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Permission to use a couple FL mods in level

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 04 5:37 am
by LûïgïÑûk£
I wanted ask Dae and Mr.X permission to use a couple FunLine mods for my newest level in the making. It's DXMP_Luigi'sPad-2, where I am revisiting DXMP_Luigi'sPad to make it better with skills I didn't have while making it (It was my first level). I wanted to use FLClothes and the weapon D-Eagle. Is that ok with you two? I know you two have both worked on FunLine so I don't really know who to ask. BTW, the two subprojects I was working on: MountainClimbChallenge and LuigiNuke's_FunMadness were abandoned. All data was lost when my computer was rebooted. I saved everything on disks and internet space before rebooting except those two. #-o doh! I hadn't worked on them much anyways so no matter. While I'm at it- where do I post my levels if [A] wants them in the download section?