hosting server

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hosting server

Postby CamperSh0t » Mon Sep 16, 24 12:31 pm


I’m here to ask for your help. I used to be very into this game, especially from 2002 to 2009, and since I’ve gotten back into it, I’ve decided to set up my own server, invite friends, and revive the game a bit. But where’s my problem? When I start a dedicated server, the log initializes and loads everything, but then it shuts down without any message. The server log remains empty and shows nothing. When I start a non-dedicated server, everything works as it should—mods, administration, maps, etc. However, the problem is that the server doesn’t appear at all on DeusExNetwork, and I have no idea what could be wrong. Ports are open, and the settings in deusex.ini are correct. I’ve also downloaded server management tools that should give me the server framework with the required settings to connect to DeusExNetwork, but it still doesn’t work. Any advice on what to do? I would really appreciate it.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 16, 24 12:24 pm

Re: hosting server

Postby CamperSh0t » Mon Sep 16, 24 2:40 pm

Log: Log file open, 09/16/24 15:34:06
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2 (Build: 9200)
Init: Version: 1100
Init: Compiled: Jan 29 2001 16:45:52
Init: Command line: dxmp_rpg_v2t4?game=DeusEx.DeathMatchGame?-server?log=server.log
Init: Base directory: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Extension.dll
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Cd Path: E:\
Init: User: david
Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=4194176K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=3599.979251 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=6
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Log: Deus Exe: version
Log: Deus Exe: Using User Documents File Manager.
Log: Bound to DeusEx.dll
Log: Bound to ConSys.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusEx
Log: Loading: Package Core
Log: Loading: Package Engine
Log: Loading: Package Extension
Log: Loading: Package DeusExCharacters
Log: Loading: Package DeusExUI
Log: Loading: Package DeusExItems
Log: Loading: Package Effects
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Loading: Package Fire
Log: Loading: Package ConSys
Log: Loading: Package DeusExSounds
Log: Loading: Package DeusExDeco
Log: Loading: Package UBrowser
Log: Loading: Package UWindow
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Loading: Package IpDrv
Log: Bound to DeusExText.dll
Log: Loading: Package DeusExText
Log: Loading: Package Ambient
Log: Loading: Package MoverSFX
Log: Loading: Package IpServer
Log: Loading: Package MPCharacters
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Browse: dxmp_rpg_v2t4?Name=CamperSh0t?Class=DeusEx.MPMJ12?Team=1?game=DeusEx.DeathMatchGame?-server?log=server.log
Log: Doing load, not loadgame
Log: Current mission number is -1, next is -1
Log: LoadMap: dxmp_rpg_v2t4?Name=CamperSh0t?Class=DeusEx.MPMJ12?Team=1?game=DeusEx.DeathMatchGame?-server?log=server.log
Log: Loading: Package dxmp_rpg_v2t4
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMetal
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexDetail
Log: Loading: Package NewYorkCity
Log: Loading: Package UNATCO
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexConcrete
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWood
Log: Loading: Package Paris
Log: Loading: Package RPG_V2
Log: Loading: Package Airfield
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexGlass
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexStone
Log: Loading: Package Dockyard
Log: Loading: Package G_Station
Log: Loading: Package V_Com_Center
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexMisc
Log: Loading: Package HK_Interior
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWallObj
Log: Loading: Package HK_MJ12Lab
Log: Loading: Package NYCBar
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexSky
Log: Loading: Package MJ12_lab
Log: Loading: Package Catacombs
Log: Loading: Package FreeClinic
Log: Loading: Package CaroneElevatorset
Log: Loading: Package Cmd_tunnels
Log: Loading: Package HK_BuildingExt
Log: Loading: Package HK_Helibase
Log: Loading: Package Supertanker
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexTiles
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexEarth
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexFoliage
Log: Loading: Package area51textures
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexBrick
Log: Loading: Package CoreTexWater
Log: Loading: Package RPG_V2_Music2
Log: Loading: Package Area51_Music
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 36371->36365; refs: 613890
Log: Game class is 'DeathMatchGame'
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
Init: WinSock: I am DESKTOP-OKDVTKV (
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7790
Log: Server Package: PhysGunModV2R
Log: Loading: Package PhysGunModV2R
Log: Server Package: AllanTel
Log: Loading: Package AllanTel
Log: Server Package: AllanTeleporter
Log: Loading: Package AllanTeleporter
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerQuery
Log: Bound to Nephthys.dll
Log: Loading: Package Nephthys
Log: Spawning: Nephthys.NptServerUplink
Log: Bringing Level dxmp_rpg_v2t4.MyLevel up for play (30)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=CamperSh0t?Class=DeusEx.MPMJ12?Team=1?game=DeusEx.DeathMatchGame?-server?log=server.log
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is dxmp_rpg_v2t4.Mutator0
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery: Port 7791 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving master0.gamespy. com...
Log: Resolving master.epicgames. com...
Log: Resolving master.fragaholic. com...
Log: Resolving master.deusexnetwork. com...
Nephthys: 2024/09/16 15:34:08: NptServerQuery: Port 7792 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving master.deusexnetwork. com...
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
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Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
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Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo object missing! Unable to bind Conversations!
Log: DeusExLevelInfo

this is complete my log, when i start dedicadet server
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Joined: Mon Sep 16, 24 12:24 pm

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