I haven't posted any info or updates on my mod for about a year now. Just wanted to say to anyone who is still interested that the Stalker Mod is not dead and I have resumed working on it...
Let me toss in a new screenshot:

It's the front of the Stalker Shop. Please note that this is still an early design of this particular building with global lighting only and does not represent the final thing. As you can see, I also added my own Stalker Logo Sign above the shop's window. It's supposed to say "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." and "SHOP" below, but I haven't added the full writing to that texture yet. So the Stalker Shop will work like bars in the original Stalker games. There will be a barman or shopkeeper inside, the player will be able to walk up to the window, talk to the shopkeeper, trade weapons, items and goods, perhaps even receive missions and get paid for them. I will need to write a conversation script for this...
There are vending machines behind the shop on the right. Currently those are Deus Ex ones with soda and snacks, used as placeholder when I import drinks and food items from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I may also import the original Stalker weapons, but only the weapon sounds, specs or some skin textures, because conversion of Stalker to Unreal models is not possible due to a different 3d format. Most of the stuff I do for this mod I do myself anyway, based on screenshots I make when I play any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games (Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat) which I have permanently installed on my PC for years now. As you know, most of the time so far I export Stalker textures, edit them and import them into Deus Ex. The rest is all done by myself in UnrealEd.
Let's hope I can speed up development a bit, so people don't have to wait so long for this mod to be finished......