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Chainsaw Problems

PostPosted: Fri May 18, 12 11:02 pm
by atrey65789
I'm having a problem with an upcoming weapon that I'm recieving from UT99. The Player view mesh will never and I mean NEVER go into the right position.

The X Y and Z cordinates are fine, the problem is the rotation.

The weapon is in the right position, its just that its always facing the wrong way. I've messed with the Yaw Roll and Pitch, just kinda makes it worse or puts it in another wrong direction.

Are there any usage of codes to where I can get it facing the right way?

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 12 12:44 am
by Allan
You're usually best off trying to do one variable at a time. If I remember right, you'll need to be fiddling with the YAW= setting for the mesh import.

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 12 12:47 am
by atrey65789
Okay, you want me to start with that one first?

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 12 1:02 am
by Allan
Yep, that one first. :)

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 12 1:05 am
by atrey65789
Alrighty, I'll do that and get back with you in a little bit, maybe an hour.