I'm making a high resolution UI replacement for Deus Ex. My mod is a straight texture replacement and as such it only requires a renderer that supports replacement textures. I use the DirectX 10 renderer from this guy. I actually had to get him to release a new patched version (26) to support the replacement textures since there was a bug that prevented me from forcing an alpha channel upon UI elements.
Most of the fonts are complete and I've been messing with recreating the UI windows as well, though it's pretty far from done. I aim to be as close as possible to the original artwork so everything, including the fonts, is actually made from scratch in inkscape and not sourced from an existing font set.

I'll probably be releasing an early version that just contains the high-resolution fonts once I've finished them. I might as well throw in high-res cursors too why not?
Compatibility with existing mods?
Unless the mod overwrites existing artwork in DeusExUI.u there should be no conflict, it's simply drop in and run. I've tested it with vanilla Deus Ex, Shifter and Biomod.
Isn't there some other project doing the same thing?
I didn't like the look of it. The fonts looked wonky and I didn't like its implementation.
Will it fix UI bugs?
No, it's simply a package of textures and there is no coding going on at all. I don't have the first idea how to do anything like that, though if there is an issue that you think you can fix I'd be happy to include it in a later release.
Oh my god JC a bomb!
A bomb!