracer Tong in the normal game).

When you get back to Manderley, he tells you that they believe Paul is going after a Super Freighter of goods sent by the VersaLife corporation to New York. He then flies you out to the Super Freighter that is 100 miles off the coast to protect it.

When you arrive at the Super Freighter, you have a choice to go to the resistance by finding out that the freighter is carrying the virus. If you do this, Paul will contact you saying that if you blow open the weld points you can sink the ship and he can have Jock fly in to pick you up. If you do this, the game continues into the normal timeline.

If you don't investigate the ship, you are told to go talk to the ships commander. He tells you that they are about to dock, but they say a heavy strike force from the resistance has been seen comming into the port. After this conversation, the ship docks and Manderley tells you of the NSF force approaching. He orders you to elimanate them and find their leader, who they suspect is Paul. You then travel into the building next to the ship to find two NSF gaurds next to a couple dead MJ12 troops. If you listen in, the talk about Paul and the rest of the troops. You now have to fight your way to the entrance, where Manderley believes Paul is commanding the NSF force. Once you fight your way through and reach the entrance, Alex Manderley contacts you saying the ship has been destroyed and that they believe Paul snuck in and destroyed it. He reports to you to return to base. Then a helicopter flies into the entrance and picks you up.

Back at UNATCO, Manderley informs you that Paul must be working with the Silhoutte leaders, Chad Dumier and Nicolette Duclaire, in France. Manderley explains to you that they sent Agent Navarre(who isn't dead because you never had to kill her, if you did kill her on the jet, he will leave out Agent Navarre from this scene) and some MJ12 troops to hunt down Chad Dumier. He then informs you that while Anna is tracking down Chad, he wants you to find Nicolette. He sends you off to Paris.

Arriving in Paris, you find it in chaos. MJ12 troops are trying to control the riots. You can talk to some of the commanders you tell you that they could use your help taking out some of the rioters. Whether you do this or not, you need to find Nicolette. Alex informs you that Nicolette should be in the area, and you should question the locals about her. If you question some people inside of the homes, you learn about the bar. When you get inside, you can try to learn about Nicolette. Two girls are in the corner talking about Chad (like in the real game). When you talk to them, you question them about Nicolette. They tell you that she very cautious ofthe people she meets with because of her mothers assassination. You inform them about Chad and lie to them about being with the resistance. They say that she can often be found here, but they don't know where she currently is. When you talk to Nicolette on the 2nd floor, you ask about finding Nicolette (you don't know its her yet). She asks what you need with her and you lie about being with the resistance and needing help. She informs you that she is indeed Nicolette and that the only way she can help you is giving you the name, Morgan Everette, who used to be apart of some organization that her mother was in. You now have the choice to kill her or not, but Manderley yells at you and you get less skill points if you don't.

When you get outside the bar, Alex informs you of Anna's failure to kill Chad and that she is in the area. He also informs you that Simons has been showing up at the HQ more often and is giving you the order to find Everett. Simons believes that as long as the members of the Illuminati are alive, they are a threat to MJ12's operations. You then proceed to the helicopter. If you didn't kill her at Lebedev's jet, Anna will be next to the helicopter. If you did decide to kill Nicolette, she presents you with an Augmentation upgrade cannister for doing an excellent job.

When the helicopter drops you off, Alex reports to you and tells you of your whereabouts. You are at the Duclaire's mansion. Simons believes that there is information at the mansion about Everett's whereabouts. You then proceed to sneak around the mansion and end up finding Beth's hidden computer. When you hack into it, you find Everett's location stored in the computer. Alex then informs you of Gunthers presence. Outside, Gunther informs you that the findings you found on Beth's computer has given them the location of Everette. Gunther has been asked by Manderley to accompany you in the assassination of Everett. After this conversation, you get on the helicopter.

You arrive at the top of Everetts compound with the alarms booming. Gunther tells you that he will follow your command and is ready when you are. As you travel down the stairs from the helicopter landing pad, you find some resistance of some NSF troopers. When you reach Everett's office, Toby Atanwe is there. He informs you of Everett's escape. He then proceeds to attack you. After you and Gunther dispose of him, Alex tells you to hack into his computer and see if you can find any information. When you do this, you learn of Gary Savage and his UC and of his daughters attempts to gain access to the Ocean Lab. Simons then contacts you that those parts Tiffany is after are crucial and that you need to find her and eliminate her. You are sent to the Ocean Lab.

When you get there you find MJ12 troopers crawling all over the place. Simons tells you that Paul and Tiffany are coming to get plans for a UC. Your objective is to go to Ocean lab and await Paul and Tiffany. When you reach the Sub Bay to get to the Ocean Lab, Paul contacts you. He tells you that MJ12 is making both Ambrosia and the Grey Death. He tells you that they are trying to take over the world by spreading the virus and then using the cure to bribe people. Now you get another chance to join the resistance by going to the Ocean Lab and getting the UC's components for them. If you don't use the sub and instead go back to the top, Paul tells you that he is getting those plans, even if he has to go through you. When you get to the surface you find an army of NSF being led by Tiffany Savage. After the giant battle between NSF and MJ12, you talk to Tiffany. She tells you that this entire fight was a distraction so that Paul could sneak in and get the plans. Tiffany then starts to attack you. Once you kill her, Simons contacts you. He screams at you for letting Paul get past you. He says that he is ordering you to go take out Savage and Paul at Vandenberg.

When you arrive at Vandenberg, an MJ12 official runs towards you. He tells you that they have Vandenberg surrounded and that all thats left is the inside. When you go in, you encounter heavy NSF resistance. When you get near the command center, Sam Carter comes up to you. He tells you that UNATCO is truely corrupted and that he couldn't keep working there. He tells you that if you won't stop, you will have to kill him first. He then starts to attack you. After you kill him, you get the command center key from him. When you get in, you fight your way down to where Savage is. He screams at you for killing his daughter and proceeds to attack you. Once you kill him, Simons contacts you. He tells you of Everett's plan to take over an A.I. program called Icarus by using another A.I. program called Daedalus. Simons tells you that Everett isn't yet prepared so if you start it now, Icarus can take over Daedalus. You are then sent to initiate the attack. Icarus then takes over Daedalus and they merge into Helios. When you start to leave, Bob Page comes up on the projector in Savage's Lab. He tells you that MJ12's plan is to have Page merge with Helios to become all powerful and to rule the world. Page tells you that if you help him defeat Paul, Everett and Tong, who are his main enemies, he will have you as his right hand man along with Simons. You are then ordered to come to Area 51 to help protect it from Paul.

On your way out of Vandenberg, Paul contacts you and says that he is going into Area 51 to destroy Page and MJ12 along with him. He informs you that your helicopter was destroyed to keep you from interfering. Paul tells you that, to bide him some time, Jock is waiting for you. When you get outside of Vandenberg you hear Jock's helicopter flying around. He contacts you and says that he's sorry it had to come to this. You see his helicopter land and him and 3 other NSF troopers get out. Once you manage to defeat Jock and his troopers, you steal his helicopter and head to Area 51.

From: AllSystemsGo | Posted: 2/20/2004 3:19:16 AM | Message Detail
When you touch down, Simons contacts you that Paul and some NSF have stormed Area 51 and that Page needs your help to destroy them. After fighting your way through the NSF, you reach the first area of Area 51. On the way, Everett contacts you through a projector and tells you if you can take down the Aquinas HUB, that you and him can use Helios to secretly rule over the world. At the next area's projector, Tong contacts you. He says that the if you can destroy Area 51 that it would return the world to a more simpler time and would allow the world to start over again without Page, Everett, Helios and Simons trying to take it over. At the third section, Helios contacts you saying that you would be a much more suitable host than Page, and that with Helios you could take over the world. At the final area, Paul contacts you on the projector. He says that he is here to destroy Page and that if you try to stop him, he will kill you.

Now you have the original 3 endings to choose from or the ability to kill Paul and rule the world as Page's right hand man. If you do Page's ending, Paul will be in Page's chamber on the ground floor. When you reach him, he says that he is sorry that it had to come to this. He gives you one more chance to join him, but if you refuse he tells you that he wished you would have realised UNATCO's faults and joined him. He then proceeds to attack you. If you manage to defeat him, the game ends with a scene of Page and Helios merging. The scene fades with Page laughing hysterically.

The End


There you go, post your reading time to :P
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Postby kBo » Sun Feb 22, 04 12:26 am

It's already being made. I forget the mod's URL.
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Postby KingJ » Sun Feb 22, 04 8:30 am

its allready being made????

Where, Where, Where???????

Its good
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Postby Jeoh » Sun Feb 22, 04 11:44 am

|ALPHA|KBo wrote:It's already being made. I forget the mod's URL.

This full story?
I believe you got it mixed up with HotelCarone, which is totally different.
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Postby Splitter » Sun Feb 22, 04 12:28 pm

Whoa this sounds very cool, any info on when it's coming out *Laughs madly like Page*
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Postby Jeoh » Sun Feb 22, 04 3:02 pm

|ALPHA|Splitter wrote:Whoa this sounds very cool, any info on when it's coming out *Laughs madly like Page*

When it is getting worked on, there is just a storyline, so I thought maybe we could make the mod.
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Postby C:Enter:£££ » Sun Feb 22, 04 4:02 pm

that should have been put in orginally! i read through it all, it was like reading a deus ex book 8) but if they make tht im playing through single player again :P
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Postby Jeoh » Sun Feb 22, 04 5:12 pm

What I am saying is that WE should make it >_<
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Postby KingJ » Sun Feb 22, 04 5:49 pm

If i am accepted into |ALPHA| then I am happy to help :lol:
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Postby Aussiefella » Mon Feb 23, 04 9:13 am

we will need the following:

Mappers (must be compitent e.g. quality of me and Dae)
Coders (maybe we can get away with this?)
Texturers (Most mappers can do this.....)

We will need all those to make this mod properly, also this mod will be very hard :S
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Postby Jeoh » Mon Feb 23, 04 12:04 pm

|ALPHA|AussieFella wrote:we will need the following:

Mappers (must be compitent e.g. quality of me and Dae)
Coders (maybe we can get away with this?)
Texturers (Most mappers can do this.....)

We will need all those to make this mod properly, also this mod will be very hard :S

We need to EDIT the maps, not create new.
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Postby KingJ » Tue Feb 24, 04 7:27 am

On this mod wouldn't it be better to insert some voices using con edit. Just seeing text dosent feel right :(
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Postby Mike » Sat Dec 10, 05 7:17 am

you bastards better get to work cus i wanna play it
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Postby clyzm » Sat Dec 10, 05 7:18 am

Mike wrote:you bastards better get to work cus i wanna play it


Mike, do you realize how OLD this topic is?
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Postby Gishank » Sat Dec 10, 05 11:25 am

i swear this topic is over a year old those people don't even play dx anymore
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Postby AgentSmyth » Sat Dec 10, 05 1:57 pm

i think its a pity desu ex is becoming old...i like it...
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Postby Bob » Sat Dec 10, 05 5:01 pm

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