Apostlemod (http://www.ApostleMod.com) released Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside! And it's our first public single-player campaign with the story based on Deus Ex Bible and the back-story of vanilla Deus Ex and Human Revolution. It will give you 3-4 hours of gameplay filled with Deus Ex easter eggs, quests, puzzles, adrenaline rush and anticipation of how this story will end.
Download the mod here http://www.moddb.com/mods/deus-ex-apocalypse-inside/downloads
Main characters:
Tantalus Denton https://www.facebook.com/tantalusdenton
Though engineered in the same tank as JC Denton, it's unclear if Tantalus is JC and Paul's brother. It’s been his codename for so long he can't remember his real name. Tantalus mysteriously escapes from Area 51 lab where he was created which pissed off Majestic 12 for an unknown, sinister reason. Tantalus calls this Apocalypse Inside, a prototype of some king that dwells inside Tantalus in form of extremely advanced nanotech.
Über Alles
It is said that Uber Alles is a transgenic made by Page Industries with the single purpose - to find and kill Tantalus after his escape from Area 51. Somehow Uber also wants to take Tantalus' wife Magdalene after he's killed him. His motivations of that are unknown even by Bob Page.
Uber uses his deadly katana called Scythe.
It is believed Page brainwashed Uber into being a Narcissistic, Machiavellian psychopath. Among other cynical propaganda, Page made Uber Alles loop in his head a song called 'Megalomaniac' by Project X-3
"I'm the master of dark triad
And my name is Uber Alles
I am what the world condemns but
I don't ever give a damn
That the monster I've become
Evil things that I have done
And I know I cant go back
A megalomaniac"
Uber tends to use "Mwahahahahahahaaaa!" in every second sentence.
Magdalene Denton
Magdalene was Tantalus' wife, but after she and X51 staged his escape from Area 51 he did not recognize her and left. Tantalus can't even remember who he himself is. When he does start to remember he sets out on a quest to find Magdalene and find out who he himself really is.
the rooks
The Rooks are the worst gang in New York City
Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside revives everything in Deus Ex that didn't make it into the game including the story, levels, textures and easter eggs. This mod will grow eventually.
Locations in include revised DX1 levels such as Area 51 with X51 escaping, Hell's Kitchen as well as its back-story locations such as the Mass Driver Moon Complex, Los Angeles ruins after San Andreas quake, and one of the missions will include a secret Human Revolution mission that never made it into HR.
--choice-focused, psychological storyline which happens before and at the same time as JC Denton's adventures;
--Human Revolution/Mankind Divided style Transhumanism philosophy;
--New soundtrack composed by Project X-3;
--Two bosses! (Uber Alles from Deus Ex: Frozen Hell being one of them)
--Mise En Abyme cloud computers everywhere!
Read a review of the mod here http://www.apostlemod.com/blog/deus-ex-apocalypse-inside-mod-is-released/
Download Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside here http://www.moddb.com/mods/deus-ex-apocalypse-inside/downloads