[release 1] Deus Ex : Delta ]2[. [English]

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[release 1] Deus Ex : Delta ]2[. [English]

Postby Andrievskaya Veronika » Mon Mar 18, 13 9:07 am


The story:
This mod starts in place where JC Denton saw the mechanic, who helped him to burn the Universal Constructor in last time.
And now you're playing as that mechanic. Your name is Jerry. And you're want leave this place forgotten by God. You're don't
have any goals for now, but you're will, this is only question of time.

Some features:
  • Most of weapons can be worn out, like in STALKER : Shadow of Chernobyl, but probability of jamming is very low.
  • Almost all weapons uses new models.
  • Many interesting (i hope) quests.
  • Supports latest version of HDTP (partially for now)
  • ...

This mod is sequel for the first mod: Deus Ex : Delta (currently only in Russian).

Some videos
Click here to watch


The following scripts and other stuffs from other sources was used
Script for the shotgun by Smoke39
Weapon models: converted by Cataclyzm from Counter-Strike (and maybe some other games)
Wrench and radio models: from TNM SDK
Some scripts are used from Steve Tack's site
Some models was used from Endemia library
Modified crosshair from MainMan's City (also thanks to SimonDenton for the tutorial)
ActorAttacher by ElBundee
Some models by Psionic (Link >>)
Includes latest beta version of HDTP


How to install:
For now, i can suggest only manual installation. But it simple.
  • Unpack the downloaded archive into directory with your copy of Deus Ex. You're should have latest version of the game: 1.112fm
  • Then navigate to DeusEx/Delta][/ Directory and run the FirstRun.cmd file. When all files will be copied, close the window with messages.
  • Run the Launch.bat file, and you can start the game. (the overclocking button does not overclock anything)

    Notice: by default game uses FullHD screen resolution with max. quality of graphics. You can adjust it like you do this with original Deus Ex.

Release 1:
This release includes first five maps. Gameplay time: 1-2 hours.

If you will find something not translated to English, let me know.

ScreenShots (some of them are obsolete a bit)
Image | Image | Image | Image | Image | Image

Compatibility with HDTP and New Vision:
The mod is 97% compatible with New Vision (see screenshots), HDTP already included (not all improvements are supported at the moment)

Hardware Requirements:
Most of modern system will allow high FPS rates and high quality of graphics.
Something like this:
* Intel Pentium dual-Core E5xxx / e6xxx / Core2Duo or AMD Athlon II / Phenom II @ 3 and higher GHZ
Modern Sandy bridge or Ivy Bridge CPUs will suit well (Pentium/Core i3/i5/i7).
* Geforce GTS 250/GTX 8800 and better or something like this from AMD (HD 6750/7750 and better will handle well). Intel HD 4000 is too weak for this game (not to mention about HD 2500 and lower!).
* 2 or more GBytes of RAM
* About 1.5 GBytes of free space on the HDD
Last edited by Andrievskaya Veronika on Wed Jul 10, 13 2:15 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby James » Mon Mar 18, 13 9:24 am

Will try this and Delta 1 this week. Thank you Veronika. :)
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Postby Aidan » Mon Mar 18, 13 6:44 pm

Thanks Veronika!

This looks too cool. I'm going to install it tonight.
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Postby Andrievskaya Veronika » Wed Apr 24, 13 5:18 am

Recently i decided to change storyline a bit. Thus, bad ending will be removed.

New screenshots of the modified level:
Image Image Image
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Postby Machina » Thu Jul 04, 13 2:24 pm

Hey nice maps so far. I've been playing this today. Didn't get very far yet, got lost and tried over a few times because I was worried I might not be able to go back.

If I may give you two tips so far (since you mentioned this mod is still somewhat under construction)

1. I met a really cool mechanic dude with a flamethrower and I think he's bad ass. He follows me around wherever I go and we kick ass together. Thanks for adding that guy. But normally in dx you'd get these options: "stay here" and "follow me". This guy unfortunately would follow you into the toilet, after you just went home with a cute girl and off course when you want to sneak past some enemies. So stealth becomes harder and sometimes impossible when you pick him up. So far I explored a hallway and there were some karkians at the end, they didn't see me but my brave companion decided to rush into battle and got killed. This would not have happened if I could have told him to "stay here"

2. Just a mapper's tip, maybe you already know this one by now. I noticed you used dxmovers as sliding doors. If you're just going to make sliding doors that are opened by a normal trigger then use normal movers. They are smaller in size and will cause less lag in your maps. Always use normal movers, only use dxmovers when you really have to.

Other than that the mod looks good. I didn't get far yet but there seems to be plenty of action in it. The translation is kinda bad but everything that is said can be understood. If you want I can help with translating.
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Postby Machina » Fri Jul 05, 13 1:00 am

I played Delta ]2[ some more today and I like it a lot. You're a good map builder, lots of good use of coronas and some cool triggered sound effects. Great details all over the place, I loved turning on the generators and seeing stuff happening. Some parts reminded me of Half-Life 1 but in a good way.

I'm stuck at teleporter 2 now. There doesn't seem to be anywhere left to go. Is this to be continued or did I miss something? The other teleporter is supposed to load a new map but it doesn't load because that map isn't included in the mod.
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Postby Andrievskaya Veronika » Wed Jul 10, 13 10:06 am

Machina wrote: The other teleporter is supposed to load a new map but it doesn't load because that map isn't included in the mod.

Right. The map (and many others) will be included with next releases. The next one will include Lost City. There you're will find Greasels Arena (similar to one in DX:IW, but you're can bet as many times as you're want and while you're have enough money :) ) And something else.

Currently i have to finish (or maybe remake) "Sector T" map and village, and link together other maps. And translate all texts into English (all new textures will have text in English).

Machina wrote:If you want I can help with translating.

Machina wrote:If you're just going to make sliding doors that are opened by a normal trigger then use normal movers. They are smaller in size and will cause less lag in your maps. Always use normal movers, only use dxmovers when you really have to.

Thanks, i'll keep this in mind.

And about mechanic... You can break three cardboard boxes (there also barrel of ambrosia) and he will grab all bottles and will run away.

Thanks for comments.
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Postby Machina » Fri Aug 09, 13 6:02 am

And about mechanic... You can break three cardboard boxes (there also barrel of ambrosia) and he will grab all bottles and will run away.

That was pretty funny. After a replay what I liked most about your mod was the hazmat suit. It works really cool together with the poisonous greasels.
Last edited by Machina on Fri Aug 09, 13 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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