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Funline_Unlimited Party-3...missing some mods eh?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 04 2:44 pm
by FireGod

I'm just here to tell the person who created Funline Unlimited Party - 3're missing some mods in the download .zip folder. You only took the time of making 2-3 mods in there, but it really needs like 6-7 mods. I find this disturbing. Why would you wanna make a full map, lol, but then forgot like 3/4 of the mods?!

Lol here is the mods that you REQUIRE for Unlimited Party 3 to work(at least the ones i know):

[A]Patres.utx(or .u)

along with some others i think. You clustered these mods in some of the other Funline Maps such as:


Lol. You should be ashamed, forgetting all these mods and all.

- The FireGod has spoken.[/b]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 04 5:09 pm
by Jeoh
Fixed. New package uploaded here.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 05 8:09 am
by javar
erm, where is "here"?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 05 3:17 pm
by James
Old topic, attachment dead.

See our archive forums.