3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechanic

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3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechanic

Postby CyberP » Sat Jan 18, 14 8:18 am

Hey there, developer of the Deus Ex singleplayer gameplay mod GMDX here. I need the help of an artist to edit one model and animate it. Should be a simple task for those with the skills, taking very little time at all. This mechanic will be a Duke Nukem 3D-inspired kick, or rather more useful like in Dark Messiah or Dead Island or various other gameplay mods about for other games.

Please get in touch via PM or responding here. Thank you.
Last edited by CyberP on Sat Jan 18, 14 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby clyzm » Fri Jan 24, 14 10:49 am

What, like a 3d model of a leg, boot and all, moving up and kicking?

Damn thatd be gangsta

Imma see if I can help you out
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Postby bambi » Fri Jan 24, 14 5:20 pm

clyzm! you are the man!
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Postby CyberP » Fri Jan 24, 14 10:49 pm

The man indeed :D

At the very least we need two anim sequences: First person Standing Kick and Jumping Kick. But an additional three if you are feeling extra generous: Crouching, standing knee attack, and greasel stomp.

JC's right leg please :) I will send you the exported HDTP Trench.
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Postby bambi » Fri Jan 24, 14 10:58 pm

my codding skills basically consist of me defalt propertering clyzm's mods and calling them counterstrike.

gosh, the truth hurts srs
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Postby CyberP » Fri Jan 24, 14 11:04 pm

Psst, it's spelt "coding". :P

Yeah I'm not amazing at coding either, my partner however is a beast.

I made a mistake also by not mentioning it needs to be HDTP's JC leg for visual consistency.
SOOO many times I have wanted to use Clyzm's weapons in my mod because they are awesome, but they do not use JC's hands :(

There wouldn't happen to exist a nice pump action shotgun with JC's hands in first person that can replace the HDTP sawed-off?
Last edited by CyberP on Fri Jan 24, 14 11:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby clyzm » Sat Jan 25, 14 3:05 am

There wouldn't happen to exist a nice pump action shotgun with JC's hands in first person that can replace the HDTP sawed-off?

Theres a pump action shotgun in my clyzmsmod mod but its kinda shitty tbh

Satisfying firing sound though
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Postby CyberP » Sat Jan 25, 14 3:07 am

I'll check it out. More Clyzm weapons :)
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Postby clyzm » Sat Jan 25, 14 3:09 am

heres the topic

lol its super old

but at least its got the JC hands

First person Standing Kick and Jumping Kick. But an additional three if you are feeling extra generous: Crouching, standing knee attack, and greasel stomp.

idk mate it would look a lil awkward without some dynamic camera moving jc's perspective as he kicks, sounds like it can be done through some coding sorcery though. ill try getting em rigged and imported
Last edited by clyzm on Sat Jan 25, 14 3:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby CyberP » Sat Jan 25, 14 3:39 am

Yes there will be little finishing touches to get it right.
We are currently doing lots of little touches atm, such as attempting to make the guns "feel" better.

Btw I really like the USP from your package. Shame with a silencer it's a different model.
Last edited by CyberP on Sat Jan 25, 14 3:43 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Blade sword » Tue Jan 28, 14 6:39 am

I personally made anims but I see that my files seems to be unuseable
I don't know how to do vertex anim in blender and neither convert my skeletal to it ...
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Postby CyberP » Tue Jan 28, 14 11:59 am

Your attempt was appreciated.
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Postby Blade sword » Wed Jan 29, 14 2:12 am

Sure but I'm a bit sad that It couldn't be used aside of newer UTs which made it a bit pointless since The Deus Ex Reborn mod died ...
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Postby CyberP » Wed Jan 29, 14 3:17 pm

Hmm found something, Blade Sword: https://code.google.com/p/deus-ex-enhan ... p&can=2&q=

Program to convert Skeletal to vertex.

And here is the tutorial: http://mirror.deusexnetwork.com/dxediti ... utorial=37

But best wait to see what Clyzm is up to.
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Postby clyzm » Wed Jan 29, 14 6:53 pm

i took a look at it in 3ds max i dont think it should be a problem but ill let ya know
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Postby CyberP » Thu Jan 30, 14 12:25 am

Excellent. Thank you.
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Postby Blade sword » Thu Jan 30, 14 5:42 pm

Yeah it doesn't seem I can do much here, most people uses complementary softwares with blender
I will try to see what I can do with what I have though
Anyways clyzm can do that kind of stuff while I can't for now.
One thing I'm seeing is about the snapshot function which I don't have in blender as I can see trestkon used skeletal method and used the snapshot thing to perform a sort of vertex anim.
Last edited by Blade sword on Thu Jan 30, 14 5:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby clyzm » Fri Jan 31, 14 2:23 am

Yeah snapshot works great for importing models with whatever type of animation you got going into Deus Ex, synchronizes perfectly with 3ds2de import method
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Postby CyberP » Tue Feb 18, 14 4:09 am

It appears Clyzm is too busy, or perhaps he slipped and bumped his head. Is anyone else available to do this? It's the last thing to do before we can release the mod.
Last edited by CyberP on Tue Feb 18, 14 4:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby AlvinD » Thu Feb 20, 14 10:35 pm

Ill give it ago!
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Postby CyberP » Fri Feb 21, 14 12:47 am

Awesome :)

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Postby johnenla » Tue Mar 04, 14 11:52 am

It's the last thing to do before we can release the mod.
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Re: 3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechani

Postby CyberP » Tue Jun 03, 14 5:16 pm

Anyone else? Three people have given it a shot but none have delivered. I appreciate the attempts though.
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Re: 3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechani

Postby Blade sword » Sat Sep 20, 14 9:37 am

Sorry for answering so late to it. I can give my work to clyzm; then he can convert it I know that some of my rig is a bit flawed but it's workable for what's visible.
In a way if my stuff can be converted things can be enhanced
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Re: 3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechani

Postby CyberP » Sun Nov 30, 14 5:41 pm

Mantling animations, new pain animations for NPCs, new weapon reload animations...there's so much I want to do, but I was unfortunately too late to the Deus Ex modding party :(
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Re: 3DSMax artist required for animating of new game mechani

Postby Blade sword » Sun May 31, 15 5:30 pm

Personally if the deus ex mod for UT2004 was completed at least from the map port and gameplay I would have jumped in easily.
and anything could have been done to enhance it because I could provide animations of all kinds, add items to the vanilla game, and most importantly gameplay enhancements could have been done more easily even from MP / SP because of the mutator system.
I mean the mantling stuff, character additions and newer enemies(later on I'm still not good enough to animate that), new weapons, new ammo types (so a complete set of less lethal arsenal and stealth related items could have been brought in)
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