The Grand Inquisitor wrote:Is PDX a faction? I thought it was always your ally.
It is a faction.
If you ally with WC, then PDX is considers you hostile.
Moderator: Forum Guards
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:Is PDX a faction? I thought it was always your ally.
~DJ~ wrote:Also, Treskton, i've noticed some bug, i don't know that if its already told, but when you kill (WARNING SPOILERS...) Dark Templar at the Voodoo shop It says Goal updated, and it spams/loops it again and again every time! I don't really know how it happens, but I've reached far away from that level without killing him, so yeah i can't show some shots.... o_____o
Dragon Warrior wrote:when i got onto the (WARNING SPOILER) snowy mountain to get the space shuttle the game started to freeze up on me and i had to Ctrl + Alt + Del many times to shut down TMN.exe
then i would run the game and i would half to go back about 3 saved games other wise it would freeze on me 1 sec after loading the game
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:Oh, and (no spoilers) the pizza box in Andreus' room is bugged methinks.
Trestkon wrote:Dragon Warrior wrote:when i got onto the (WARNING SPOILER) snowy mountain to get the space shuttle the game started to freeze up on me and i had to Ctrl + Alt + Del many times to shut down TMN.exe
then i would run the game and i would half to go back about 3 saved games other wise it would freeze on me 1 sec after loading the game
Hmm, I'm not sure what that would be. If it happens again (with Patch 1.0.1) let me know and post your TNM.log from DeusEx\System
Log: Log file open, 04/05/09 16:01:22
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1 (Build: 2600)
Init: Version: 1100
Init: Compiled: Jan 29 2001 16:45:52
Init: Command line: -hax0r INI="C:\DeusEx\TNM\System\TNM.ini" USERINI="C:\DeusEx\TNM\System\TNMUser.ini" log=TNM.log
Init: Base directory: C:\DeusEx\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Cd Path: D:\
Init: Computer: USER7FEE1EA33B
Init: User: Svetlana
Init: Memory total: Phys=2097151K Pagef=4194303K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=2664.073687 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Log: Bound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Bound to Extension.dll
Log: Bound to ConSys.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusEx
Log: Loading: Package Core
Log: Loading: Package Engine
Log: Loading: Package Extension
Log: Loading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Loading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Loading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Loading: Package Effects
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Loading: Package Fire
Log: Loading: Package ConSys
Log: Loading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Loading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Loading: Package UBrowser
Log: Loading: Package UWindow
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Loading: Package IpDrv
Log: Bound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusExText
Log: Loading: Package Ambient
Log: Loading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Loading: Package IpServer
Log: Loading: Package MPCharacters
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to WinDrv.dll
Init: Mouse info: 0 0 65536
Init: Client initialized
Log: Bound to Render.dll
Log: Loading: Package Render
Init: Lighting subsystem initialized
Init: Rendering initialized
Log: LoadMap: entry.dx
Log: Loading: Package Entry
Log: Loading: Package Title_Music
Log: Loading: Package TNM
Log: Bound to TNMNative.dll
Log: Loading: Package TNMNative
Log: Bound to DXOgg.dll
Log: Loading: Package DXOgg
Log: Loading: Package precipitation
Log: Loading: Package TNM_Core_Tex
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexDetail
Log: Loading: Package TNMSounds
Log: Loading: Package caroneelevatorset
Log: Loading: Package TNM_Misc_Tex
Log: Game class is 'TNMGameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame:
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
Log: Browse: DX.dx?Name=Zonda?Class=TNM.Trestkon?Team=128
Log: Doing load, not loadgame
Log: Current mission number is -1, next is -1
Log: LoadMap: DX.dx?Name=Zonda?Class=TNM.Trestkon?Team=128
Log: Loading: Package DX
Log: Loading: Package Supertanker
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMetal
Log: Loading: Package NewYorkCity
Log: Loading: Package Paris
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexGlass
Log: Loading: Package Catacombs
Log: Loading: Package UNATCO
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexFoliage
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexEarth
Log: Loading: Package BatteryPark
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexBrick
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexPaper
Log: Loading: Package Airfield
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWood
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexConcrete
Log: Loading: Package TNMDeco
Log: Loading: Package TNMItems
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWater
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexSky
Log: Loading: Package Rocket
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMisc
Log: Loading: Package HK_BuildingExt
Log: Loading: Package TNMCharacters
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexStone
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 39832->39832; refs: 569736
Log: Game class is 'TNMGameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level DX.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Zonda?Class=TNM.Trestkon?Team=128
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DX.Mutator1
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level DX.MyLevel
Log: Loading: Package TNMGUI
Log: Loading: Package UMenu
ScriptLog: Team 128
ScriptLog: Login: Zonda
Init: *** DEUS EX VERSION Mon Mar 19 12:06:14 2001 v1.112fm ***
Init: *** Cheats Enabled! U R l337, d00D! U r0X0r!
ScriptLog: Team 128
Log: UIfix >> Function hooking complete, DetourTransactionCommit returned code 0
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: trestkon DX.trestkon0
ScriptLog: All inventory from Zonda is accepted
Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport0
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Bound to D3DDrv.dll
Init: DirectDraw drivers detected:
Init: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: D3D Device: Supports system memory DMA blts
Init: D3D Device: No page lock required
Log: D3D Device 239568K vram, 239032K free
Init: Deus Ex Direct3D support - internal revision 1.6.2
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=0
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=0
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=913
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=67309744
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=161
Init: Best-match display mode: 1024x768x16 (Error=0)
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxSimultaneousTextures=8
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT1
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT3
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT4
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT5
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports specular gouraud
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports alpha palettes
Init: D3D Driver: Supports non-power-of-2 textures
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: D3D Driver: Textures (1x1)-(4096x4096), Max aspect 4096
Log: Bound to Galaxy.dll
Init: Galaxy is using DirectSound
Init: Galaxy initialized
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 4.550280 seconds
Log: DXOgg: Initialized
ScriptLog: Creating root window: TNMGUI.tnmUWindowRootWindow
Log: Loading: Package UWindowFonts
Log: Loading: Package DXFonts
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIMenuButtonWindow DX.trestkon0.tnmRootWindow0.tnmMenuMain0.MenuUIClientWindow0.MenuUIMenuButtonWindow2
Log: Assigning Last Button Window to MenuUIActionButtonWindow DX.trestkon0.tnmRootWindow0.MenuScreenLoadGame0.MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonWindow1
Log: Tried to remove lastbuttonwindow descendant. MenuUIActionButtonWindow DX.trestkon0.tnmRootWindow0.MenuScreenLoadGame0.MenuUIActionButtonBarWindow0.MenuUIActionButtonWindow1
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Zonda
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=TNM.Trestkon
Log: URL: Adding default option Team=128
Log: Browse: Index.dx?loadgame=73?Name=Zonda?Class=TNM.Trestkon?Team=128
Log: Doing loadgame, not load
Log: Loading: Package saveInfo
Log: Unloading: Package DX
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Zonda
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=TNM.Trestkon
Log: URL: Adding default option Team=128
Log: LoadMap: ..\TNM\Save\Current\23_ABIExterior.dxs?load?loadonly?loadgame?Name=Zonda?Class=TNM.Trestkon?Team=128
Quote: Trestkon: We have a lot of maps. We're crazy awesome.
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Log: Loading: Package 23_ABIExterior
Log: Loading: Package Area51Textures
Log: Loading: Package HK_Helibase
Log: Loading: Package Mobile_Camp
Log: Loading: Package V_Com_Center
Log: Loading: Package TNMDataVault
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexTiles
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level DX.MyLevel
Init: *** Cheats Enabled! U R l337, d00D! U r0X0r!
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unloading: Package Render
Log: Unloading: Package Supertanker
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexFoliage
Log: Unloading: Package BatteryPark
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexSky
Log: Unloading: Package CoreTexStone
Log: Unloading: Package DXFonts
Log: Unloading: Package saveInfo
Log: Garbage: objects: 48270->45752; refs: 867611
Log: Loading: Package TNMConvos2Text
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 128
ScriptLog: Login: Zonda
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: trestkon 23_ABIExterior.trestkon20
ScriptLog: All inventory from Zonda is accepted
ScriptLog: DeusExLevelInfo - Spawned new mission script 'TNM.tnmMission23'
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level 23_ABIExterior.MyLevel
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: **** InitStateMachine() - 23_ABIExterior.trestkon20 started mission state machine for 23_ABIEXTERIOR
Log: Loading: Package DXFonts
Log: Viewport WindowsViewport0: WM_DisplayChange
Log: EndFullscreen
Init: DirectDraw drivers detected:
Init: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: D3D Device: Supports system memory DMA blts
Init: D3D Device: No page lock required
Log: D3D Device 239568K vram, 239032K free
Init: Deus Ex Direct3D support - internal revision 1.6.2
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=0
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=0
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=913
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=67309744
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=161
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxSimultaneousTextures=8
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT1
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT3
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT4
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT5
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports specular gouraud
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports alpha palettes
Init: D3D Driver: Supports non-power-of-2 textures
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: D3D Driver: Textures (1x1)-(4096x4096), Max aspect 4096
Init: DirectDraw drivers detected:
Init: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: D3D Device: Supports system memory DMA blts
Init: D3D Device: No page lock required
Log: D3D Device 239568K vram, 239032K free
Init: Deus Ex Direct3D support - internal revision 1.6.2
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=nv4_disp.dll
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=0
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=0
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=0
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=913
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=67309744
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=161
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxSimultaneousTextures=8
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT1
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT3
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT4
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT5
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports specular gouraud
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports alpha palettes
Init: D3D Driver: Supports non-power-of-2 textures
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: D3D Driver: Textures (
Allan wrote:I'm interested - What's the difference between 'Doberman' and the 'TNMDoberman', besides class name?
~Zerpeus~ wrote:Download link? :$
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
~þsÿçhø~ wrote:My laptops screen is broke, how can i fix it?