Hello to all. Firstly, I'm new to this forum and not certain if this is the most appropriate place for this (this isn't exactly a modification, though somewhat related), but here goes.
A while back me and my brother (Onemaster) thought it'd be nice to have a tool where you could type a conversation line from Deus Ex or TNM or what not, and it would find the corresponding speech audio; that could be handy for making something goofy along the lines of Malkavian Mod. While I found tools for unpacking the .u files, none of them could conveniently associate speech text with audio (I'd be glad to know if I'm wrong here). I decided it'd be best to make such a tool.
The program is now at a point where it might be somewhat usable. It's uploaded at:
The .zip there contains the Windows version of the tool and a readme explaining its setup and usage, as well as source code in case someone wants to build it on a platform other than Windows.
Short overview of the program:
The program requires the appropriate .u files, which for example in Deus Ex would be the files starting with DeusExCon. The user can enter a part of a conversation line in a text box and click a button to find all lines containing that text. Then the program can output the audio for that line into a file. Also, with some configuration, it's possible to play the audio via the program (without the inconvenience of putting it into a file and then opening that file manually), using an external media player command. Additionally the program can output flow charts of conversations.
I'd be most grateful for any feedback, such as:
- whether this kind of a program is of any use to anyone
- any problems in getting it to work
- any feedback on the program itself
The program hasn't been too widely tested, and hasn't been used by others than me (on my Linux computer) and my brother. It *should* be pretty easy to get it to work on Windows (after downloading a few .dll's listed in the readme), and I've tested it on a couple of Windows machines. There are especially some convenience features I've got in mind that I might add in the future, some of them mentioned in the readme.
Thanks for reading!