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Postby Zantinzuken » Thu Nov 16, 06 10:07 pm

Jon wrote:I'm not gonna take any of your bullshit, Dae! GODZ was the only place I could pick up chicks, and I was showin' 'em how I pwn and shit with my hardcore GODZ rifle. I love NC; I wish I was him, or better yet, I wish I could massage his balls into a lump of gellatine dessert and eat them all up...

I'm the only one I know that can spell when I'm pissed :D

You get pissed at 9pm? Lightweight?
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Postby Jon » Thu Nov 16, 06 10:32 pm

[V]Klépto wrote:You get pissed at 9pm? Lightweight?

Since 5.30, don't ask...
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Postby ~[T]GrimRaPeR~ » Thu Nov 16, 06 10:53 pm

Who drinks at 5:30...unless it's 5:30AM of course
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Postby Spiderbot01 » Thu Nov 16, 06 11:08 pm

Grim wrote:Who drinks at 5:30...unless it's 5:30AM of course

A guy who wears a bra.
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Postby Zantinzuken » Thu Nov 16, 06 11:08 pm

Spiderf[A]g01 wrote:
Grim wrote:Who drinks at 5:30...unless it's 5:30AM of course

A guy who wears a bra.

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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Thu Nov 16, 06 11:11 pm

Cereal_Killer wrote:
Wonderbread wrote:Btw NC did'nt make the list it was player_13 & NC added to it.

It is being discussed that the topic could be changed & the list going to be edited.

I can't say for sure if it will happen, but if you really wanna know whats happening you
can go there & read all the infos www.godzserver.com

i'd go over & talk it out with them why its going on.
There are a number of threads that you will want to read that lead up to the list.

Cereal_Killer wrote:You're adorable. :)

I already know i am :P

Cereal_Killer wrote:Player_13 was created by NC as backup when Whiplash and Kamikaze and myself were debating the whole rifle issue with him. Nobody would back him up, so he made this account to use so he could say that as long as one person wanted the rifle, it was staying in. I'm 80% certain this account is used by NC and Tank now.

well i've not seen any solid evidence its nc

Cereal_Killer wrote:We can't look at the board because almost all of us are banned from it for trying to talk to him about all of this. I already know exactly how he is from personal experience anyway, there is no speaking with NC, he's as stubborn as anyone you can find.

I found out a little too late that the only way to deal with him IS to ignore him, I guess..

ya u ignore him alright by trying to get his forum shutdown "shame shame" everyone
knows your name. ( don't make me post the evidence ) this is what lead to making
the list.

peeps need to go there & see why u where banned then they'll understand.

Cereal_Killer wrote:*EDIT* haha you're Hitman.

You're still adorable.

Yes i was [A] before :P
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Postby Snakey » Thu Nov 16, 06 11:51 pm

Oh fuck, now Shitman is on this forum too.

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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Thu Nov 16, 06 11:56 pm

lOL SNAKE wrote:Oh fuck, now Shitman is on this forum too.

Lol u got banned too
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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:06 am

Hitman, you're none too bright are you? "Evidence" that I tried to shut down Godz forum? I made it PUBLIC. Go look over on NPF where I told everyone I was going to report NC to forumsplace for TOS violations (4 of them), plus inform them of the harassment of my members by members of his board. "Evidence", that's hilarious.

How about I post the emails between me and NC where he was threatening me? If you want to post the complaint I sent to ForumsPlace, then by all means go ahead and post it..it's not like it's some big secret. I already posted it on some other message boards anyway. :?

You're with NC on this because you're brainwashed, and you can't see it. I did the same thing during the NPF/Godz thing. I defended him to no end, but then I realized what kind of person he was and have made peace with everyone at NPF. I don't remember you being this much of a jerk when we used to play together on Godz server all the time, so I really don't know wtf happened to you.

Go ahead and call me a noob, a faggot, a cunt, a dick, an idiot, and all the things you called me on MSN the day before yesterday. You're getting predictable.

*EDIT* Lmao..maybe I should post the PM you sent to Storm, the guy hosting MY message board, and a really good friend of mine (<3 Stormy) trying to shut MY site down? lolol
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Postby clyzm » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:10 am

NoChanc is a fag, don't trust him, Hitman.
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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:13 am

even if he is a fag i don't think its right what they did.

I believe this puts cereal in the category along with dejavu

to cereal:
well i think your a jerk for trying to shut it down i don't care what it was about.

I know part of it was xiron's image that u had no business being into begin with.
the other reason where mostly bs & the admins laughed at you.

It was something that should have been handle by him & NC & it was.

You stuck your nose in someone's business where it should'nt have been.

I was never u're friend so thats a straight out lie & i never played with u in godz either.
so stop telling that lame story.

anyway take alook at this :P

Oct 30th, 2006

Nochanc wrote:This was the attempt that these guys made to get the forums shut down.

Cereal wrote wrote:
This is in regards to www.godzserver.forumsplace.com

This is on behalf of a large majority in a community of gamers. We feel that the administrator of the aforementioned site should be reported for TOS violations.

The first might not be a TOS violation, but it is a legal issue. A man who goes by "XIKRON" made an image. NoChanc (the admin of the site) used the image without permission. Xikron now wants the image removed, but NoChanc refuses to do so. This is in violation of the DMCA, and since the site is ad supported, and thusly garnering ad revenue, it becomes a copyright issue, and must be removed.

A violation of the anti-piracy section of your TOS. In several topics on his forum, there have been links to torrents, torrent sites, and direct downloads of copyrighted games (IE, Deus Ex.) There is also a link to his file sharing site, which is hosted on InvisionPlus, and has 100s of files hosted without his permission. He has made no effort to remove these posts.

In regards to the anti-abuse section: The thread is riddled with serious abuse and harassment. He has sent his members to various other message boards (Including my own) to harass us and abuse us on his behalf. Now, while I understand that isn't your concern, it DOES originate on his site. There are also several threads and replies where people are harassed and verbally abused (even once or twice being physically threatened) which he has also made no effort to remove.

The continuall harassment by NoChanc and his message board members has became a serious issue in our community within the last few months. We're growing very tired of having him send his lackys to our message boards, then not being able to return to his and defend ourselves, due to the vulgar nature the forum has taken on.

I am sickened that he allows this behaviour to continue, and I sincerely hope you look into the matter. Thank you.

Nochanc wrote:ForumsPlace is add supported yes,.. but GODZSERVER is not. But don't tell him that, let the idiot think hes right... the longer he makes a fool of himself the better I like it.

The truth of the matter is that was a donation to the clan. Which means he has given up all his copyrights. But shhhh..

Now hes also trying to say that I SENT you to his boards like your some kind of puppy dog. LOL

The truth of the matter is quite the opposite . He has been sending his "Dogs" to this forum to start trouble. and here is the proof taken from a very recient e-mail...
In fact, you have my word that if you talk to me, and take down Xikron's image, I will "call off the dogs" so to speak, and will forbid my clan to have any farther negative interaction with your site. And if my word isn't enough, you have it right here in email form. My name is Tensai Dan in case you forgot.

He has been banned from this board for so long its not funny yet he makes claimes he can not only not see but everything is word of mouth to him.

JimBowen wrote:JimBowen wrote:

On the godzserver forum recently, myself and a number of my friends have been the subject of abuse.
The users ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC, and more especially ~¤Hit[]Män¤~ have peen posting defamatory, untrue statements about me, and my friends, for example we have been labeled as liars, traitors and manipulators. There was even the suggestion that my friend condones paedophilia.
Nochanc has prevented me from defending myself by banning my friends, and locking the threads in which I do defend myself.
The particular thread is here.

The other clear breach of policy is the blatant copyright infringement on a logo belonging to a good friend of mine, xikron. It is the "powered by godz" image displayed in the top left hand corner.
This image was originally created by xikron for my own website, but nochanc took it without my or xikron's permission.
Now, after xikron has insisted that he remove the image, the admin of godserver, nochanc, has refused and instead banned xikron's user account.

Thirdly, I have heard that some of the mods he is using on his forum are also against your policy.

So therefore I urge that you at the very least remove the image, and warn nochanc about any future misconduct.
Thank you,
~ Jim

nochanc wrote:I didn't give him a chance to defend himself LOLOLOLOLOLOL 15 pages I gave him ffs.

They have been labled as liars, traitors and manipulators,.. Perhaps if they didnt do that stuff they wouldn't have to deal with the lables ehh??

There was never any suggestion that XIKRON condones pedofelia in the first place. What he refers to was Xikron defending a pedofile that we had banned from the server for hitting on little girls.

That logo was on the old GODZ clan site which had to be removed becaue of all the abuse that was not being stopped by Jim as he was the abusive admin.

And I did not ban Xikrons account for that I banned him because he betrayed my trust. And gave away confidentual code.

Dastardly wrote:

I come to report a situation we have going on at the moment which is abusive to the members and creator of a certain image. The forum address is http://godzserver.forumsplace.com/index.html . On this forum there is one admin, which there was 3 as I remember. Sense then alot of things have happend, people have been banned for no reason. All because the person running the forum, makes up horific lies and turns others against each other, causing big flame war between people.

The admin running the site "NoChanc" has a image which was created by guy named Xikron. Xikron was recently banned for doing nothing but trying to defend his reputation within our community. He sense been has been rediculed within the forum. He wishes for his image "Powered by GODZ" to be removed. The site Admin refuses to take the image off. I fear that he's going to be banning more people later on, and the abuse of the members will continue.

Also another thing, I've talkd to him on an instant messenger and he's told me that he has certain mods installed that forumsplace does not alow to be installed. I'm not certain of what mods or if indeed he was telling the truth.

Thank you for taking the time reading this, and I hope something can be done.


Nochanc wrote:Paragraph 1 trying to use that spin again to get people to believe that they are the good guys when infact they are practicly criminals.

Paragraph 2. If I choose to abuse my members (which I do not) I am perfictly within my rights to do so. They have the option not to come here and post lies if they prefer not to be "abused"

Paragraph 3 Thats another blatent lie. ForumsPlace first of all would not care if you figured out how to run a mod on your board as long as it did not effect the rest of the community such as slowing the servers down. The ShoutBox if that is what hes refering to is not even a MOD... hes just trying to create more spin.

Kamikaze wrote:
This site has violated a number of rules listed on your ToS along with a number of federal laws. Here is a list of infractions I have noticed in just the past few days.

1. Copyright infringement. A person, who was named Xikron on the board, gave the admin of the board, ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC, permission to use an image he had created. The other day however, Xikron requested that the image be removed, but ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC has refused to do so. My understanding of current copyright laws tells me that Xikron is still sole owner of the image despite donating it to the board.

2. Abusive behavior. This is easily the most abusive board I have ever seen. A person is attacked just for having a difference of opinion from the admin and his group of followers. I have tried to play the voice of reason when disputes like this arise only to be called a liar and manipulative, among other things.

3. Piracy. In a number of topics ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC has advocated downloading the PC game Deus Ex and when links were posted leading to such downloads they were not removed.

Finally in the past there have been conversations posted that took place on MSN Messenger without consent of all parties who were involved in the conversation.

Nochanc wrote:#1 Same ol crap Kamakaze has them convinced that they have a one leg to stand on...
#2 That was the old Godz forum on NPF I think hes refering to since I have taken the board to forumsPlace that has not been happening because those guys cant do that here I never let most of them register.
#3 Do you see a single link to any pirated software here? Hell no.

Thats a blatent lie.

I don't recall any MSN messenges but thats not confidentual anyway. as long as one or other of the partys post it. If someone hacked into their private convos that may be an issue but even then I'm not so sure.

flib wrote:
The forums at http://godzserver.forumsplace.com/ have refused to remove a banner taken from another website without any permission, even after being told, explicitly, by the owner, to remove it. The owner was promptly banned after telling them to remove the image.

Nochanc wrote:This guy is an idiot and has never even been on the forums. He is easily one of the abusive people I know thats why I did not approve his account.
Last edited by ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ on Fri Nov 17, 06 1:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:18 am

That's proof that I sent people to his board? No. I told him I would FORBID my clan to do it. Until this point I allowed them to post there,I didn't send them. And yes, we played on Godz a lot, I don't know where you get the idea that we didn't.

It was my business because I like Xikron, and I wanted to help. Xikron had no problem with me trying to help, so it was my business. Go ahead and believe whatever NC tells you to believe, I don't mind.

Nice evidence btw. Oh boy that sure does ruin my image!

How about this email I sent him?
I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm not trying to argue with anyone. I am trying to finish this situation. The only thing that will put it to an end is if you remove Xikron's image. You know, and I know, and everyone involved knows that it's his intellectual property. Now, regardless of whether or not he said you could use it to begin with, if he says you can't now, you're legally obligated to take it down. You know this, but yet when Kami pointed it out to you and presented you with the fact of LAW, you claimed he had no idea what he was talking about. Where is your side of it? Come to my message board and sign up. I'll not let anyone start trouble with you, in fact..you don't even have to post. Sign up and come read the threads we have on my forum...if it still doesn't prove to you that Mav is out to restore DX, I'll even allow you to see our private section,s omething the rest of the clan will surely disagree with. But first..you have to talk to me on AIM. It's not much different than email communication, but the conversation will go so much faster.

Certainly I'm a horrible, horrible person.
Last edited by Cereal on Fri Nov 17, 06 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:23 am

thats what was sent to the admins of forumsplace.com

well it got u added to the list so enjoy
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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:25 am

Wonderbread wrote:well it got u added to the list so enjoy

I can't live with the thought of that, I can't be on that list, I can't, I won't!
Thanks for making me suicidal. My blood is on your hands :(

*EDIT* I just realized this is pretty much just a fight between me and Hitman now. So if you A dudes want me to stop I will.
Last edited by Cereal on Fri Nov 17, 06 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:26 am

Is he supposed to break down and cry? Your lost has no value to anyone but you and NC and simultaneously you and NC have no value to anyone in this community.[/quote]
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:27 am

haha phpbb suck ass get invision you twats.
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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:37 am

not going to argu with u i done posted what i needed too.
People can decide for themselves.
Just posted the otherside of the story.

If [A] is the clan i once thought they where when i joined they will ban you.
based on evidence i've provided for them.
If they don't then they can keep you & i'll loose all respect i ever had for this clan.

i hope Dae will make the right choice.
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Postby Hanover Fist » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:53 am

I doubt Dae values your opinion on his clan. Not to mention he, unlike you, is not an impressionable person who bans people for some half assed "evidence" on something vague that has nothing to do with his experience in game given to him by a child.
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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 12:58 am

Hold on.... You think they would ban me from this message board for reporting ANOTHER message board for TOS violations..?

Holy mother of god you're an idiot. I don't even know most people here, but NO ONE but NC or Majin would ban for something so completely stupid, and this was the kind of place to do that, I wouldn't want to be here anyway.
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Postby ~¤Hit[+]Män¤~ » Fri Nov 17, 06 1:02 am

this could effect [A] more than u think it might
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Postby Imperial » Fri Nov 17, 06 1:03 am

How so? :?
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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 1:04 am

They'll probably be put on the list for harboring a DX fugitive.
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Postby Imperial » Fri Nov 17, 06 1:05 am

Cereal_Killer wrote:They'll probably be put on the list for harboring a DX felon.

lol! A serious offence you know!
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Postby Whiplash » Fri Nov 17, 06 7:11 am

Well, telling people to "do some research" and "look at both sides of the story" they're talking out their backside.

Because my side of the story does not exist on GODZ forums.

In the run-up to my banning, NC hurled one scurrlious lie and accusation after another at me (with his brown nosers) when all I did was to try to suggest that GODZserver could be better.

At all times I debated as calmly as the situation would allow.

It was only after I disproved virtually everything he had said about me, that I was banned and all posts relating to that removed.

So anyone who says "the story is all there" is either stupid or lying.

Wonderbread, people are entitled to bring TOS complaints to forum system controllers. Not a reason to ban anyone, unless you're trying to instill a culture of silence or fear?
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Postby clyzm » Fri Nov 17, 06 8:18 am

I think its safe to assume that [A] does not want any part in this.
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Postby Dae » Fri Nov 17, 06 1:37 pm

Sorry, I'm not going to ban anyone.

Especially by request of those, who put my clan mates and JimBowen to the list of "community killers".

Wonderbread wrote:this could effect [A] more than u think it might

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Postby Cereal » Fri Nov 17, 06 3:38 pm

Imperial wrote:
Cereal_Killer wrote:They'll probably be put on the list for harboring a DX felon.

lol! A serious offence you know!

You got me before my edit, and fugitive is a better word. :cry:

Dae, be careful man. You should probably just go ahead and ban me before they..affect you.
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Postby Alex » Fri Nov 17, 06 4:52 pm

Wonderbread wrote:not going to argu with u i done posted what i needed too.
People can decide for themselves.
Just posted the otherside of the story.

If [A] is the clan i once thought they where when i joined they will ban you.
based on evidence i've provided for them.
If they don't then they can keep you & i'll loose all respect i ever had for this clan.

i hope Dae will make the right choice.

We are still the same [A]. But you are most certainly not the same Wonderbread. I don't like you anymore. I am even starting to hate you for this. Want to know what I think about GODZ? I hate them. (EDIT: Not all members though!)
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Postby Dastardly » Fri Nov 17, 06 5:07 pm

~[A]lex~ wrote:
Wonderbread wrote:not going to argu with u i done posted what i needed too.
People can decide for themselves.
Just posted the otherside of the story.

If [A] is the clan i once thought they where when i joined they will ban you.
based on evidence i've provided for them.
If they don't then they can keep you & i'll loose all respect i ever had for this clan.

i hope Dae will make the right choice.

We are still the same [A]. But you are most certainly not the same Wonderbread. I don't like you anymore. I am even starting to hate you for this. Want to know what I think about GODZ? I hate them. (EDIT: Not all members though!)

Lol... There is no members of GODZ left. NoChanc is left all alone and will probably will sucker Hitman into joining the clan...

Also can an admin remove the "][GODZ][" part from my name, worst mistake I ever made by joining them.

Oh and hi everyone! :wink:
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Postby Snakey » Fri Nov 17, 06 5:22 pm

Also can an admin remove the "][GODZ][" part from my name

A user can change their own username.
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