[RELEASE] AllanTeleporter version 2.0

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[RELEASE] AllanTeleporter version 2.0

Postby Allan » Thu Sep 04, 08 3:29 am

If I had to summarize this tool in 4 words, it'd be -

"Bowen's one on Steroids!"


- Teleporting Mode. Because if it didn't have that, it'd be a False-Advertising Gun.
- Teleporting via Portal rip-off style teleporters Mode.
- Gravity Gun Mode. (Shoots players near the hit-point up in the air a variable amount. Force employed varies based on the actual zone gravity.)
The force of this effect can be toggled between 0.5x gravity (just over jumping height) to 4x gravity (Climb buildings) using the Laser Sight key.

NOTE: This mode can be disabled by the server owner.

Admin Features:

- Moving Objects Mode.
- Destroying Objects Mode. (Note: Kills Players/Pawns, doesn't delete them)
- Summon Players mode - Uses the Laser Sight key to choose a target, fire summons them.
- Admin Containment Mode. Summons a bubble at the hit point which lasts for 12 seconds. Any player within 256 U-Units (about 3x the range of the bubble) is sucked inside and cannot leave the bubble until it disappears.
- Open Doors Mode.
- Door Breach Mode - Blows up doors.

Special Thanks:

JimBowen - For the original idea.
Baleout,MrBlack,DJ,FuzzyCows - For posting final ideas.
( MrBlack - Even though I know it to be a futile effort, it's better to try, and fail to get some attention back into this community, then to lay down and let it die. ;) )
Me - For putting up with myself through the production of this mod.
You - For hopefully downloading this. :D

ReadMe: (Seeings as no-one will read it)

Code: Select all
Thank-you for installing AllanTeleporter v2!

To add this mod to your server for use, follow these simple instructions:
- Open your DeusEx.ini, then search for 'ServerActors'
- Under those lines, add the following text


- Then save your DeusEx.ini.

Run the server, and it should now be summonable by using
'Summon AllanTeleporter2.WeaponAllanTeleporter'

The source code supplied is for informational purposes only.
It is non-compilable.

The AllanTeleporter.ini variables are as such:



bDrawFX - Setting this to true draws all the beams and spheres
and special effects for this mod. Setting it to false results
in no special effects.

massLimit - The maximum weight an object that admins can move
with the move mode.

bAllowGravMode - Toggles whether players can use the gravity gun

MaxContBubbles - The maximum amount of admin containment
bubbles in use at one time.

MaxTimesOut - The maximum amount of times the portals may be
used before they destroy themselves.

That's it. Enjoy!

(And a special thanks for actually reading the ReadMe.
It's probably the first time anyone has. XD)

Download in attachment. Happy AllanTeleporting!

(Oh, for the interested, the installer background is ripped off my desktop.)

~Nobody: Added manual installation files attachment~
AllanTeleporter v2 Setup.

Installs the mod and the source to your DeusEx/ directory.
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Manual Installation files
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Last edited by Allan on Thu Sep 04, 08 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASE] AllanTeleporter version 2.0

Postby ~DJ~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 3:57 am

Allan wrote:Special Thanks:

JimBowen - For the original idea.
Baleout,MrBlack,DJ,FuzzyCows - For posting final ideas.
( MrBlack - Even though I know it to be a futile effort, it's better to try, and fail to get some attention back into this community, then to lay down and let it die. ;) )
Me - For putting up with myself through the production of this mod.
You - For hopefully downloading this. :D

But.. How.. Me...You thanking me!!! :D



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Postby Allan » Thu Sep 04, 08 4:04 am

You coughed up an idea, and that I thank you for. I just couldn't find a way to use it.

And no credit for Hey, he just reworded what you said. :P
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Postby ~DJ~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 5:59 am

:D Thanks :)
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 12:39 pm

No non-installer version? :(
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~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.

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Postby Allan » Thu Sep 04, 08 1:03 pm

~ô¿ô~Nobody~ wrote:No non-installer version? :(

D'oh! :(
*adding to first post*

Edit: Can't edit the first post now. 180 minute limit. O_o
Manual Installation files
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 1:37 pm

Alright, I added it to the first post. :)

PS: I just tried it out. Cool thing.
I blowed myself into the air by shooting with that force mode in front of me! :lol:
Last edited by ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ on Thu Sep 04, 08 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nobody is perfect...
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.

~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.

ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
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Postby [17]你&#215 » Thu Sep 04, 08 5:43 pm

Awesome stuff! :P

My ideas where teh winz.
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Postby ~SaSQuAtCH~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 7:05 pm

Allan teleporter teleports Allan, right?
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Postby or 1=1 » Thu Sep 04, 08 7:16 pm


Good Game
Cheap Bitch
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Postby Dae » Thu Sep 04, 08 7:22 pm

Throw away your a/v then.
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Postby Allan » Thu Sep 04, 08 7:38 pm

•»Garçon«• wrote:Image

Good Game


That's messed up. Meh, use the manual installation files.
If anyone else's A/V gets set off with that pack, just leave the manual install files up and remove the auto-installer.
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Postby ~ô¿ô~Nobody~ » Thu Sep 04, 08 7:41 pm

It's because the installer is UPX packed to make it smaller. Virusses use that compression method too.
Nobody is perfect...
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.

~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.

ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
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Postby Juhnke » Fri Sep 05, 08 12:08 pm

:o Give me credit, I told DJ to give you the idea on msn... -cough-

Not really :(

Thanks for this =D

And DJ, you scrwed my map up :( The geometry died x_x
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Postby [17]你&#215 » Fri Sep 05, 08 4:16 pm

Junkhe who be you?
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Postby ~DJ~ » Fri Sep 05, 08 6:11 pm

Hes a guy.... o_o
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Postby CvendaCZ » Sun Sep 29, 13 6:09 pm

I cant open it, can you please reupload it ?
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