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[Solved @ Snakey / Bob] TV in Deus Ex

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 05 10:37 pm
by ~Sandro~
How in deus ex I Build a tv?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 05 10:51 pm
by Snakey
Build a small cube, about 64x64x64, and give it TV textures?
Or, you could just build one into a wall by making one of about the same size, making sure the side of the tv is touching a wall, then add the cube. Make sure it has a TV texture, which can be found in CoreTexMisc.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 05 10:53 pm
by ~Sandro~
thanks!,but will the tv be animated??

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 05 10:59 pm
by Snakey
If you want, add an AmbientSound near it and set the sound to that annoying mumbling you get from TVs in Single Player

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 05 11:05 pm
by ~Sandro~

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 05 12:01 am
by Bob
64 H ?!

Thats half the size of jc.

If I had the prefab on this comp I'd give you it.

Ok, go and open up one of the UnatcoHQ maps in UEd.

Go into the room next to the kitchen, where gunther "i wanted orange"

There is a tv in there simply right click on the brush and goto the very top of the program, "edit > Copy" Then open up your map and then "Edit > Paste"

It will now have pasted into your map. Simply move it to your desired location

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 05 9:49 am
by ~Sandro~

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 05 4:36 pm
by Bob
One more for Bob?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 05 5:58 pm
by Snakey
Bob wrote:One more for Bob?

Thats not fair you getting the credit for it :o
You just added a little bit to what I said, he already knew how to make a TV before you overcomplicated it :P

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 05 6:16 pm
by Bob
Ok snakey.

Open UEd and build a 64x64x64 into a hollowed out room, then light it, then add a playerstart. Test and tell me which tele is that big?!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 05 7:13 pm
by Snakey
The one at Unatco was huge.
The 64x64 one doens't look bad when placed high up and built into a wall.
I still deserve some credit, 64x64x64 was just a suggestion anyway.