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Postby bambi » Wed Jan 04, 06 6:19 pm

- My 1/2 cent -

I like this idea of soldier classes. But I noticed, if the objective is only to kill, people will choose the best class: stealth. So I was thinking...why not have an objective, such as to secure a location, kill the king, capture a skull, blow up a barrel. Something that would actually require the different classes. And as usual, I'm stuck on reality:

I love the tnag assault rifle, sniper rifle (more like a machine gun), and beretta. Why not use these weapons for different classes, such as:
heavy machine gunner: tnag sniper rifle (modded to decrease accuracy but still have high rate of fire_
sniper class: modded sniper rifle to fire slightly faster, have a longer range than the heavy class so that it could snipe them
soldier class: tnag assault rifle and berretta
espionage: explosives (lam or something cooler?)
medic: medkits, (lots) and healing spray,
Then to create a balance between classes, some classes could be given lockpicks or multi tools to open ammo crates etc. AND flashbangs or smoke grenades could be given only to soldier class so that people would not just choose the heavy class.
OH, I was open DXMP_Smuggler, and I noticed: with the sniper rifle, your aim is wobbly, moving around a lot. So why not have apoint system too, along with an obejective, so that more kills would allow you to have better aim with sniper or buy skills. And stealth could have one aug. my ramblings, perhaps, I should go buy CS, but I know this could be a really popular mod if it was created. :wink:
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Postby Allan » Wed Jan 04, 06 6:31 pm

Oh, so you want an Arc Genus mode like the "Assault Mode" in UT games. This methinks is a good idea!

It'd be pure pwnage if someone could copy the Assault map of the world war 2 beach from UT-GOTY edition and export it to DX!!!

However, I suspect this level has high filesize, so it may not be possible... And then you have to add the projectilegenerators for the mini mortar launchers(20mm shells), and all the other cool stuff in the map...
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Postby Spiderbot01 » Wed Jan 04, 06 6:41 pm

Not to mention you'd have everyone downloading TNAG...
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Postby Allan » Wed Jan 04, 06 6:45 pm

lol, it'd be like the original CTF mod all over again...
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Postby bambi » Wed Jan 04, 06 7:07 pm

what do you mean, couldn't you put the three tnag guns in the map, so that they wouldn't have to download the whole dtanag mod, lolerz? :(
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Postby Allan » Wed Jan 04, 06 9:15 pm

there is a lot more than 3 weapons in tnag... Vacuum grenade, SEMP Grenade, RailGun, All easy to miss. And there is alot more... Also, everything in that pack is 100% custom. Sounds, Meshes, Textures, you name it :P it all adds up to over 6mb, and fusing that to a map, if near impossible from where i stand, will take a lot of time and effort.

However, the concept of this map is very good, and if we could overcome the shortfalls of this idea (IE, make the meshes for good weapons ourselves, and then use them, and make the sounds) you'd be in buisness :D. Prehaps you should ask the Arc Genus mod crew for some help/advice on this topic, and if they will even let you mod their codes at all, cos you dont want to be done for blatent plagerisim (Stealing someone elses work, and passing it off as yours, even though you know what will happen if you do.)
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Postby bambi » Wed Jan 04, 06 10:15 pm

thanks allan.
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Re: aww

Postby Spiderbot01 » Wed Jan 04, 06 10:35 pm

bambi wrote:what do you mean, couldn't you put the three tnag guns in the map, so that they wouldn't have to download the whole dtanag mod, lolerz? :(

Doesnt work like that, you could have one gun, but you'd still have to download the whole package...
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Postby Allan » Thu Jan 05, 06 8:33 am

Well, i'm making a kind of different version of tnag, called UT-DXMod. It'll have most of the weapons in their original forms, but i may have to ask some advanced coders how to do AltFire mode using the laser sight key, as it's otherwise useless(Alternate fire mode, not the mod.)

Already made so far- Impact Hammer, but im having troubles with it :S

It's either miles off the right size when you play, or not visible at all :S

Oh well, I will overcome! (later, i got school now...)
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Thu Jan 05, 06 3:39 pm

hmm that's why i never tryed to get out stuff of the tnag mod..

i hate working with models and states
also the meshes somehow screw up *points to viewoffset*
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Postby Allan » Thu Jan 05, 06 7:34 pm

~[A]Nobody~ wrote:hmm that's why i never tryed to get out stuff of the tnag mod..

i hate working with models and states
also the meshes somehow screw up *points to viewoffset*

Hmm, Prehaps you should consider looking at the "#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=Minigun2L X=? Y=? Z=? YAW=? PITCH=? ROLL=?" line in the mesh import .uc file.

The "X=? Y=? Z=?" is the origin point. (Usually set as 0, 0, 0.)
and the "YAW=? PITCH=? ROLL=?" is what angle to set the mesh at on the origin point.

I have a lot of problems with this too... Im trying to import the Minigun, but it'll not sit at the right angle... :S Mabye worth paying Tack's Deus Ex Lab a visit again abou this :S (lol, i always thought you would be the one to be giving me advice XD)

Edit: Tack says this about it:Origin Statement

Tack's DX Lab wrote:#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=LaserGun X=0 Y=0 Z=0

For most items like weapons or pickup items, you'll want to just leave this statement as is, except for changing the mesh name. The MESH ORIGIN statement sets up where the center of the mesh is. In other words, the point where your mesh will rotate around and move from. If you've centered your mesh properly in your modeling tool, you can use X=0 Y=0 Z=0 and the square selection brackets that appear in the game when you're pointing at an item will line up correctly, among other things.

If you're doing a character, you may find it more convenient to model with the feet on the "ground". In that case, you'd want to compensate for that by changing the Z value to halfway up your mesh. In that case, your MESH ORIGIN statement would have something like Z=37 instead of Z=0.

You can also use the MESH ORIGIN statement to set the initial rotation values of your mesh. If you've modeled a character, and he/she ends up standing the wrong direction in the game, you can fix that here. You do that by adding PITCH, ROLL, and/or YAW values to the statement. The values aren't angles though. A value of 64 means 90 degrees, a value of 128 means 180 degrees, etc. So this statement:

#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=LaserGun X=0 Y=0 Z=0 PITCH=32 ROLL=128 YAW=-64

...would mean a pitch of 45 degrees, a roll of 180 degrees, and a yaw of -90 degrees.

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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Thu Jan 05, 06 8:23 pm

hehe well

with modeling related coding you can hunt me! :lol:

from my experience i know that the weaponalignment of an equipped weapon is definied by the PlayerViewOffset and the FireOffset property
but somehow they always seem to screw up..

an example is...
i just make a new class expanding pistol and just copy the view offset property of the pistol to the new class (so overwriting with the same value)
and the alignment of that equipped weapon which expands pistol is far different to the pistol one..

isn't this a bit odd? :shock:
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Postby Allan » Thu Jan 05, 06 9:58 pm

True, very true... But i guess some would say DX modding in itself is weird :S Well, Me looks for any possibly easier way to do this now, safe in the knowledge that this will be a waste of time... Sometimes, i even confuse myself... I prefer to use what DX gives me, and make the best of it, like the DX stuff only Biorifle style weapon i did.(Downloadable in my latest modpack from my thread... (101MOD, not CardReader))

Off Topic: Gah, i would have applied to join alpha, but the recruitment ended way before i started here, and i wasnt much of anything back then... Oh well, life moves on...
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Postby Spiderbot01 » Thu Jan 05, 06 10:09 pm

I've never actually seen you fight Allan...
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Postby Allan » Fri Jan 06, 06 4:59 pm

Im not much of a fighter, more a "Find a back way into the enemy base" kinda guy...

and i have 2 choices of computer: Slow comp, but stable connection, or fast comp, but not 100% reliable connection. Im normally on the faster comp, doing my work and coding there, and just flick on DX now and again...
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Fri Jan 06, 06 5:25 pm

heh.. neither i'm an actual fighter

btw.. what about combining the things?

so.. slow PC with unrealiable connection
and fast PC with reliable connection
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Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.

~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.

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Postby MrBlackDX » Fri Jan 06, 06 7:04 pm

Objective Based Maps are the plan, the point is guys, and this isnt said to offend, that people will either make mods like this;

1 - Put down the WHOLE concept, and just plod on to create the mod in one big sweep

2 - Put down parts of the concept, and create those parts, after one part has been made, start making the next part

Now, I say this with some truth behind me, and that is that 90% of DX mods fail, because they all went path 1, and why is that? well, support for the mod lessens and lessens as the deadlines get stretched and stretched, not only that but because its a mountain, it gets harder and harder to realise exactly how you are gonna pull it off

My mod, was approached much differently, if you look at the topics first post, its not "i have a team and this is my mod" its, "right heres a basic view on what i want to achieve, the question is, can it be done?"

If someone said that it couldnt be done, there would be no DXAG, but both Alex and Dae said it could be done, easily

Not only that but Nobody has joined me on achieving the next level

I dont wanna tell you guys what is gonna be the full plan for this mod, but trust me, its big, and if you guys really wanna help, post something worrthy of DXAG here and you will be swept up in no time

Be it map, new weapon, new code, anything!

Im making this mod for the communities interest at heart

So tell me what needs to be done, and if you really want to help, show me how it should be done
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