Moderator: Forum Guards
Imperial wrote:TehStevie wrote:We need some DXMP hax magic, to add custom MSL's to the MP menu.
You heard the man. Guides like and numerous readmes are all nice and dandy, but with many who don't even know how to change their team then you can't expect them to be able to add custom masterservers, so howa bout this:
Next MMuserinterface, could be a self insaller, which basically just adds all the relevant info into the ini.
But like DK said, some similar concept to Alrighty mods, where Admin bar was added to the mp menu. MMuserinterface should be the same, so perhaps replace Multiplayer, so when you click on it, it comes up with the title, masterservers, and you just click on the one you want
Multiplayer- Masterservers
So click on it and it brings you in. Possible and Very Attractive. I say self installer, because like I said, a learge majirty of people can barely change their team, know how to, let alone adding a new masterserver.
So what say you?
[A]llan wrote: More than X amount of players...)
~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:Alex
please improve usability of your installer by letting it find Deus Ex automatically by registry entries, just like Nephthys installer does.
+ don't pack it to .zip, so noobs will not have to deal with unpacking
Longc[A]t wrote:I still think Dae is a russian spambot.
~[A]Daedalus~ wrote:There will be a day when my patience goes away and you, along with all who rant with you, will get banned.
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
But it should be selectable. I already dislike the installer, cos I cannot do it manually anymore.
{17}HeY wrote:Ermm , well Im not sure if you can make this but a "Buddies" or "Freinds" list would be great , would work in the same way as the favorates , but does names insted , it will tell you if they are looking at the servers , or they are in one , sounds very complicated but im sure you can do it Alex.
That's because the numbers are sorted by alphabetical order, not numerical order.Baleout wrote:Sometimes when listing servers by amount of players, sometimes servers that are either full or just have lots of people on appear under servers with fewer people.
maxtor01 wrote:Yea virtual memory! the head seeks STRONG left and right and THE command makes you have to reboot when your eatmemmed. so u may have to repair windows if it screws up install and i didnt say he could shut it down (my uncle is arrogent). and i BACK up like no tomorrow!
~[A]Kaiden~ wrote:But you'll get Majin and co just flamming everyone like 17's ChatBox. It would need quite heavy Moderation.
Basically something like Alex's ChatBox, with IP logging to prevent impersonating.
Dae[A] wrote:Filtering between 10 servers? That's not really necessary.
Mr.Fagstix wrote:This is why I fucking hate you. Because somehow you manage to take somebodies posts, twist them against them, troll them and flame bait them and then you still get away with it? Is this forums management on fucking crack or some shit? Fucking SERIOUSLY.