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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 3:07 pm
by ~SaSQuAtCH~
Why the crying? They will probably modify the engine a lot as they did to unreal engine when creating DX. Don't forget about DirectX 10 either and yea they might change their mind anyway. One more thing: DX is coming out in 3 or 4 years so they have lots of time to make the game awesome. Just be positive.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 3:29 pm
by Tonnochi
XII//:Protocol wrote:
~Psychotic~ wrote:Unreal would've been the way to go. But, in 2009-2010 they may change their mind. It wouldn't be the first time a game has changed it's engine in the middle of production. Ion Storm Dallas done it with Daikatana. I won't be surprised if Eidos Montreal do it too.

Deus Ex 3 is the new Duke Nukem Forever.

"Yeah guys, we're changing engines, don't worry, this will NOT AFFECT THE RELEASE DATE".

"Release date's been pushed back. Have a Christmas card."
"Release date's been pushed back. Have a Christmas card."
"Release date's been pushed back. Have a Christmas card."

Then the website is deleted.

Bring on the pain.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 4:00 pm
by Mr. Tastix
No pain no gain... In all honesty though, I hope they don't change the engine halfway through lol. That's WHY games like Daikatana fucked up.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 5:53 pm
by Mr. Tastix
Fuck you. I'd rather they make a crap one than say they are making one and not go ahead with it. It can't kill the DX community anymore. Besides, DEUS EX SHALL NEVER DIE ONLY IT'S PLAYERS!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 6:17 pm
by Legion
After reading this, I must say most ot those who posted in this topic are fucking pathetic. WHO CARES WHAT ENGINE THEY ARE USING! Tomb Raider was a fairly good game.. Or at least the original, I haven't played the others. My Pimary concern was with their trailer.. Or lack there of. It was anything but impressive.. I mean seriously, how much did it cost them to make that? a penny? I could do better blindfolded. The other concern is how vague they were on the game. It said nothing about dx3... It was just dx themed.. but it wasn't very informative. MultiPlayer and mapping is my big concern. I hope they don't screw up like they did on DXIW. But rather than facing the real concerns, you guys are moping about what fucking engine it's going to be on, or how Might look or sound. I mean good grief.. It's going to take years to finish the game, give the people a break, It's sad when even the creators of this game aren't spared from the drunken rants of this community.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 6:22 pm
by Alex
Legion wrote:After reading this, I must say most ot those who posted in this topic are fucking pathetic. WHO CARES WHAT ENGINE THEY ARE USING! Tomb Raider was a fairly good game.. Or at least the original, I haven't played the others. My Pimary concern was with their trailer.. Or lack there of. It was anything but impressive.. I mean seriously, how much did it cost them to make that? a penny? I could do better blindfolded. The other concern is how vague they were on the game. It said nothing about dx3... It was just dx themed.. but it wasn't very informative. MultiPlayer and mapping is my big concern. I hope they don't screw up like they did on DXIW. But rather than facing the real concerns, you guys are moping about what fucking engine it's going to be on, or how Might look or sound. I mean good grief.. It's going to take years to finish the game, give the people a break, It's sad when even the creators of this game aren't spared from the drunken rants of this community.

Unreal Script. Unreal Editor. Editing Options.
Or even better: MultiPlayer.

Those things, might not be available, because they use that engine.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 6:53 pm
by Kaiden
Indeed, and as [A] are a modding community, we might be quite limited within DX3 community. :roll:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 6:55 pm
by kBo
Then learn a new language and stop whining. Real programmers do it all the time if it needs to be done. ;)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 7:05 pm
by Baleout
WHO CARES WHAT ENGINE THEY ARE USING! Tomb Raider was a fairly good game.. Or at least the original, I haven't played the others.

The other Tomb Raiders are good if you like their sort of gameplay, but Legends was pretty bad.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 7:09 pm
by Alex
kBo wrote:Then learn a new language and stop whining. Real programmers do it all the time if it needs to be done. ;)

No thanks, 9 languages is enough for me at the moment.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 7:14 pm
by Baleout
That is only if they release an SDK anyway.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 8:22 pm
by James
Legion wrote:After reading this, I must say most ot those who posted in this topic are fucking pathetic. WHO CARES WHAT ENGINE THEY ARE USING! Tomb Raider was a fairly good game.. Or at least the original, I haven't played the others. My Pimary concern was with their trailer.. Or lack there of. It was anything but impressive.. I mean seriously, how much did it cost them to make that? a penny? I could do better blindfolded. The other concern is how vague they were on the game. It said nothing about dx3... It was just dx themed.. but it wasn't very informative. MultiPlayer and mapping is my big concern. I hope they don't screw up like they did on DXIW. But rather than facing the real concerns, you guys are moping about what fucking engine it's going to be on, or how Might look or sound. I mean good grief.. It's going to take years to finish the game, give the people a break, It's sad when even the creators of this game aren't spared from the drunken rants of this community.

Limitations of a engine.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 8:40 pm
by Tonnochi
Plus, I want the same in-game language.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 9:53 pm
by Baleout
..? You mean coding language?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 10:17 pm
by Tonnochi
admin set guntherhermann binvincible false, etc.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 10:35 pm
by kBo
That's just the setting of variables, not really a language. Any modern engine will have similar capabilities. Plus, even if they made it with Unreal, the commands probably wouldn't be exactly the same.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 10:48 pm
by clyzm
LOL, they could use the Quake engine for all I care, I'm still going to try it out. 8)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 07 10:53 pm
by Tonnochi
We will ALL try it out.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 5:19 am
by Tonnochi
Looked it up. Tomb Raider: Legends is multiplayer!


PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 8:09 am
by Mr. Tastix
Well, that's the main thing. So fucking-a!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 11:25 am
by James
cataclyzm wrote:At least I don't call it shite because of Invisible War on a console system, buddy. 8)

Someone is abit cranky.

And everyone hates DXIW because it was developed for a console and the changes favored the console version, which didn't work good anyway. :? Anyone can tell you that.

Oh believe me, you will all play it, enjoy it, we may not.

Lets not be too quick, they might be very good at working with this engine, and we still got that talk soon.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 11:38 am
by Mr. Tastix
I like DXIW so shut up about DXIW. This is about DX3 which will pwn. It fucking better... At least I have some faith, even if none of you do.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 11:43 am
by James
I like DXIW's story, not gameplay, the gameplay was spoiled by consoles. That is a fact, universal ammo, limited inventory, multitools and lockpicks are the same thing because some idiot from the office upstairs thinks the thing is too hard for gamers, who think the target audience are still actually in their teens. To be honest, they should of just added the bulky menu. KOTOR and from what I know DX1 console versions weren't afraid to do it.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 2:35 pm
by Tonnochi
WTF teens? You need to be 17 to buy the game -.-

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 2:53 pm
by Mr. Tastix
KotOR had a huge-ass menu. I like it because my fave game developer made it and because it simply is just a good game.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 3:17 pm
by James
[FGS]Zeitgeist wrote:WTF teens? You need to be 17 to buy the game -.-

Yeah, but it doesn't redeem the fact they dumb them down for kids and casual players.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 9:32 pm
by clyzm
I'm trying to have a heated debate here while you ramble on and on about warnings, trying to make me lose track of the topic.

So tell me, what signs are there that DX: IW had? Swapped engines or being on a console? I'd really like to know. ;)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 9:34 pm
by James
Radical development changes, so far.

It has the successor engine used in Snowblind which is also naff too.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 9:39 pm
by clyzm
Well it was a dumb move to not use Unreal Engine 3, but maybe they didn't have rights to the engine or something? Perhaps they were forced to use whatever was available, at this time it was the Tomb Raider one.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 07 9:41 pm
by James
They can easily buy it, if they're producing a AAA game they wouldn't worry about purchasing a license, but they're either promoting Crystal's engine or saving money.

The only positive thing I saw was already discussed, the fact that they have experience in this language but someone pointed out that it won't be hard to learn another, but someone else disagrees.