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Importing meshes in milkshape

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 11 6:29 pm
by Zxenop
Hi everyone
I recently played Deus Ex again, and like everytime I play it, I want to mod it,

Since I'm used to model hacking for Half-life, I wanted to experiment a litle with model editing before trying anything else. I'm mostly using Milkshape, and I tried to import a couple of DX's meshes, after realising there's a shitload of way to export but non to import directly I tried to screw around with UT tools, I managed to import the mesh, no textures of course, but I also didn't saw a skeleton.
Since I never edited a Unreal engine model before, I don't know if that's normal or not (through I guess it's not ence my post), so I wanted to know how you guys import/edit DX models ?

Thanks in advance

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 11 10:26 pm
by clyzm
Usually I'd use Tack's Deus Ex Mesh Tool to export models. There's a nifty little option to export the models, textures and all, directly into .ms3d format. Additionally, it can also export animations frame-by-frame, making it so that each frame is a separate .ms3d file.

There's also WOTGreal's Advanced Exporter option, which exports models roughly the same way.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 8:15 am
by Zxenop
Thanks for the awnser, I think I didn't had the last version of Tack's tools, I'll give a try this evening

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 2:20 pm
by China
Wish you well, there's a few DX projects looking for modelers.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 5:15 pm
by Zxenop
Might be a good idea to learn deus ex modding, will see how things go

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 5:35 pm
by Zxenop
Yeah I tried a first export and Milkshape crashed >_>

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 10:11 pm
by clyzm
Which version of Milkshape are you using?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 11 10:25 pm
by Zxenop
1.8.5 one of the last ones