by MrBlackDX » Mon Sep 12, 11 12:24 pm
Is Namir basically just a head with everything else machine?
Also, Megan is essentially hard to read.
She is potentially anything from caring and compassionate, to manipulative. The best thing about this game is it makes you doubt Megan's actual character. Is she the victim or has she been part of the problem all along...
I think if anything, she is a scientist, who wants to achieve massive things.
At Sarif she was given an opportunity to make a breakthrough step in augmentation, essentially the research on Adam's DNA.
Under Darrow, she was given even more power, and her research was used primarily for the killswitch, but she could branch out into other areas freely.
She could have stockholm syndrome, or she could now not be restricted by morale ambiguity, which would accelerate her research, at the cost of alienating herself from her peers.
The player is left to guess what her objectives are under Page.
Does she know of page's intent? If not, she is given a similar situation under Darrow, free reign to do what she wants, without knowing what it will be utilised for.
If she does know, it's the scientist in her which is pushing for these breakthroughs.
Either way, the player cannot formulate any specific judgement. Until it is specified canon (which it may never be), no one is going to know her true intentions.