Wallet Mod (v102)

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Wallet Mod (v102)

Postby Vexus » Sat Aug 25, 12 1:30 am

The information is in the readme file, but here's a brief summary (from the readme file)

[spoiler]The Wallet mod is a simple mod that allows you to keep track of
and give/dispense your credits. This can be useful in many ways,
such as for fun maps, like the dxalpha funline maps, or rpg maps,
like Cozmo RPG. It also comes with money classes that you can
place in your maps. (Use M1, M5, etc., not M1T, M5T, etc. as
those do not respawn)

What's new?
[spoiler] > Improved functionality (You can directly give money to players
or directly deposit and withdraw from a BankingATM Actor)
> Banking Mutator (Stores info serverside, saving it for future use -
also removes potential money glitching)
> Green, dark blue, cyan (light blue), and red wallet variations
> Improved money textures
(1.18 MiB) Downloaded 1220 times
Last edited by Vexus on Tue Jun 25, 13 5:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
ShadowRunner wrote:lol, the mayhem of this thread is huge...

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s

anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman

[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
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Postby ~DJ~ » Sun Aug 26, 12 4:13 am

Awesome. This is way better than adding credit-chips. One question though, have you taken any of the source from WCCC's or this is completely yours?
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Postby Vexus » Sun Aug 26, 12 8:40 pm

I took most of the idea and source from WCCC's mod, but I gave him credit in the readme, and most, if not all of the .uc files.

Edit: also, this is just really simple. WCCC is currently working on an even better wallet mod than this, and I just received it, so I'm gonna see if I can/need to make any changes, or if its good to go.
Last edited by Vexus on Sun Aug 26, 12 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ShadowRunner wrote:lol, the mayhem of this thread is huge...

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s

anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman

[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
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Postby WCCC » Sun Aug 26, 12 8:52 pm

Oh hey, vexus linked me to this post, for clarity's sake I've vastly improved on the old design, with transferring credits with traces and whatnot, as well as using ATM's for server-side money storage. I feel HORRIBLY obligated to state that the base code was done by IAMME in WickedGuns.u, but I ended up modifying the code and debugging some stuff. Anyways, gonna paste the code 3 layered between wicked guns, markistan, and finally mswallets. Threw vexus the source and .u for MSWallets, he'll probably be posting it soon. Anyways... CODE VOMIT.

Code: Select all
//| Author: IAMME (C)                            |\\
//| Title: Nano Wallet                           |\\
//| Function: Can store and give credit chits.   |\\

class NanoWallet extends DeusExWeapon;

auto state Pickup
  function Frob(Actor Frobber, Inventory frobWith)
       local DeusExPlayer F;

    super.Frob(Frobber, frobWith);
    F = DeusExPlayer(Frobber);
    if (F != none)
      F.ClientMessage("|p2Use Laser to give out creds or use Scope to show the number of credits you have");

function ScopeToggle()
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  P.ClientMessage("You have "$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (P.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName ~= "(DXM)IAMME")
      P.Credits += 500;

function LaserToggle()
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (P.Credits >= 10)
    P.Credits += -10;
    P.ClientMessage("10 credits deducted from your account (duh look below you).");
    P.ClientMessage("You don't have enough credits for this action.");


     ItemName="Nano Wallet"

Code: Select all
//| Author: IAMME (C)                            |\\
//| Title: Nano Wallet                           |\\
//| Function: Can store and give credit chits.   |\\

class MarkusWallet extends Gadgets;

var travel byte XMode;
var() int CashAmount;
var travel byte bdrained;
//var byte bdrained;
//var byte XMode
var localized String msgCreditsAdded;

function Fire( float Value )
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  P.ClientMessage("you currently have |p3"$P.Credits$" dollars on hand.");

auto state Pickup
   function Frob(Actor Frobber, Inventory frobWith)
      local DeusExPlayer player;

      Super.Frob(Frobber, frobWith);

      player = DeusExPlayer(Frobber);

      if (player != None)
         if (bdrained == 0)
         player.Credits += CashAmount;
         player.ClientMessage(Sprintf(msgCreditsAdded, CashAmount));
         player.FrobTarget = None;
         bDrained = 1;
         else if (bdrained == 1)
         player.FrobTarget = None;

function ScopeToggle()
         local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (XMode == 0)
    XMode = 1;
    P.ClientMessage("Nanites Set to 5$, |p3"$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 1)
      XMode = 2;
      P.ClientMessage("Nanites set to 10$, |p3"$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 2)
    XMode = 3;
    P.ClientMessage("Nanites set to 100$, |p3"$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 3)
    XMode = 0;
    P.ClientMessage("Nanites set to 1$, |p3"$P.Credits$" on hand.");

function LaserToggle()
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  if (XMode == 0)
  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (P.Credits >= 1)
    P.Credits += -1;
    P.ClientMessage("1 Dollar dropped, |p3"$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <1>= 5)
    P.Credits += -5;
    P.ClientMessage("5 Dollars dropped, |p3"$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <5>= 10)
    P.Credits += -10;
    P.ClientMessage("10 Dollars dropped, |p3"$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <10>= 100)
    P.Credits += -100;
    P.ClientMessage("100 Dollars dropped, |p3"$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits < 100)
    P.ClientMessage("|p2Insufficient Cash.");

simulated function bool TestMPBeltSpot(int BeltSpot)
   return (BeltSpot == 0);

     msgCreditsAdded="%d dollars added"
     ItemName="|p3Nano Wallet"
     Description="A wallet using nanite-credit integrated technology to dispense credit amounts of either 1, 5, or 10 controlled by toggle scope, toggle laser to drop, and fire to check your cash. handy for paying people :)."

Code: Select all
//| Author: IAMME (C)                            |\\
//| Title: Nano Wallet                           |\\
//| Function: Can store and give credit chits.   |\\

class GreenWallet extends MarkusWallet config(MSMTL);

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=BeltIconNanoWalletB FILE=Textures\BeltIconNanoWalletB.PCX GROUP=Skins FLAGS=2// Icon
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=BeltIconNanoWalletDB FILE=Textures\BeltIconNanoWalletDB.PCX GROUP=Skins FLAGS=2// Icon

var() globalconfig int WalletSlot;
var() config string WalletColor;
var bool bNegMode;

function Fire( float Value )
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);

 if (HasBank() <0>= 1)
  P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"You currently have |p4"$P.Credits$" dollars on hand"$WalletColor$" and |p4"$GetBank().GetAccountBalance(GetOwnerIP() )$" in your bank account.");

function string GetOwnerIP()
    local string OwnersIP;

   OwnersIP = PlayerPawn(Owner).GetPlayerNetworkAddress();
   OwnersIP = Left(OwnersIP, InStr(OwnersIP, ":"));
   return OwnersIP;

//Shouldn't be called unless you've already confirmed a mutator exists, otherwards it
//may create log errors.
function MSBankingMutator GetBank()
 local MSBankingMutator Bank, B;
 forEach AllActors(class'MSBankingMutator', Bank)
  if (Bank != None)
   B = Bank;
 return B;

function int HasBank()
 local MSBankingMutator Bank;
 local int i;
 forEach AllActors(class'MSBankingMutator', Bank)
     if (Bank != None)
 return i;

auto state Pickup
   function Frob(Actor Frobber, Inventory frobWith)
      local DeusExPlayer player;

      Super.Frob(Frobber, frobWith);

      player = DeusExPlayer(Frobber);

      if (player != None)
         if (bdrained == 0)
         player.Credits += CashAmount;
         player.ClientMessage(Sprintf(msgCreditsAdded, CashAmount));
         player.FrobTarget = None;
         bDrained = 1;
         else if (bdrained == 1)
         player.FrobTarget = None;

function ScopeToggle()
         local DeusExPlayer P;

  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (XMode == 0)
    XMode = 1;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"Nanites Set to 5$, "$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 1)
      XMode = 2;
      P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"Nanites set to 10$, "$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 2)
    XMode = 3;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"Nanites set to 100$, "$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  if (XMode == 3)
    XMode = 0;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"Nanites set to 1$, "$P.Credits$" on hand.");

function LaserToggle()
       local DeusExPlayer P;

  if (XMode == 0)
  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (P.Credits >= 1)
    P.Credits += -1;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"1 Dollar dropped, "$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <1>= 5)
    P.Credits += -5;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"5 Dollars dropped, "$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <5>= 10)
    P.Credits += -10;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"10 Dollars dropped, "$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <10>= 100)
    P.Credits += -100;
    P.ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"100 Dollars dropped, "$P.Credits$" remaining.");
  else if (P.Credits <100>= 1)
    P.Credits -= 1;
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).Credits += 1;
    P.ClientMessage("|p41 Dollar Paid To"$DeusExPlayer(hitActor).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" remaining.");
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).ClientMessage("|p4You have just recieved a payment of 1 dollar from "$DeusExPlayer(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"!");
  else if (P.Credits <1>= 5)
    P.Credits -= 5;
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).Credits += 5;
    P.ClientMessage("|p45 Dollars Paid To "$DeusExPlayer(hitActor).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" remaining.");
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).ClientMessage("|p4You have just recieved a payment of 5 dollars from "$DeusExPlayer(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"!");
  else if (P.Credits <5>= 10)
    P.Credits -= 10;
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).Credits += 10;
    P.ClientMessage("|p410 Dollar Paid To "$DeusExPlayer(hitActor).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" remaining.");
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).ClientMessage("|p4You have just recieved a payment of 10 dollars from "$DeusExPlayer(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"!");
  else if (P.Credits <10>= 100)
    P.Credits -= 100;
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).Credits += 100;
    P.ClientMessage("|p4100 Dollar Paid To"$DeusExPlayer(hitActor).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" remaining.");
    DeusExPlayer(hitActor).ClientMessage("|p4You have just recieved a payment of 100 dollars from "$DeusExPlayer(Owner).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName$"!");
  else if (P.Credits <100> -1)
  if (!bNegMode)
  if (XMode == 0)
  P = DeusExPlayer(Owner);
  if (P.Credits >= 1)
    P.Credits -= 1;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.AddAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 1);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (P.Credits <1>= 5)
    P.Credits -= 5;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.AddAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 5);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (P.Credits <5>= 10)
    P.Credits -= 10;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.AddAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 10);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (P.Credits <10>= 100)
    P.Credits -= 100;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.AddAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 100);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (P.Credits <100>= 1)
    P.Credits += 1;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.SubAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 1);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP) <1>= 5)
    P.Credits += 5;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.SubAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 5);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP) <5>= 10)
    P.Credits += 10;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.SubAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 10);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP) <10>= 100)
    P.Credits += 100;
    MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.SubAccountBalance(FrobbersIP, 100);
    P.ClientMessage("|p4Your ATM Balance is now "$MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP)$", "$WalletColor$""$P.Credits$" on hand.");
  else if (MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountBalance(FrobbersIP) < 100)
    P.ClientMessage("|p2You do not have enough money to withdraw!");
 if (MSBankingATM(hitActor).Bank.GetAccountNum(FrobbersIP) == -1)
  Pawn(Owner).ClientMessage("|p4You have succesfully set up an account on the ATM!");


function ReloadAmmo()
 local string extrastringything;
 bNegMode = !bNegMode;
 if (!bNegMode) extrastringything = "|p3adding to ";
 if (bNegMode) extrastringything = "|p2subtracting from ";
 Pawn(Owner).ClientMessage(""$WalletColor$"You are now "$extrastringything$"your ATM account!");

simulated function bool TestMPBeltSpot(int BeltSpot)
   return (BeltSpot == WalletSlot);

     ItemName="|p3Nano Wallet"
Last edited by WCCC on Mon Aug 27, 12 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
F*cking college... you're not my best friend anymore.
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Postby Vexus » Mon Aug 27, 12 12:35 am

Updated to v101

What's new?
[spoiler] > Improved functionality (You can directly give money to players
or directly deposit and withdraw from a BankingATM Actor)
> Banking Mutator (Stores info serverside, saving it for future use -
also removes potential money glitching)
> Green, dark blue, cyan (light blue), and red wallet variations
Last edited by Vexus on Mon Aug 27, 12 1:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
ShadowRunner wrote:lol, the mayhem of this thread is huge...

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s

anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman

[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
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Postby Vexus » Mon Aug 27, 12 6:45 pm

Updated to v102

What's new?
[spoiler] > Improved money textures
ShadowRunner wrote:lol, the mayhem of this thread is huge...

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Is there anything I can put in your mouth to make you stop talking rubbish? :-s

anax wrote:wow you are amazing. like this woman

[FGS]Kalman wrote:Lol I thought for 2-3 months everybody talks like a sir here, then I realised it's the forum's censorship
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