Moderator: Forum Guards
¤[ß2S]¤Cozmo wrote:I think they were just EarthquakeTriggers in volcano.
[FGS]Zeitgeist wrote:¤[ß2S]¤Cozmo wrote:I think they were just EarthquakeTriggers in volcano.
Is it actually possible to summon triggers?
player.ShakeView(shakeTime, shakeRollMagnitude, shakeVertMagnitude);
// MutatorShake - Cozmo
Class MutatorShake extends Mutator config(Mutator);
var() float shakeTime;
var() float shakeRollMagnitude;
var() float shakeVertMagnitude;
simulated function PostBeginPlay()
function Mutate (String S, PlayerPawn Player)
if(mid(S, 0, 5) ~= "shake")
player.ShakeView(shakeTime, shakeRollMagnitude, shakeVertMagnitude);
if(mid(S, 0, 9) ~= "shakemore")
if(mid(S, 0, 9) ~= "shakeless")
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.
¤[ß2S]¤Cozmo wrote:I think they were just EarthquakeTriggers in volcano.