I'm a little late but after completing HR today I thought fuck it I'll try IW.
To my surprise I'm getting pathetically low FPS. Now I know I don't have a beast of a GPU, in fact it's a bit shite, but I've just been playing DX:HR with enb enabled at 1440x900 all settings maxed out and getting 20fps minimum.
So I figured IW shouild be fine. ALso it was last time I played a teeny bit of it (same system, about 2 uears ago).
Playing DX:IW I'm getting 10-15 fps average just walking around Tarsus!
Software Specs:
Win 7 x64 Ultimate fully updated
MSE antivirus (tried with Real-time OFF too just in case)
DX:IW UK English v1.2 with Unified Texture Pack
Tried at many different resolutions and multisampling/quality settings.
Latest AMD Catalyst drivers.
Core i7 950 @ 4GHz
6Gb DDR3 1333MHz RAM
WD Caviar Black 640Gb HDD x 2 in RAID 0 array
AMD Radeon HD 5770 1Gb GPU
Any clues?? Tried running windowed and low resolutions... still shit fps.