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The flickering hud - post here if you got worried

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 3:25 am
by James

03:23 - Surprise!: why is my hud flickering
03:23 - Surprise!: lol
03:24 - ★啊 EN TARO TASSADAR :]]]]]]]] 啊: lol
03:24 - ★啊 EN TARO TASSADAR :]]]]]]]] 啊: its normal m8
03:24 - ★啊 EN TARO TASSADAR :]]]]]]]] 啊: get 2 da tech lab
03:24 - Surprise!: ah
03:24 - Surprise!: its sickness
03:24 - Surprise!: lol
03:24 - Surprise!: i just quit the game
03:24 - Surprise!: to fix it
03:25 - ★啊 EN TARO TASSADAR :]]]]]]]] 啊: LOL

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 3:41 am
by Aidan
Please tell me you were joking.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 3:59 am
by Tonnochi
Yea i stressed out too haha...

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 4:38 am
by James
Aidan wrote:Please tell me you were joking.

Sorry Aidan, I don't normally have a flickering HUD (sign of forced v-sync in many games) because I don't use bad hardware (RAT7)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 5:29 am
by Aidan
I wasn't sure if you were talking about when Jensen's optical augs were being faulty or not, but alright.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 11 4:56 pm
by lfcjake
Hahahaha love it!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 11 12:49 am
by Kaiden
Nope, he said he was experiencing vision augmented problems and that explained itself, although I guess if you missed the line it'd make sense to get confused.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 11 4:50 pm
by Aidan
-and I'm guessing James missed the line.