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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 05 8:03 pm
by ~ô¿ô~Nobody~

the keypad is 94% ready!!

the system itself works grandious
and i added the following stuff...

-client-server connetion-check: while validating the code it checks if the client is still connected to the server. if not it will print out "Connection lost"

-added a second way to assign keypad codes.. with 2 lists on the server.
(took idea from darkForce keypad made by TheSheep)
the one takes the Tags of the keypads and the other one the keypad codes belonging to the tags

-3 code validating modes
MODE #1(KM_Static): The keypad has a static code given by the map author
MODE #2(KM_Auto): The keypad uses the code from the server-list if it can find a code for itself there, otherwise it will use the static code that was given by the author
MODE #3(KM_List): The keypad ALWAYS uses the code from the server-list. if it can't find a code for itself in the server-list, then the keypad just has NO code and the keypad-window won't appear at all

-added a small mutator to get the tags of the keypads while the game is running (that just works with admin rights of course)

any suggestions?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 05 1:38 pm
by ~ô¿ô~Nobody~

it doesn't take long for releasing it anymore

the 3 modes feature works without problems now

and i added a mutator by that you can add/update/remove the keypad from the server-list

the 3 modes you can just change by the advanced options of the server
but i think that's the best solution