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Do you remember all of this?

Postby Imperial » Wed Feb 21, 07 12:51 pm

DXSG, DXAG, for some who enjoyed Funline Unlimited Part- 3 that, to,
then there is big flying party, then there is btdm( omg AUgs!) and so much more.

The realisation of what these attacks have done and what they have been denying DXMP Gamers for what has gone on for far too long, as only really hit me now. I am not going to make a long rant about how the culprits should stop, no, this is more addressed to the community as a whole.

First of all to the extrmists( the extemists being the ones who are convinced atdm is the only gametype): You do not support the game, or want it to grow, or really appreciate it, if alll you see in Deus EX is ATDM. There is more than just ATDM. I for one, HATE ATDM, I prefer BTDM, which I find fun, while it's still augged. Many people claim that deus ex was meant jsut for augging.

Bullshit. All the decent games out there, they all have mods, different gametypes, to have some variaiton in gameplay, instead of haing just one choice. The beauty of Deus Ex, or the beauty that used to be was choice. The choice to exploire gaming besides just ATDM.

You have Choice, like I have listed below. Others complain that dxmtl led to the destruction of dxmp, or augged dxmp, let me ask you this, what did MTL implement? It implemented weaponselcetor, again, widening choice. You could have low tech only, heavy tech only etc etc
Those who are responsible for the downfall of dxmp, the attackers fail to realise their methods are stupid. I know Dejavu says he loves auggingf because of all the things he can do, use plasmas, the skill system, different play tactics, but what he fails to realise, is he himself, who loves choice is also denying other people of CHOICE. I have said this word too many times now, so i will stop. I have only realised what we are truly missing now, looking through screenshotsof months back,
I may not be a veteran, but I don't need to be. Deus Ex may have been booming back in its day, but things were far much better than this a few months back/ a year ago. It may have not been as popular but it still was pretty active.

I among others like me are losing their patience. These attacks have gone on far too long, and have affected so many things, internally and externally. People have lost money because of attacks, the attacks certainly have done mapping no favours, and as well as that, they are driving away every new player who comes to have a peep at the Gamespy masterserver and sees only 5-8 masterservers up.

What the fuck happened to choice, to variation I ask you?
You have killed it, so that it is governed by the so called powerheads( in their opinion only) who feel they have control over the situation and feel like they are powerful. I am pretty sure that my ip just like dxms's is now being attacked, meaning for me in particular, I will not be able to host on any masterserver, not that I Should have to, but anyway..
And no, I amn't writing this because my server is being attacked,but because for the first time the realisation of the atatcks has hit me

To whoever is responsible for the masterserver attacks, you really have taken it too far. I refuse to sit on my ass and let you get away with this, my patience has run out, I'm going to fuck you over so bad soon. If you had any common sense( which you obviously don't, seeing as you are not only attacking all aspects of dxmp, even augged now, but what you are doing is illegal. you can be thrown into jail for the most retarded thing possibly) you would stop now. This is your first warning.

Btw: If you can't be arsed to read this very long post, don't reply saying, " Omg Im not going to read all that!" you don't have to.. don't try to flame either..
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Wed Feb 21, 07 1:07 pm

I just made 6 posts today in forums about the same thing.

DXSG is what inspired me to start mapping, when I realized that it was possible for a player to make such a thing. I don't care if ppl camp or noob, it is about FUN. And the concept, rationale and treatment applied in producing DXSG is astounding.

In 20 years time I will remember the first time I entered the DXSG base on GODZserver...
It is dark, barrels have pre-damage, cleaner bots are active, the base is mysterious, but wait... I can hear something in the left corridor, third room on the left... It was very inspiring... as a player and a mapper...

I told Deja over 2 months ago, in our very first MSN convo... The key to success in business is offering NOT ONLY one high-quality product, but to offer a VARIETY of products. It's the only way. Customers often require a variety of quality in products. DX is no different.

Deja has proved this himself. Now he is the new NC, there are less servers, less players, less choice, players spend less time on DX.

And as for mappers, it is a disaster beyond comprehension.

Only variety of products, with quality varying can an enterprise hope to survive in the real world. I know this because I learned the hard way. I was nearly famous and in demand from magazines such as Vogue and Elle in my career, but often customers asked me for simple stuff, or music companies didnt have album covers, but they required something less skilled and cheaper... which I mistakenly didn't offer... and fell from the top of my industry.

If only Deja could understand this...

His beginner server is a joke anyway... Deja and other Elite auggers all play this server anyway. And how long do you think tunnelnetwork and Deja's maps are gonna keep ppl interested ffs?
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Postby Mastakilla » Wed Feb 21, 07 1:09 pm

Don't bother, it wont stop untill there is a patch or something. These people have absolutely no life, so they wont even get bored of this either. Only thing I can still do for fun in DX is mess around in DXSP, make a NPC named DejaVu and set him on fire and stuff. Entertainment for at least 15 minutes :)

But seriously now, DXSG was augged right? I don't think these attacks are about more people playing augs, what really is going on is that some mentally retarted person is messing up for others for his own joy. It's almost like cutting someone's legs off and watch him crawl for your own fun.

So you can "warn" all you want but it probably wont help a damn thing.
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Wed Feb 21, 07 1:22 pm

DXSG was augged right?

this is the whole point... Deja says the argument is about augs, but clearly it is not, it is about replacing NC with his own empire at and beginners server...

The point about DXSG is... Auggers such as Sike detest DXSG... because they feel it is:
camper's game

They fail to see the creativity, imagination and technical perseverance and genius that went into someones creative work.

Perhaps auggers are just like Gunther in Navarre in real life, only capable of destruction, hijack, verbal abuse and fail to do anything as clever as DXSG, so they destroy it instead and replace it with OLD maps in a new server.

I'm a mapper, I am thinking about being a professional mapper. I use DX and SDK to learn about maps. Before I was able to host many maps on FGS and learn from the successes and failures...since Deja's attacks all my new maps and My map DXSG_Area51TheDayAfter can not be played. My development as a mapper is being restricted by Deja's ambitions to dominate and dictate. This is a real life issue, it's my career we are talking about... Deja has proved he can not be reasoned with, he has also proved that he is wrong, the population has decreased and server list is tiny these days...

Therefore why should I not take this into real life, the way that Deja has done and deal with his criminal hijacks, botnets and other unsavoury activities in the way that people deal with criminals?

Because very soon I will, I am a reasonable person, but he is not treating me reasonably, he is affecting the development of my creativity and my career...
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Postby Imperial » Wed Feb 21, 07 1:27 pm

What's gayer, is whoever is atacking the ms, is being a selective whore.
Who the fuck are they to decide what servers may show and what doesn't.

Al I can say to the MS atatcker, is you're a coward for one, and as masterkilla said, Mentally retarded.. do you have some fucking Vendetta against Deus Ex or something, I don't know, but whatever the fuck is your problem you need to fix it. I recommend some deep Counselling.
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Wed Feb 21, 07 1:55 pm

No he naively thought he could do better than NC.

He naively thought that everyone else is turned on by augs ATDM too.

He naively thought that he could run DX like communist China and dictate whose artwork, whose creativity, whose genius could be shown and whose couldn't.

He forgot that we are human, we overcome, adapt, overpower...always...
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Postby Baleout » Wed Feb 21, 07 2:57 pm

DejaVu = Deus Ex Hitler

Hitler: Dictator

DejaVu: Dictator

Hitler: Said the only proper people were blonde hair and blue eyes or something.

Dejavu: Said the only proper gametype was ATDM.

Hitler: Killed Jews because he didn't like them or something I dont know.

DejaVu: Hacks people's ips because he doesnt like them or something I dont know.

Hitler: Took over Poland, France etc

Dejavu: Hacks servers Etc

Hitler: (allegedly) wrote he actually meant to start a world war.

Dejavu: Deliberately creating controversity for his own enjoyment

But just remember...

Hitler: Stopped and brought to justice
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Postby Mastakilla » Wed Feb 21, 07 3:23 pm

Baleout wrote:DejaVu = Deus Ex Hitler

Hitler: Dictator

DejaVu: Dictator

Hitler: Said the only proper people were blonde hair and blue eyes or something.

Dejavu: Said the only proper gametype was ATDM.

Hitler: Killed Jews because he didn't like them or something I dont know.

DejaVu: Hacks people's ips because he doesnt like them or something I dont know.

Hitler: Took over Poland, France etc

Dejavu: Hacks servers Etc

Hitler: (allegedly) wrote he actually meant to start a world war.

Dejavu: Deliberately creating controversity for his own enjoyment

But just remember...

Hitler: Stopped and brought to justice

Eh... I have no problem with you comparing DejaVu to Hitler... But Comparing taking over Poland and France to hacking servers is just... Odd :P
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Postby [FGS]ShadowRunner » Wed Feb 21, 07 4:39 pm

I think the connection = imposition of rule in another's domain.

kind of rape or burglary online...invasion of privacy etc...

going TOO far...
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Postby Kaiden » Wed Feb 21, 07 5:45 pm

Just wondering, can someone give me a quick summary of what he is actaully doing right now? Because I am kind of lost.. What's this about fake attacks etc? Thanks.
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Postby MrBlackDX » Wed Feb 21, 07 5:58 pm

Something will be done sooner or later

Everything is a matter of time and pressure.

The problem Dejavu will never realise, is that his acts will bring a reaction to cause him to stop.

I have a pair of brilliant quotes which contradict each other beautifully, its an easy way to live your life in full understanding of the pressures of fear.

Asimov, Foundation Series (Book(s) ) - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetant"

Michael Corleone, Godfather Part II - "If I have learnt anything in my life, it is that anyone can be killed"

So with those two trails of thought, you begin to understand one of the many simple struggles in human psyche.

Man acts irrationally, because he cannot understand why. But to understand before you act, to act rationally, you begin to realise that there are multiple solutions to one problem, with the last-resort solution being the violence towards an individual.

With that in mind, I can say with no guilt in my mind, that if the last resort to solving this problem was physical violence towards Dejavu, if I personally had the resources, it would have been done by now. And theoretically speaking, to stop Dejavu would not cost me more than a couple of months paycheque.

However, I refuse to declare myself as imcompetant, or to be more accurate, the DXMP community as imcompetant. If Dejavu does not listen or make peace, I am positive that someone within our community will take action against him, very competantly.

That and I have to save up for a holiday!
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Postby Gishank » Wed Feb 21, 07 8:53 pm

It's alleged that Hitler was acutally a Jew himself.
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Postby rob » Wed Feb 21, 07 8:56 pm

hitler = killed himself
devaju = about time he popped himself off to.
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Postby IamTheYellowWizzard » Wed Feb 21, 07 10:05 pm

DejaVu isn't that threatening is he?
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Postby Cozmo » Wed Feb 21, 07 10:13 pm

Mandalore wrote:It's alleged that Hitler was acutally a Jew himself.

They also claimed he had only one testicle. So...

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Postby IamTheYellowWizzard » Thu Feb 22, 07 3:25 am

That's just hilarious.
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