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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 05 11:59 am
by Bobo.
This one sucks =/ its nearly impossible to hit somebody especially in augs

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 05 10:03 pm
by Sturmovik

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 9:04 am
by Jeoh
Funbot sucks.
And whoever thinks there isnt aimbots, dont know anything.
Funbot is old, aimbot discussion is also old, completely old, as in a few years old. Aimbots have been here since DXMP was made.

Funbot's aimbot is gay, but you can use any UT aimbot as long as its compiled in Deus Ex, and that you modify DXMTL152b1 the same way funbot modifies it.

It wont get past MiniMTL though.
Yes QValidate blocks all aimbots, that does a MD5 checksum on DXMTL152b1 so you cant bytehack it.

Now, someone make a better aimbot that isnt 5 years old and aims like crap.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 2:04 pm
by kBo
Working on it. ;)

But it isn't a pub hack. It's private. Might give it my best friends, but certainly not someone who won't register.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 3:19 pm
by Dae
kBo wrote:Working on it. ;)

But it isn't a pub hack. It's private. Might give it my best friends, but certainly not someone who won't register.

KBos another project? :roll: :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 3:47 pm
by Jeoh
Oh sorry, its me, TRM.
Let me know when you get past MiniMTL because i cant think of anything else that i need to do for the next version.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 5:38 pm
by ammz0rz
dumb aimbotters with no skill at all.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 05 5:43 pm
by ammz0rz
~[A]Bob~ wrote:Good on you Dae.

This may help develop new Anti-aimbot protection ^_^

Or more will be using aimbot.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 10 8:54 am
I would like to have a look at this please email it to me at

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 10 11:09 am
by ~DJ~

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 10 12:01 pm
by Allan
Sad thing is, that's probably all he joined for. :(

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 10 12:20 pm
by Mastakilla
I've never noticed an aimbot. Some firerate hacking and the like of it, but not an aimbot... Even though it's probably possible there are a couple laying around, I doubt it works well :lol:

Oh wow, never noticed how old this is LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 10 4:15 pm
by synthetic
I saw labby play with that shit on, complete massacre on open area 0aug maps. Plenty players have used it in the past, but looking at how the game is coming along these days i doubt anyone uses one at all. then again, you never know. most aimbotters are revealed in dxmp only once they admit it lol.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 10 10:24 pm
No one has emailed me the correct aimbot :(
I did find funbot here:
But it seems to be for UT and needs to be editited to work with dx. I tried a little to get it to work but first got an error "Can't find UTMenu" Then after a little editing all I got was one GPF after another.
SO In closing if someone is smart enough to get this working please email me the how to or just send me over the edited file, I would be grateful.

Better yet if someone would kindly email me a working one That would be great. I can't find any reference to "funbotc" anywhere on the internet other than this forum.

again my direct email is

Thank You

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 10 10:28 pm
by Alex
BUBU wrote:No one has emailed me the correct aimbot :(
I did find funbot here:
But it seems to be for UT and needs to be editited to work with dx. I tried a little to get it to work but first got an error "Can't find UTMenu" Then after a little editing all I got was one GPF after another.
SO In closing if someone is smart enough to get this working please email me the how to or just send me over the edited file, I would be grateful.

Better yet if someone would kindly email me a working one That would be great. I can't find any reference to "funbotc" anywhere on the internet other than this forum.

again my direct email is

Thank You


We actually sell a working aimbot.

It's for sale for the great price of 999,999 pounds. Let me know if you're interested.

If you're not, then shut up about aimbots, noone is going to supply you with one.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 10 10:48 pm
by ~ô¿ô~Nobody~
BUBU wrote:No one has emailed me the correct aimbot :(
I did find funbot here:
But it seems to be for UT and needs to be editited to work with dx. I tried a little to get it to work but first got an error "Can't find UTMenu" Then after a little editing all I got was one GPF after another.
SO In closing if someone is smart enough to get this working please email me the how to or just send me over the edited file, I would be grateful.

Better yet if someone would kindly email me a working one That would be great. I can't find any reference to "funbotc" anywhere on the internet other than this forum.

again my direct email is

Thank You

What would be your intention of having an aimbot anyway? :?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 10 10:54 pm
by Wasted.
I think aimbot might exist somewhere

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 1:18 am
by ~DJ~
I am selling the 100% working with the wall hack on half price.

499.99 Kuwaiti dinar.


PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:18 am
Well I have given this a few more hours of my time and I am unable to make it work. :(
The reason I want it is a rather long story involving my 14 year old niece that is recovering from a severe motorcycle accident where he father, my brother was the driver and he was killed. Long story short she lost an arm and will never walk again and her only entertainment is games. She has been asking me for an aimbot for deus ex for a few months and I am finally getting around to trying to get one for her. She can only play games with auto aim or aimbots you see. Due to med bills they do not even have an internet connection any more so it will only be used by her only and only on single player and it would never be leaked or spoke of to another person.

I may be out of line here but I don't think it necessary to be mean on condescending here as I am not out to cause problems.
Money I can not give you but I do have in my possession some rather sought after files...
It just so happens I have most of the unreleased bowen mods on a CD he mailed me a few years ago. I will be willing to trade.

Again my Direct Email is

Please do not be nasty to me. When I don't have anything nice to say I say nothing at all. Please apply that logic when responding or not responding as it may be.
Thank You

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:31 am
by Dex

How about a a Large cal Derringer or snub nose revolver for wife?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:35 am
by Professor Layton
Just get a one-handed controller/joystick instead of an aimbot.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:37 am
I had no idea this was 0.o
Way to google!

As far as the joystick for my niece she uses a real fancy one already, still needs the auto aim though. Thanks for the advice.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:39 am
by Dex
BANS - cheap, don't have to be pretty, and can stop the bad TROLL.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:42 am
by Dex
BUBU wrote:As far as the joystick for my niece she uses a real fancy one already, still needs the auto aim though. Thanks for the advice.

Because you Americans want everything? You want the whole world? Боомер вомитс!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:43 am
Dex wrote:BANS - cheap, don't have to be pretty, and can stop the bad TROLL.

That's exactly what I mean you "forum heroes" that feel the need to toss your 2 cents in should just hit the back arrow and leave the reply to post button alone. It's not needed. :roll:

Is this an anti american forum, if so I am outtie 5000 Peace.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:44 am
by Dex
BUBU wrote:I am looking for a Large cal Derringer or snub nose revolver for wife
I have been leaving my .38 home with the wife when I go on the road but I have a permit and want to take mine with me. My wife wants something easy to shoot to keep at home when I am gone.
Looking for cheap. Doesn't have to be pretty, just has to stop the bad guy.

Are you intending to shoot peaceful russians with this?
Are you saying russians are bad guys?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:47 am
Why are you posting an add I placed on into this thread??

Please do not hijack the thread with your nonsense Dex I will not be a part of it. I came here for help. Not to endure harassment.
Thank You

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:53 am
I just got this private message on this forum from this "Dex"

Dex wrote:Subject: Re: Совјетски Савез
Message Body: Be ready, american scumbag. Внимание мудук!

What is the meaning of this bullshit!?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:53 am
by Dex
Look, American, no one is obliged to do anything for you here. First you barge into here without introducing yourself, asking for an aimbot. After realizing you cannot get your hands on it without paying a huge amount of money (which no person with common sense would pay), you tell us a story about your niece's tragedy. And you have no proof of the story's consistency. Why should we even trust you?

You spread a troll aura. It's the most obvious thing you are. A troll. Obviously. American Troll. Trying to blame the soviets on hijacking your threads? THREADS? You're going to blablablabla

PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 10 2:57 am
You paint a real pretty picture of the "soviets" buddy.

Paranoid much?

Never did I mean to make anyone feel obligated to do a thing. You have gotten the wrong impression. I have said my peace and if there is one kind sole who will help then Bless them. If no, then Bless them anyway. No one will lose sleep over this. I will not be responding to you further.