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-More life-like & challenging AI, in addition to new enemy types.
-Improved and balanced augmentations.
-Improved and balanced skill system.
-Expanded choice & consequence design.
-Increased overall challenge, including an optional hardcore difficulty mode.
-Balanced & improved weaponry.
-Fixes many Vanilla & GOTY edition bugs.
-Altered level design in the interest of challenge, realism and choice and consequence, and also visual improvements for the most lacking of maps.
-Many miscellaneous new features.
-Compatible with the excellent HDTP & New Vision graphics mods (HDTP is a requirement).
"This is Deus Ex on a whole new level"
"If you're a Deus Ex veteran, get this mod. Now. Do it. Go."
It has been an honour to expand upon such a fantastic game and to contribute to the Immersive Sim.
We hope you enjoy the mod and look forward to your feedback.
There won't be another version update in quite a while, if it all, but please report any bugs for a potential patch.