Deus Ex Hi-Res UI mod

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Deus Ex Hi-Res UI mod

Postby SwissCM » Thu Aug 04, 11 2:13 pm

A relatively active Deus Ex forum. Who would have thunk it.

I'm making a high resolution UI replacement for Deus Ex. My mod is a straight texture replacement and as such it only requires a renderer that supports replacement textures. I use the DirectX 10 renderer from this guy. I actually had to get him to release a new patched version (26) to support the replacement textures since there was a bug that prevented me from forcing an alpha channel upon UI elements.

Most of the fonts are complete and I've been messing with recreating the UI windows as well, though it's pretty far from done. I aim to be as close as possible to the original artwork so everything, including the fonts, is actually made from scratch in inkscape and not sourced from an existing font set.


I'll probably be releasing an early version that just contains the high-resolution fonts once I've finished them. I might as well throw in high-res cursors too why not?

Compatibility with existing mods?
Unless the mod overwrites existing artwork in DeusExUI.u there should be no conflict, it's simply drop in and run. I've tested it with vanilla Deus Ex, Shifter and Biomod.

Isn't there some other project doing the same thing?
I didn't like the look of it. The fonts looked wonky and I didn't like its implementation.

Will it fix UI bugs?
No, it's simply a package of textures and there is no coding going on at all. I don't have the first idea how to do anything like that, though if there is an issue that you think you can fix I'd be happy to include it in a later release.

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Last edited by SwissCM on Thu Aug 04, 11 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shinobi » Thu Aug 04, 11 4:03 pm

Fonts look nothing like originals.

Want hi res health indicator too, like dx enhanced. But no stupid fuckin dependencies, good to hear. Also want mp compatibility. Please.
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Re: Deus Ex Hi-Res UI mod

Postby Lurker » Thu Aug 04, 11 4:11 pm

SwissCM wrote:A relatively active Deus Ex forum. Who would have thunk it.

I think part of the reason why it's becoming more active now is because of the upcoming release of Deus Ex Human Revolution. DX fans and oldtimers from 2000 like me are checking DX-related forums to see what's new in the community or to release their never-released mods for DX1 and hopefully new ones for DXHR aswell. At least that's the reason why I'm here.

I'm making a high resolution UI replacement for Deus Ex. My mod is a straight texture replacement and as such it only requires a renderer that supports replacement textures.

I really much appreciate mods like these. I already use DirectX 10 renderer, HDTP and NewVision 1 Mod. All three in conjunction. They make DX1 maps look fresh and up to date.

I'd also recommend to use 512x512 big textures as a new standard for Deus Ex mappers. They look awesome and sharp in old Unreal Engine 1. I tried and it worked, even without the mods mentioned above.

I use the DirectX 10 renderer from this guy. I actually had to get him to release a new patched version (26) to support the replacement textures since there was a bug that prevented me from forcing an alpha channel upon UI elements.

A very good choice! I use the exact same renderer which lets me run Deus Ex, Unreal 1, UT and so on in HD 1280x720 and higher resolutions on my GeForce card.

I check kentie's website and download his stuff from time to time, so I think it's great that you got him to release a new update for the d3d10drv renderer. What I am waiting for is yet a DirectX 11 renderer to be released... If you can get him to release THAT then it would be even more awesome......!

I'll probably be releasing an early version that just contains the high-resolution fonts once I've finished them.

I like your fonts. Would you also release them as TTF's for Windows Office, Photoshop and stuff?

- Lurker
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Postby Shinobi » Thu Aug 04, 11 4:17 pm

Kentie has released a D3d11 renderer. Also the d3d10 one is now on v27 but personally I've found everything since v24 buggy on my radeon 5770.
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Postby Lurker » Thu Aug 04, 11 4:28 pm

Shinobi wrote:Kentie has released a D3d11 renderer.

Really? I probably missed this one. The last time I checked kentie's website was in April. It seems I have to check his site more frequently, now that updates come in more often...

Also the d3d10 one is now on v27 but personally I've found everything since v24 buggy on my radeon 5770.

Somehow games and video software run better and faster on Nvidia Geforce cards these days, especially if they come with a good DirectX 10+ or OpenGL 3.0+ renderer!

But I don't want to start a Nvidia versus ATI rant. Personally I never liked ATI cards. I always go with Nvidia.
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Postby Shinobi » Thu Aug 04, 11 4:34 pm

I used to, too. I personally believe the difference when it comes to older games is negligible.

Although my old Nvidia 9800GTX+ runs DX human revolution a fuckload better than my AMD Radeon 5770! And the 5770 is in a MUCH MUCH better rig too.

Anyhoo, check out kentie's site, wouldn't bother with dx11 renderer tho he not updating it.
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Postby SwissCM » Thu Aug 04, 11 5:40 pm

But I don't want to start a Nvidia versus ATI rant. Personally I never liked ATI cards. I always go with Nvidia.

Please, no video card wars. For the record I'm running a HD4850 and it runs the DX10 renderer just fine.

I like your fonts. Would you also release them as TTF's for Windows Office, Photoshop and stuff?

This would require a hell of a lot more work. I'll bundle the SVG files with the release when it happens.

Fonts look nothing like originals.

haha what. My fonts at 50% with the original artwork for comparison. Yeah the ampersand on the conversation font is wonky but I put no effort into it due to it not being used in the game (to my knowledge).
To say they look absolutely nothing like the originals is a bit of an insult when that was basically the whole point of what I'm doing. It's also objectively wrong.
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Postby Lurker » Thu Aug 04, 11 5:54 pm

Anyhoo, check out kentie's site, wouldn't bother with dx11 renderer tho he not updating it.

I just finished checking kentie's site and all the download links. Somehow I can't find a dx11 renderer there (?).

I agree though, the dx10 renderer works well enough for Deus Ex, so let's stick to it for now.
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Postby Shinobi » Thu Aug 04, 11 6:08 pm

Yeah fair enough I was wrong about the fonts, I'm just not used to seeing them so big (used to playing at 1440x900 with tiny writing.

I think I'm confused. D3D11 renderer doesn't mean DirectX11 renderer does it? This is what I was referring to:
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Postby Lurker » Thu Aug 04, 11 6:09 pm

SwissCM wrote:
But I don't want to start a Nvidia versus ATI rant. Personally I never liked ATI cards. I always go with Nvidia.

Please, no video card wars. For the record I'm running a HD4850 and it runs the DX10 renderer just fine.

Nah, don't worry. I won't go into any This versus That wars, because it's pointless and trollish. For low-end games such as Deus Ex 1 and Unreal Tournament '99 it doesn't make a difference anyway.

I like your fonts. Would you also release them as TTF's for Windows Office, Photoshop and stuff?

This would require a hell of a lot more work. I'll bundle the SVG files with the release when it happens.

No problem. I can use a SVG to TTF converter.

The reason I ask is because I think your Deus Ex style fonts could also work well with 3D logos made in Photoshop and stuff, providing you grant other users the copyright to use your fonts in own projects.

Shinobi wrote:Fonts look nothing like originals.

haha what. My fonts at 50% with the original artwork for comparison.

I don't know what kind of issue Shinobi has with your fonts, but I think they look very similar to the original ones, even better for my taste.

Shinobi wrote:I think I'm confused. D3D11 renderer doesn't mean DirectX11 renderer does it? This is what I was referring to:

Thanks. I was looking for that. Weird that I didn't find that page on kentie's site.

And yes, ofcourse I was referring to D3D11 renderer and not DX11 renderer. DirectX is just the name for the entire software package where Direct3D is a code component of it among others such as DirectSound etc.
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Postby Shinobi » Thu Aug 04, 11 6:15 pm

Shinobi just initially thought "fuuuuu..... that's big" but that's about it lol. I imagine they'd look fine.

In fact I'd quite like to have this, how far along are you with this mod?
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Postby SwissCM » Thu Aug 04, 11 6:28 pm

Still 2 fonts to go. The UI elements will take somewhat longer.
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Postby Lurker » Thu Aug 04, 11 6:54 pm

Shinobi wrote:Shinobi just initially thought "fuuuuu..... that's big" but that's about it lol. I imagine they'd look fine.

Hey, you should see how tiny the original DX fonts look like when you run the game in HD res! So it's better to have bigger DX fonts for higher resolutions.

Here's a screenshot I made with the original fonts in 1280x720 with HDTP+NV1+d3d10 combined:

so smaaaaall you can hardly see the pixel above the letter i in the NPC's bark text below...

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Postby James » Sun Sep 11, 11 1:11 pm

Can't believe I've only just seen this thread. I appreciate this.
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Postby Shinobi » Sun Sep 11, 11 3:17 pm

It's good isn't it.

Along with D3D10, NV, HDTP etc Deus Ex is actually looking rather kick-ass.

Just (im-fucking-patiently) awaiting the release of DaveW's NV multiplayer version now.
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Postby James » Sun Sep 11, 11 3:21 pm

HDTP lol, uhhhh yeah, no.
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Postby Baconbits » Fri Dec 09, 11 5:31 am

Please excuse me if this is a retarded question but is this released yet? I see no download link and I'd love to add it to improve my Deus ex replays.
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Postby temporary_user » Sat Feb 09, 13 1:36 am

Is this released? Where can I download it? I registered only to ask this!
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Postby Andrievskaya Veronika » Sat Feb 09, 13 7:58 am

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Postby Shinobi » Sat Feb 09, 13 2:43 pm

Just to clarify: Does this need anything else? It was a while since I've been here properly, and I imagine I was intoxicated in every sense of the word when I made the above posts, I have no recollection of doing anything DX-related in 2011....

I thought this was supposed to be an enhanced UI without requiring other mods. I don't want bloody shifter grr. I want something I can use in DXMP, which is the only reason I'd ever install DX these days.
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Postby Tejas » Sat Feb 16, 13 1:51 am

Is this any good for DXMP?
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Postby Shinobi » Sat Feb 16, 13 10:11 pm

No. Needs shifter. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
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Postby Tejas » Sun Feb 17, 13 4:13 am

13 years strong dxmp is still barely alive guess it doesnt need any hi res UI / HUD :wink:
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Postby Shinobi » Mon Feb 18, 13 2:27 am

Thought DX had a good community till I got well into SS2. They're flying the mods and patches out.

DX, sad to say, is dead as a fkn dodo.
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Postby ProtoType » Fri May 17, 13 11:37 pm

deusex isnt dead but its close to it mainly because dont know the game i know where ill be moving to continue my development half life XD
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